Statutes of the Estonian Maritime Academy

Approved by Resolution No. 67 of 20.12.2016 of the Council of Tallinn University of Technology
Amended by Resolution No. 25 of 22.10.2019 of the Senate of Tallinn University of Technology (entry into force 01.11.2019)

1. General provisions

1.1 The Estonian Maritime Academy (hereinafter the Maritime Academy), abbreviated as EMERA, is an academic structural unit of Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter the University).
1.2 The Estonian name of the Maritime Academy is Eesti Mereakadeemia.
1.3 The Maritime Academy operates in accordance with the statutes of the University and its own statutes, the conventions of the International Maritime Organisation, including the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers of 1978 (hereinafter the STCW Convention), as amended, the Maritime Safety Act (hereinafter the MSA), and other legislation.
1.4 The Maritime Academy is the legal successor of the Estonian Maritime Academy (institution of professional higher education).
1.5 The Maritime Academy is located in Tallinn and Kuressaare. Structural units of the Maritime Academy may also be located elsewhere in Estonia. The address or addresses of the units can be found on the quality management system certificate and licence.
1.6 The Maritime Academy shall have its own insignia, seal, and letterhead. The Director shall have a badge of office.
1.7 The right to organise formal and continuing education of the crew members of the Maritime Academy shall be substantiated by a certificate of conformity issued for the quality management system by an independent audit organisation and an activity licence issued by the Estonian Maritime Administration [superseded by Estonian Transport Administration].

2. Purpose and functions

2.1 The Maritime Academy shall operate in the maritime domain, serving the purpose laid down in subsection 2 (1) of the statutes of the University.
2.2 In order to achieve its purpose, the Maritime Academy shall:
2.2.1 perform the functions, in its field of activity, laid down in subsection 2 (2) of the statutes of the University;
2.2.2 carry out teaching, research, and development activities in accordance with the quality management system developed on the basis of the ISO 9001 standard;
2.2.3 provide continuing education services in the maritime domain and issue the corresponding certificates;
2.2.4 cooperate with international organisations, state and local government agencies, employers, professional associations and societies, and educational institutions in Estonia and abroad in order to develop maritime education and ensure maritime safety;
2.2.5 create prerequisites for students to acquire management skills and experience, teach them maritime traditions, and develop in them the habits and personal qualities necessary for maritime service;
2.2.6 promote academic practices;
2.2.7 develop a maritime library and participate in the development of maritime terminology and in the collection of materials on maritime history and the history of maritime education;
2.2.8 transform the Maritime Academy into a centre of excellence for the maritime domain in Estonia;
2.2.9 compile and publish educational and scientific maritime literature;
2.2.10 perform other tasks arising from the statutes of the University, these statutes, and other legislation.

3. Principles of management and structuring

3.1 The Maritime Academy is a school-level academic structural unit and shall operate on the same principles as a school.
3.2 The Maritime Academy shall have all of the rights and obligations of a school and a department, and the Director shall have all of the rights and obligations of a dean and a head of a department, except where otherwise provided in the statutes of the University or in these statutes.
3.3 The principles for the structuring of the Maritime Academy and the operation of its structural units shall be approved by the Director.

4. Council

4.1 The Maritime Academy shall have a Council to serve as the academic decision-making body.
4.2 The Director shall act as Chair of the Council.
4.3 The Council shall be formed and its membership shall be approved on the proposal of the Director by the Rector for up to three years.
4.4 The Council shall include:
4.4.1 the Director;
4.4.2 the Deputy Directors;
4.4.3 the Quality Manager;
4.4.4 four representatives of the academic staff;
4.4.5 three student representatives;
4.4.6 up to three members appointed by the Director.
4.5 The Council shall be convened and its meetings shall be chaired by the Director, who is also Chair of the Council.
4.6 The Council shall have the competence (i.e. powers):
4.6.1 of a school council as laid down in section 19 of the statutes of the University;
4.6.2 to discuss the draft budget of the Maritime Academy;
4.6.3 to make proposals to the University Senate to amend the statutes of the Maritime Academy; [as of 01.11.2019]
4.6.4 to establish the principles for the Council’s work and the procedure for conducting meetings in its rules of procedure;
4.6.5 to perform other functions arising from legislation.

5. Director

5.1 The Maritime Academy shall be headed by a Director. The Director shall be responsible for the Maritime Academy’s overall state, development, and reputation, as well as for the lawful and expedient use of the Maritime Academy’s financial resources, and shall exercise administrative authority within the limits of the Director’s powers.
5.2 The Director shall be appointed by the Rector for a term of up to five years, after hearing the opinion of the Council of the Maritime Academy. The Director must have at least a master’s degree or an equivalent qualification and seagoing service experience as a ship’s officer.
5.3 The Rector shall have the right to remove the Director from office.
5.4 The Director shall give orders within the limits of their powers.
5.5 The Director shall have the competence (i.e. powers):
5.5.1 of a dean as laid down in section 21 of the statutes of the University and of a head of a department as laid down in section 27 of the statutes of the University, and shall be top management within the meaning of the ISO 9001 standard;
5.5.2 to organise teaching, research, and development activities;
5.5.3 to appoint Deputy Directors and act as their immediate superior;
5.5.4 to organise the activities of the Directorate;
5.5.5 to coordinate with the Estonian Maritime Administration [superseded by Estonian Transport Administration] study programmes approved by the University Senate for the formal education of crew members; [as of 01.11.2019]
5.5.6 to approve, in co-ordination with the Estonian Maritime Administration [superseded by Estonian Transport Administration], study programmes for the continuing education of crew members;
5.5.7 to form examination committees for the formal and continuing education of crew members;
5.5.8 to approve documentation on the quality management system of the Maritime Academy and ensure its conformity with the legislation of the University;
5.5.9 to approve the description of the uniform and the insignia for Maritime Academy staff and students who are enrolled in a study programme used for crew member training courses regulated by the MSA;
5.5.10 to adopt resolutions on the awarding of decorations by the Maritime Academy;
5.5.11 to perform other functions arising from legislation.

6. Assets and financing

6.1 The Maritime Academy shall hold and use the University’s assets.
6.2 The Director shall organise and take the measures required for the holding, use, and preservation of these assets.
6.3 A budget shall be prepared, as a part of the University’s budget, for the income and expenses of the Maritime Academy.

7. Reporting, auditing, and supervision

7.1 The Maritime Academy shall report on its activities and its activities shall be audited pursuant to the procedure laid down by law.
7.2 The conformity of the Maritime Academy’s quality management system with the ISO 9001 standard and the STCW Convention shall be checked internally by means of internal audits of the quality management system and reviews by the management.
7.3 External audits of the Maritime Academy’s quality management system shall be performed by independent auditing organisations.
7.4 Supervision over the conformity of formal and continuing education of crew members with the requirements of the MSA and the STCW Convention shall be exercised by the Maritime Administration [superseded by Estonian Transport Administration].

8. Implementing provisions

8.1 Quality management system documentation approved on the basis of the Statutes of the Estonian Maritime Academy of Tallinn University of Technology (approved by Resolution No. 45 of 18.03.2014 of the Council of Tallinn University of Technology, amended by Resolution No. 45 of 03.02.2015) as well as directives and orders related to activity licence No. 444 issued by the Maritime Administration on 25.11.2014 shall be valid until amended by a competent person at the Maritime Academy.