Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology

The Regulation is established on the basis of clause 4 (4) 1) and clause 5 (3) 1) of the Tallinn University of Technology Act.

Chapter 1

§ 1. General provisions

(1) The full name of the university is Tallinna Tehnikaülikool and the short name is TalTech. The name of the university in English is Tallinn University of Technology.

(2) The university is a legal person in public law which operates pursuant to the Tallinn University of Technology Act, the Higher Education Act, the Statutes and other legislation.

(3) The university was founded on 17 September 1918 as an educational institution of higher technical education.

(4) The university is located in Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia. The structural units of the university may be located also elsewhere.

(5) The university has its own seal and insignia. The Rector and the deans have medals of office.

§ 2. Mission and functions

(1) The university’s mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of the society and the growth of the nation’s welfare through international high-level research, education and development and the innovative services based thereon.

(2) In order to fulfil its mission, the university shall:
1) perform the functions laid down in subsections 2 (4) and (5) of the Tallinn University of Technology Act;
2) conduct and develop tuition in compliance with today’s quality requirements on the three levels of higher education and issue the relevant graduation certificates;
3) provide continuing education services and issue the relevant certificates;
4) initiate and carry out basic and applied research and contract research and development;
5) cooperate with other universities and society as a whole by supporting the development of the Estonian society, by creating and expanding integrated instruction and research based opportunities for international cooperation and lifelong learning;
6) foster creation and introduction of research results protected as intellectual property;
7) update the university’s infrastructure by developing real estate,  by upgrading the material base for provision of education and for research as well as by creating modern working and living conditions for its members;
8) inform the public of its activities;
9) develop the library as a university library and a public research library as well as an information centre of Estonian engineering sciences;
10) preserve and explore the history of technology of Estonia and the university;
11) assess and certify the conformity of products and materials and represent Estonia in the relevant international organisations;
12) promote the opportunities for personal development through creative, cultural and sports activities, thereby enhancing the efficiency of studies and research;
13) establish professorships in engineering sciences and ensure that they exercise their responsibilities;
14) perform other functions arising from the Statutes and other legislation.

Chapter 2

§ 3. Management bodies

The management bodies of the university are the Board, the Senate and the Rector.

§ 4. University Board

(1) The University Board is the highest decision-making body of the university which is responsible for guiding the development of the university, making decisions on the development priorities in the long-term interest of the university and ensuring the achievement of its objectives.

(2) The University Board is formed and shall operate in accordance with the Tallinn University of Technology Act and the Statutes.

(3) A member of the University Board must make decisions independently from the person or body who appointed or elected him/her and shall carry out his/her duties in the University Board in good faith and exercise discretion in the best interest of the university as a whole.

(4) Persons invited by the University Board can participate at the meetings of the University Board with the right to speak.

(5) The regulations and resolutions of the University Board shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes of the membership, except in case of matters specified in clauses 4 (4) 1) – 3) of the Tallinn University of Technology Act and clauses  2), 4), 10) and 11) of § 6 of the Statutes which shall be decided by a two-third majority of votes of the membership of the University Board.

§ 5. Election and of members of the university to and their removal from the University Board

(1) The Senate shall elect five members of the University Board by secret ballot in compliance with the Statutes, the Senate’s rules of procedure and the election procedure established by the Senate.

(2) The Rector announces the elections of the members of the new University Board not later than three months before the expiry of the mandate of the incumbent University Board.

(3) A person who does not fill the position of a Rector or Vice-Rector may run as a candidate for the position of a member of the University Board. If a dean or head of department runs as a candidate and is elected, he/she shall resign from the position of a dean or head of department. A member of the University Board appointed by the Senate need not be employed at the university.

(4) Only a candidate supported by at least two members of the Senate can run as a candidate at the election.

(5) In order to get elected, the candidate shall receive a simple majority of the votes cast by the membership of the Senate in any round of voting.

