Based on clause 1 of § 11 of the Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology, the Strategic Plan of Tallinn University of Technology 2021–2025, Implementation of the Strategic Plan of Tallinn University of Technology 2021– 2025 approved by the Rector’s directive No 26 of 30.06.2021 and clauses 1.3.3 and 7 of the Rules for the Management and Use of the Grant Fund, Teaching and Learning Development Fund, Real Estate Fund, IT Development Fund and the Fund of the Implementation Plan of the Strategic Plan,
1. I have approved the funding of the development projects (hereinafter referred to as “project”) of the implementation plan of the Strategic Plan 2021–2025 (hereinafter referred to as “implementation plan”) as laid down in Annex 1.[entry into force 17.07.2024]
2. The costs incurred under the projects should be consistent with the project goals and the proposed budget.
3. Any funding not used in the project shall be returned to the fund for the projects of the implementation plan.
4. Project funding is paid annually, provided that the project is carried out as intended.
5. All projects undergo an annual interim evaluation during the funding period, where follow-on funding of the project is decided.
6. According to the Implementation of the Strategic Plan of Tallinn University of Technology 2021– 2025 approved by Rector’s directive No 26 of 30.06.2021 and clause 7.6 of the Rules for the Management and Use of the Grant Fund, Teaching and Learning Development Fund, Real Estate Fund, IT Development Fund and the Fund of the Implementation Plan of the Strategic Plan, the head of the structural unit is obliged to inform the Rectorate Strategy Office about significant factors that hinder the achievement of project objectives and its success or adherence to the schedule.
7. The Rectorate Strategy Office publishes all relevant information on the funding of projects on the intranet and provides explanations and guidance on project funding.