Strategic Plan of Tallinn University of Technology 2021–2025

Innovative and enterprising university

The mission of Tallinn University of Technology is to be a leading provider of engineering and economic education, a leader in engineering sciences and smart technologies. Being Estonia’s only technological university, it is the most innovative and enterprising university. Tallinn University of Technology is a research university where research, studies, innovation and contribution to society are equally valued, balanced and interconnected.

Our slogan “Mente et manu” reflects the university’s values, attaching equal importance to critical and creative thinking as well as entrepreneurial and practical action, openness, reliability and cooperation.

We want to stand out, to distinguish and be equal to the best technology universities in Europe thanks to our smart solutions for creating a digital and climate-neutral future.

We teach to solve real-world problems

Our graduates are able to solve real-world problems with their evidence-based mindset, practical engineering skills, good self-management and cooperation skills and entrepreneurial spirit. They are ready to take responsibility for the development of the Estonian economy and are in high demand in the international labour market. To this end, we develop studies at Tallinn University of Technology in cooperation with the stakeholders so that our graduates acquire modern, high-quality professional education based on natural and social sciences, embrace the university’s values and the ideas and knowledge of our best researchers reach the economy and society through our alumni. We improve the level and effectiveness of doctoral studies and take into account the needs of Estonian economy in doctoral studies. All our study programmes involve project- and problem-based learning and successful entrepreneurs, managers, and top professionals contribute to students’ education. We implement innovative forms of continuing and lifelong education, based on the needs of the students and the labour market. Alumni and today’s students are our greatest asset and they are welcome back to the university to develop themselves, share their experiences and carry out cooperation.


  • Enterprising graduates contribute to the development of smart and sustainable economy in Estonia.
  • Tallinn University of Technology provides research-based education.
  • Studies are efficient in all cycles of higher education and take into account the needs of economy and society.
  • We increase the revenue base of educational activities.

Applications and teaching are based on high-level research

At Tallinn University of Technology, high-level research is conducted, which serves as the basis for applications, studies and research-intensive innovation.

Our research results are published in high-level scientific publications and the doctoral theses defended at the university are predominantly based on such research. We support sustainable, responsible and high-level research groups that make a significant contribution to teaching and serving society. To this end, we further develop the university’s internal funding model that mitigates the risks of ambitious and enterprising research groups and enhances cooperation between research groups in the university’s strategic research areas. We increase the university’s competitive research funding and assist research groups in applying for funding, in particular in the university’s strategic research areas.

We develop our career system in order to better support capable, enterprising and effective researchers, who contribute to research, studies and serving society. We support outstanding junior researchers to help them quickly gain independence and develop as members of our university family.

Tallinn University of Technology conducts open research and provides open education. Study materials and research results are available to business partners, school students and the public.


  • We raise the quality of research to the level of the leading technology universities in Europe.
  • We increase the share of top researchers in the academic staff.
  • We increase competitive research funding.

We contribute to the economy and society

Tallinn University of Technology is a significant motor of economic development in Estonia. We enhance our international reputation through cooperation with top universities and research-intensive companies in the world. To this end, together with partners from the EuroTech Universities Alliance, we lay a foundation for the Europe’s most influential centre of engineering and economics education.  We pay more attention to creating intellectual property.  We protect intellectual property on behalf of the university when it helps us to apply scientific achievements to create a better society. The university’s spin-off companies are highly regarded internationally. We integrate more closely with and are involved in shaping the European Research Area. We are a leader in creating a climate-neutral digital society; we contribute to the security, health technologies and energy independence of Estonia. We stand for the preservation of the Estonian language and culture, primarily by providing higher education in Estonian, launching spin-off and start-up companies, and developing Estonian as a research language.

Tallinn University of Technology is visible in Estonia and internationally. We encourage the academic staff to communicate with the public, we are able to explain our research results to the general public and arouse interest in science and engineering education.


  • We enhance business cooperation.
  • We contribute to creating and implementing intellectual property. We launch spin-off and start-up companies.
  • We increase the university’s influence and visibility both in Estonia and internationally.

A sustainable and inclusive university

The university practices inclusive, value-based management and management decisions are adopted with an aim of fostering high-level studies and research.

The university family is tight-knit and family-friendly and fosters employees’ personal fulfilment, valuing diversity as the cornerstone of academic freedom and the driving force of breakthrough research and innovation. High academic culture and evidence-based approach to problem solving are a breeding ground for new ideas and a practical mind helps to quickly implement the solutions. We value our university’s history and the members of the university staff who have helped to preserve and develop engineering and technology education in Estonia. We are a bridge between different fields of research and academic generations, and we are able to use the contribution of our alumni for the benefit of the university. The new members of the academic staff from other parts of the world contribute with their international experience, integrating into the Estonian language and cultural space.

The university provides seamless, efficient and cost-effective support services with an aim to support and better integrate high-quality studies, research and innovation. Support services are developed in cooperation with the academic staff, mutually acknowledging each other’s contribution and understanding each other’s expectations. We develop user-oriented support services and implement the once-only principle.

The university’s environments, both physical and virtual, are convenient and sustainable. They attract talented employees and students and facilitate interaction with our former members of the university family, prospective students and entrepreneurs. Tallinn University of Technology is distinguished by its climate smartness and energy efficiency and it is a smart city test centre. The university forms a whole regardless of the location. We continue the activities started within the framework of the TalTechDigital initiative, aiming to make the university one of the smartest campuses.


  • We develop a smart and environmentally friendly university.
  • Our organizational culture values collaboration, involvement, mutual support and embraces a high ethical standard for academic culture.

We will draw up a long-term plan for maintaining the state-of-the-art study and research infrastructure.