(6) If a position of a member of the University Board remains unfilled at the elections or if a member of the University Board appointed by the Senate fails, for any reason, to fulfil the obligations imposed on the member of the University Board until the end of his/her term of authority, the Rector shall announce new elections to fill the position.

(7) If a member of the University Board is elected or appointed for the position specified in subsection (3) of this section, the Senate shall make a proposal to exclude the person from the membership of the University Board.

(8) The Senate may remove a member of the University Board appointed thereby if at least two thirds of the membership of the Senate vote for it by secret ballot. At least ten members of the Senate or the Rector have the right to make a proposal for removing a member.

§ 6. Competence of the University Board

The University Board:
1) performs the functions laid down in subsection 4 (4) of the Tallinn University of Technology Act;
2) adopts the university’s budgetary strategy;
3) establishes the procedure for the election a Rector;
4) may express no confidence in the Rector and release him/her from office before the expiration of the term of contract, having heard the opinion of the Senate first;
5) approves the academic structure at the level of schools;
6) awards the title of Rector Emeritus;
7) appoints the members of the Audit Committee;
8) organises internal auditing;
9) appoints the auditor;
10) decides on the taking of loans in the name of the university on the proposal of the Rector;
11) decides on the principles for the acquisition, encumbrance with limited real right and transfer of the university’s assets;
12) establishes the principles for awarding sponsorship grants and other financial donations;
13) discusses with the Senate the key issues related to the development of the university at least once a year;
14) has the right to exercise supervision over the university’s activities in the form and to the extent determined by it;
15) elects the Chairman of the University Board from among its members;
16) establishes the University Board’s rules of procedure;
17) performs other functions imposed thereon with legislation or the Statutes.

§ 7. Senate

(1) The Senate is the academic decision-making body of the university, responsible for the teaching, research and development activities of the university, as well as for ensuring high academic quality.

(2) The Senate includes:
1) the Rector, who is the Chairman of the Senate;
2) one academic staff representative from each department (incl. college) and the Estonian Maritime Academy;
3) eight student representatives – two PhD students from different schools and the remaining student representatives from each school and each level of study;
4) the representative of the administrative and support units.

(3) The Rector forms the Senate and approves its membership in compliance with subsection 5 (2) of the Tallinn University  of Technology Act for the term of up to three years.

(4) Academic staff representatives are elected separately at the general meeting of academic staff in each academic unit. The academic staff who are members of the Senate must have at least 0.75 workload at the time of application and at the beginning of each academic year.

(5) The representatives of PhD students to the Senate are elected at the general meeting of the PhD students, while the representatives of other students are elected according to the procedure established by the Student Union. The PhD students who are members of the Senate must hold the position of a PhD student at the university at the beginning of each academic year.

(6) The representative of the support units shall be elected and submitted to the Rector for approval by the heads of the support units.

§ 8. Meeting of the Senate

(1) The Senate holds regular and extraordinary meetings. Regular meetings shall be called by the Chairman of the Senate in accordance with the work schedule approved by the Senate. At least six regular meetings shall be held in an academic year. An extraordinary meeting shall be called by the Chairman of the Senate or by at least one third of the members of the Senate in order to take decisions on the issues raised by the latter.

(2) The members of the University Board and Rector’s Office, the person designated by the Board of Alumni Association of Tallinn University of Technology and the persons designated or invited by the Rector can participate at the meetings of the Senate with the right to speak.

(3) The regulations and resolutions of the Senate shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes of the membership, except in case of matters specified in clause 5 (3) 2) of the Tallinn University of Technology Act and clause  4) of § 9 of the Statutes which shall be decided by a two-third majority of votes of the membership of the Senate.

(4) The Chairman of the Senate has the right to suspend a Senate’s debate and to refer a matter to the Senate’s committees for further processing or to exclude a draft act from the proceeding.

