Structure of Estonian Maritime Academy (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION)

Responsible department:
Approved by order No 1-24/178 of 3 June 2022 of Director of EMERA
In force from: 01.09.2022

The order is issued based on clause 8 of § 21 of the Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology, clause 3.3 of the Statutes of Estonian Maritime Academy.

1. I approve the structure of Estonian Maritime Academy from 01.10.2023 accordingly:

1.1 Centre of Maritime Education and Training (in Estonian merehariduskeskus);
1.2 Infrastructure Centre (in Estonian taristukeskus);
1.3 Centre of Academic Affairs (in Estonian õppekeskus);
1.4 Research Groups:
1.4.1 Centre for Maritime Cybersecurity (in Estonian merenduse küberjulgeoleku keskus);
1.4.2 Maritime Transport Research Group (in Estonian mereveonduse uurimisrühm);
1.4.3 Green Maritime Technology Research Group (in Estonian rohelise meretehnoloogia uurimisrühm);
1.4.4 Blue Economy and Aquatic Resources Research Group (in Estonian sinimajanduse ja veeressurside uurimisrühm).
1.4.5. Waterways Safety Management Research Group (in Estonian veeteede ohutuse uurimisrühm).

2. I declare the Director’s Order No 1-24/178 of 03.06.2022 “Approval of the structure of the Estonian Maritime Academy” invalid as of 01.10.2023.