§ 9. Competence of the Senate

The Senate:
1) performs the functions laid down in subsection 5 (3) of the Tallinn University of Technology Act;
2) submits to the University Board the university’s draft statutes, strategic plan, and budgetary strategy;
3) discusses the university’s budget before the Rector presents it to the University Board;
4) has the right, within a period of one month, impose a veto on the Rector elected and the Statutes adopted by the University Board;
5) has the right to submit to the University Board a proposal or opinion concerning the release from office of the Rector before the expiry of the term of the contract;
6) approves the research and development directions of the university based on the Strategic Plan;
7) decides on the opening, amendment and closing of study programmes and approves the study programmes (incl. the language of instruction);
8) decides on the opening of a joint study programme, approves the conclusion of a joint study programme cooperation contract and approves the joint study programme;
9) establishes the requirements for admission to higher education courses, has the right to set the maximum limit to the number of students admitted to a study programme or group the students in compliance with subsections 13 (2) and (3) of the Higher Education Act;
10) determines the study programmes laid down in subsection 14 (4) of the  Higher Education Act;
11) performs the functions of the research council arising from the Organisation of Research and Development Act, unless otherwise provided by any other legislation;
12) submits the academic structure of the university at the level of schools to the University Board for approval;
13) approves the academic structure at the level of departments;
14) discusses the action plans of the university and hears their implementation reports;
15) establishes the procedure for filling the academic staff positions and the procedure for the election of persons to decision-making bodies;
16) establishes the principles of academic ethics and the statutes of the Academic Ethics Committee;
17) establishes the methods for recognising the persons who have rendered services to the university and for noting the services;
18) approves the university’s insignia;
19) has the right to award the titles of Professor Emeritus and Associate Professor Emeritus;
20) grants the titles of honorary doctor and honorary member;
21) establishes the Senate’s rules of procedure;
22) discusses and adopts positions in the matters raised by the University Board, the Rector or the Senate;
23) has the right to establish standing and ad hoc committees to prepare matters placed within the Senate’s competence;
24) performs other functions imposed thereon with legislation or the Statutes.

§ 10. Rector

The Rector directs the everyday activities of the university, represents the university in relations with other persons and is responsible for the lawful and expedient use of financial and other resources.

§ 11. Competence of the Rector

The Rector:
1) ensures everyday general management of the university and efficient organisation of teaching, research and development activities;
2) has the right to impose a single veto on a regulation or resolution of the Senate;
3) ensures that the draft statutes, strategic plan, budgetary strategy, financial plan and budget are drawn;
4) ensures the implementation of the university’s budget and submits a report thereon to the University Board and the Senate;
5) reports to the University Board and the Senate according to their competence;
6) reports regularly to the University Board on the development of the university, execution of the budget and significant performance indicators;
7) approves the implementation plan of the university’s Strategic Plan along with the action plans of the schools;
8) appoints the Vice-Rectors and the Director for Administration;
9) appoints and removes from office the heads of structural units (except the heads of departments and directors of colleges);
10) is the immediate superior of the deans;
11) establishes the work procedure rules of the university;
12) establishes the statutes of the support units;
13) appoints a substitute for the period of his/her absence who has all the rights and obligations of the Rector, excluding the right specified in this clause;
14) establishes the prices or the basis for determining the prices of services provided by the university;
15) decides on participation of the university in legal persons in private law;
16) decides on other issues placed within his/her competence by the University Board or the Senate or assigned by law or the Statutes.

§ 12. Election of the Rector

(1) The University Board  shall elect the Rector for the term of up to five years and for the maximum of two consecutive terms of office pursuant to the Tallinn University of Technology Act, the Statutes and the procedure for the election of the Rector.

(2) The election of the Rector shall be organised by the election committee established by the University Board.

(3) Anyone can nominate Rector candidates.

(4) Only a candidate supported by at least one member of the University Board can run as a candidate at the election.

(5) Rector candidates shall be provided the opportunity to introduce their positions to the membership of the university.

(6) The Senate shall present its position concerning the Rector candidates in the form prescribed by the University Board.

(7) The Rector assumes office by taking an oath of office at the extended meeting of the University Board and the Senate. The text of the oath of office shall be approved by the University Board.

§ 13. Rector’s Office

(1) The Rector’s Office is composed of the Rector, area directors and deans.

(2) A Vice-Rector or the Director for Administration as an area director:
1) directs and is responsible for the area of activity designated by the Rector and for the state and development of the  structural units subordinate to him/her;
2) has the right to issue general orders in the area specified by the Rector;
3) executes the orders and instructions of the Rector;
4) represents the university in relations with third persons within the limit of authority granted by the Rector.

(3) The Rector appoints Vice-Rectors to office for the term of his/her authority. The performance of duties in the previous position of a university’s employee who is appointed Vice-Rector is suspended at his/her request for the duration of his/her term of office as Vice-Rector and, upon termination of his/her authority, the Vice-Rector retains the right to return to the previously held position. If a person held previously the position of Professor or Associate Professor, the term of office as Vice-Rector shall be deemed to be equivalent to the term of office as Professor or Associate Professor.

(4) The Rector shall establish the bases and the procedure for the activities of the Rector’s Office.

§ 14. Academic Ethics Committee

(1) The Academic Ethics Committee resolves internal disputes between the members of the university based on the principles of academic ethics, assesses the compliance of research projects with ethics requirements  and discusses other matters related to academic ethics.

(2) The academic staff elect the members of the Committee for a term of three years in compliance with the procedure established by the Senate. A member of the Academic Ethics Committee shall not simultaneously hold office as a member of the University Board, the Senate or the Rector’s Office.

Chapter 3

§ 15. Structure and principles of management of structural units

(1) The structure of the university is divided into academic and administrative and support structure (referred to in the text of the Statutes as ‘support structure’).

(2) The academic structure is composed of:
1) the schools and the Estonian Maritime Academy constituting structural units at the level of schools;
2) the departments and colleges in the composition of schools constituting structural units at the level of departments (referred collectively in the text of the Statutes as ‘department’).

(3) The Estonian Maritime Academy operates on the same basis as a school; it has all the rights and obligations of a school and a department, and its director has all the rights and obligations of a dean and a head of a department unless specified otherwise in this Statutes or Statutes of the Estonian Maritime Academy.

(4) The schools and departments shall operate in compliance with this Statutes. The Estonian Maritime Academy shall operate pursuant to this Statutes and the Statutes of the Estonian Maritime Academy approved by the Senate. If necessary, the Senate may establish statutes for other academic units and the Rector may establish statutes for support units. Upon approval of the statutes of an academic unit, the Senate may establish provisions that differ from this section of the Statutes.

(5) Schools and departments have a council, who is an academic decision-making body. A support unit may have an advisory body.

(6) Student representatives shall be elected to the decision-making bodies in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Student Union unless specified otherwise in the Statutes.

(7) The person,  authority or decision-making body who appointed its member has the right to remove the member and appoint a new member to replace him/her.

(8) The decisions of a decision-making body shall be adopted by the simple majority of votes of the membership unless a higher majority requirement is prescribed by legislation. The minutes of a meeting shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting.

(9) A structural unit has its own budget, which is part of the university’s budget.

§ 16. School

(1) A school is an academic unit composed of departments engaged in teaching, research and development in similar scientific disciplines. The Estonian Maritime Academy is a structural unit engaged in teaching, research and development in the maritime domain.

(2) The university is composed of the following schools:
1) the School of Information Technologies;
2) the School of Engineering;
3) the School of Science;
4) the School of Business and Governance.

(3) A school organises studies in compliance with the study programmes and coordinates teaching, research and development and performs other functions of the university in the schools’ area of activity.

§ 17. School council

(1) A school council is an academic decision-making body of the school.

(2) A school council shall be chaired by a dean.

(3) A school council shall include:
1) the dean;
2) the heads of the structural units of the school;
3) the representatives of the academic staff;
4) the representatives of students;
5) up to three members appointed by the dean from outside the university.

(4) The Rector forms and approves the membership of a school council on the proposal of the dean for a term of up to three years.

(5) One  representative of academic staff from each department and a total of three students, including at least one PhD student, shall be elected to the school council.

§ 18. Meeting of a school council

(1) The chairman calls and chairs the meetings of a school council. Meetings shall be held when necessary, but not less frequently than twice a semester. A meeting shall  also be called should at least fifty per cent of the members of the school council so request.

(2) Persons invited by the dean can participate at the meetings with the right to speak.

§ 19. Competence of a school council

A school council:
1) discusses and decides on the matters related to teaching, research and development at the level of the school;
2) monitors the implementation of the established  quality assurance principles in teaching and research at the school;
3) adopts the action plan of the school aligned with the Strategic Plan of the university along with the action plans of its constituent departments and submits it to the Rector for approval as part of the implementation plan;
4) approves the draft budget of the departments and the dean’s office of the school;
5) hears at least once a year the dean’s report on and provides an assessment of the implementation of the school’s action plan and execution of the budget;
6) makes proposals to the Senate concerning the school’s structure;
7) approves the draft study programmes of the school and submits them to the Senate for approval;
8) has the right to impose a veto on the dean appointed by the Rector within one month of his/her appointment, after which the person cannot be appointed dean this time. When a veto is imposed, the school council shall provide the reasons for the veto to the Rector. A veto is valid if 2/3 of the school council members have voted for it;
9) has the right to submit questions and proposals to the Senate or a Senate’s committee for discussion or consideration in forming a position;
10) submits opinions on university-wide draft legislation as necessary;
11) performs other functions arising from legislation.

§ 20. Dean

(1) A school is directed by the dean. The dean is responsible for the overall state, development, reputation of the school and for the lawful and expedient use of the financial resources and exercises administrative authority within his or her competence.

(2) The Rector, after having considered the opinion of the school council, appoints a dean for a term of up to five years, providing the reasons for the selection to the school council. A dean must have a PhD degree or an equivalent qualification. The performance of duties in the previous position of a university’s employee who is appointed dean is suspended at his/her request for the period of his/her term of office as dean and, upon termination of his/her authority, the dean retains the right to return to the previously held position. If a person held previously an academic position, the term of office as dean shall be deemed to be equivalent to the term of office in the academic position.

(3) A dean can be appointed for a maximum of ten consecutive years.

(4) The Rector has the right to remove a dean from office.

§ 21. Dean’s competence

A dean:
1) organises performance of the functions laid down in clauses 2 (2) 1)-8) of the Statutes at the school;
2) coordinates the activities of the departments of the school and is an immediate superior of the head of a department;
3) makes sure that an action plan of the School is prepared and organises its implementation;
4) coordinates management of degree level programmes in the school, makes proposals for appointment of programme directors and is their immediate superior;
5) makes sure that the study programmes are updated regularly in cooperation with the programme advisory boards and programme directors;
6) opens up new lines of research in cooperation with the Rector’s Office and the departments;
7) represents the university in relations with third persons within the limit of authority granted by the Rector;
8) organises the activity of the dean’s office;
9) decides matters related to studies of students;
10) resolves disputes related to studies, research and development in the school;
11) prepares the draft budget of the school and approves the draft budget of the departments and approves the budgets of the dean’s office and the departments after the university’s budget has been approved by the University Board;
12) executes the orders and instructions of the Rector and area directors issued within the limits of their competence;
13) appoints the vice-dean(s);
14) is responsible for the implementation of legislation at the school;
15) performs other functions arising from legislation.

§ 22. Department

(1) A department is a central academic and administrative structural unit of a school, which is engaged in teaching, research and development and which unites research groups with similar profiles. A college is a regional or sectoral academic unit, which is primarily engaged in teaching.

(2) A department organises research and development, conducts teaching and performs other functions of the university in the department’s field of activity.

§ 23. Department council

(1) A department council is an academic decision-making body of the department.

(2) A department council shall be chaired by the head of the department.

(3) A department council shall include:
1) the head of the department;
2) full professors and associate professors;
3) the representative of PhD students;
4) the representatives of the department staff.

(4) The dean forms and approves the membership of the department council for a term of up to three years.

(5) The representative of PhD students shall be elected at the general meeting of the PhD students of the department.

(6) One representative per twenty employees of the department shall be elected to the department council. The persons listed in clause (2) 1)to 3) of this section are not included in the calculation of the representatives of the employees and shall not participate in the elections.

(7) The head of the department has the right to appoint additional members of the council, provided that their total number does not exceed 10% of the council’s composition.

§ 24. Meeting of the department council

(1) The chairman calls and chairs the meetings of a department council. Meetings shall be held when necessary, but not less frequently than once a semester. A meeting shall also be called should at least fifty per cent of the members of the department council so request.

(2) Persons designated by the head of the department can participate at the meetings with the right to speak.

§ 25. Competence of the department council

A department council:
1) discusses the department’s strategic development issues;
2) discusses the matters regarding the department’s membership and budget;
3) submits the department’s draft action plan to the dean;
4) hears at least once a year the head’s report on and provides an assessment of the implementation of the school’s action plan and execution of the budget;
5) makes proposals to the head of the department, the dean and the Rector’s Office concerning the school and the department;
6) discusses other matters raised by the head of the department or the department council;
7) has the right to impose a veto on the head of department appointed by the dean within one month of his/her appointment, after which the person cannot be appointed head of department this time. When a veto is imposed, the department council shall provide the reasons for the veto to the dean. A veto is valid if 2/3 of the members of the department council have voted for it;
8) has the right to submit questions and proposals to the department council for discussion or consideration in forming a position;
9) performs other functions arising from legislation.

§ 26. Head of department

(1) A department is led by its head, who is responsible for the overall state, development, reputation and for the lawful and expedient use of its financial resources and exercises administrative authority within his/her area of competence.

(2) The dean shall appoint the head of a department for a term of up to five years after having heard the opinion of the department council. The dean shall provide the reasons for the selection to the department council. A head of a department must have a PhD degree or an equivalent qualification unless otherwise decided by the department council.

(3) A head of department can be appointed for a maximum of ten consecutive years.

(4) The dean has the right remove a head of a department from office.

§ 27. Competence of the head of department

The head of department:
1) organises performance of the functions laid down in clauses 2 (2) 1)-8) of the Statutes at the school;
2) organises studies at the department in compliance with the dean’s instructions;
3) organises research and development activities of the department;
4) establishes the internal structure and work procedure of the department;
5) represents the university in relations with third persons within the limit of authority granted by the Rector;
6) makes sure that an action plan of the department is prepared and organises its implementation;
7) prepares the draft budget of the department and submits it to the dean;
8) executes the orders and instructions of the dean, the Rector and area directors issued within the limits of their competence;
9) is responsible for compliance with legislation at the department;
10) performs other functions arising from legislation.

Chapter 4

§ 28. Membership

(1) The university’s membership is composed of:
1) the students of the university;
2) the employees of the university;
3) the members of the University Board and the Senate and the Rector;
4) professors emeriti and associate professors emeriti;
5) honorary doctors;
6) honorary members and rectors emeriti;
7) other persons by a decision of the Senate.

(2) The rights and obligations of the members of the university shall be laid down in the legislation of the university.

(3) The university fosters the activities of the alumni association and involves the alumni in the achievement of the goals of the university. The methods for involving the alumni and the rights and obligations of the alumni shall be laid down in the legislation of the university.

§ 29. Statutes of the Student Body

The basis for the operation of the student body shall be laid down in the statutes of the student body adopted by the Student Union and approved by the Senate. The statutes of the student body shall be adopted by a two-third majority of votes of the Student Union.

§ 30. Academic positions

(1) The university’s academic positions are divided into tenured positions and other academic positions.

(2) Tenure means a permanent academic status of a professor. The ranks of a tenured position are Associate Professor and Full Professor.

(3)  The university shall attest a person filling an academic position at least once in every five working years.

(4) The procedure for filling academic positions shall be laid down in the legislation of the university.

§ 31. Honorary Member and Rector Emeritus/Emerita

(1) The Senate awards the title of Honorary Member on the proposal of the Rector in recognition of a person’s great services in contributing to the objectives specified in the Statutes of the university. The Rector may prescribe remuneration for an honorary member.

(2) The University Board may award the title of Rector Emeritus/Emerita to a retiring person who has worked at the university as a Rector for at least five years. The University Board may prescribe remuneration or any other benefits to a Rector Emeritus/Emerita.

Chapter 5

§ 32. Assets

(1) The assets of the university shall be used for the attainment of the university’s mission.

(2) The bodies of the university and its structural units possess the assets in compliance with the procedure laid down in the Statutes, rules of procedure and other legislation.

(3) The head of the structural unit shall arrange and take the necessary measures required for the possession, use and preservation of the assets.

§ 33. Transactions in assets

(1) The university shall acquire and transfer assets pursuant to the procedure laid down in the Statutes.

(2) Movable property is acquired on the decision of the Rector, area director or head of a structural unit within the limit of the funds at their disposal and within the limit of the authorisation granted by the Rector.

(3) The decisions regarding the transfer of movable property rest with the Rector or a person appointed by the Rector who must adhere to the procedure established by the Rector.

(4) The Rector shall, with the approval of the University Board, decide on the main terms and conditions of acquisition and transfer of immovable property and of establishing a right of superficies. The Rector decides on conclusion of other immovable property transactions.

(5) The university may grant the use of assets to another person for a specified or unspecified term if deemed necessary to fulfil the university’s mission.

(6) The right to grant the use of assets to another person rests with the Rector or the person appointed by the Rector who must adhere to the procedure established by the Rector.

§ 34. Reporting and auditing

(1) The university shall report on its activities to the extent and pursuant to the procedure laid down by law or on the basis thereof.

(2) The activities of the university shall be audited pursuant to the procedure laid down by law and the Statutes.

Chapter 6

§ 35. Implementation of the Regulation

(1) The current composition of the Senate will continue to function until expiry of their term of authority on 31 August 2025.

(2) The current compositions of the school and department councils will continue to function until expiry of their term of authority, but not longer than the date specified in the preceding paragraph.

(3) The incumbent deans and heads of departments will continue to function until expiry of their term of authority, but not longer than until 31 December 2026.

(4) The provisions laid down in subsection 20 (2) of the Statutes regarding the appointment and term of office of a dean shall be applied upon the appointment of the subsequent deans; the restriction specified in subsection (3) shall be applied to an incumbent dean starting from his/her next appointment as dean.

(5) The provisions laid down in subsection 26 (2) of the Statutes regarding the appointment and term of office of a head of department shall be applied upon the appointment of the subsequent heads; the restriction specified in subsection (3) shall be applied to an incumbent head of department starting from his/her next appointment as head of department.

(6) The Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology (established by Regulation No 1 of 17 May 2019 of the Board of Governors , approved by Resolution No 5 of 23 August 2019 of the Board of Governors , amended by Regulation No 1 of 21 May 2021, Regulation No 3 of 17 September 2021 and Regulation No 2 of 6 June 2022 of the University Board) is repealed.

§ 36. Entry into force of the Regulation

The Regulation will enter into force on 1 July 2024.