General internship guidelines of the School of Information Technologies

Responsible department:
Annex 2
Approved by Dean’s order No 240 of 29.09.2024

The guidelines may be specified on the basis of each specific study programme and the content of the internship course.

1. Workload According to the workload indicated in the study programme (as a rule, 1 ECTS credit corresponds to 26 hours of work).
2. Form of assessment Pass/fail assessment
3. Assessment criteria An internship is assessed on the basis of an internship report and according to the requirements set for the report.
4. Objectives of an internship The objectives of an internship are:
4.1 to link theory to practice through real work experience in order to embed and enhance learning and to achieve the learning outcomes of the study programme;
4.2 to support and supplement the existing specialist skills and to create opportunities for learning new skills;
4.3 to introduce the company’s/organisation’s daily work, work procedures, internal rules, quality and occupational safety aspects;
4.4 to support the development of work habits, social attitudes and values, including the ability to work independently and in a team;
4.5 to provide material for writing projects, research papers and theses.
5. Student’s obligations related to an internship A student shall:
5.1 introduce the internship requirements to the internship supervisor at the host organisation;
5.2 adhere to the deadlines related to the commencement of an internship, fulfilment of internship tasks, submission and defence of an internship report;
5.3 inform the internship supervisor at the host organisation and the internship coordinator about problems encountered during internship;
5.4 execute conscientiously and properly the orders of the internship supervisor at the host organisation, as well as other persons authorised to supervise the work, and be responsible for the results of his/her activity equally with the permanent staff;
5.5 protect the internship provider’s business and professional secrets as well as good reputation.
6. General learning outcomes of an internship A student who has passed an internship:
6.1 has experience in applying the knowledge acquired during studies to real-world work situations;
6.2 is able to choose and apply appropriate methods to solve tasks, and if necessary, is able to find additional information in relation to the task at hand;
6.3 is able to collect and interpret specialised information;
6.4 can explain and argue for the choices and decisions made;
6.5 is able to document and analyse the activities carried out and experience gained during internship.
7. Organisation and assessment of an internship The general rules governing organisation of an internship are set out in the Academic Policies.
7.1 As a rule, a student shall find the host organisation by himself/herself; if necessary the internship coordinator shall provide help.
7.2 The internship workload in credit points shall be determined in the study programme.
7.3 The internship tasks shall support the achievement of the learning outcomes set for the internship. For additional information the internship coordinator of the speciality should be contacted.
7.4 For assessment of an internship, the student shall submit to the internship coordinator an application in the study information system ÕIS in the appropriate form, the signed evaluation form of the supervisor at the host organisation, an internship report and/or other documents necessary to prove that an internship has been completed.
7.5 When internship defence is required in the study programme, it shall, as a rule, be conducted in the form of a public seminar. The student shall defend his/her internship report to get the assessment. The dates of internship defence shall be made available to students on the website of the School of Information Technologies or using other appropriate media.
8. Internship report An internship report is an analytical summary of the intern’s activities at the host organisation and his/her own development. It is recommended:
8.1 to structure the report according to the guidelines set out in clause 9;
8.2 to compile the report according to formatting requirements and guidelines set for final theses (an abstract and the author’s declaration are not required).
9. Recommended structure of an internship report An internship report should be broadly based on the following points:
9.1 purpose of the internship, initial expectations for the internship;
9.2 description of the host organisation: the field of activity, main products and services, structure, number of employees, positioning on the market, etc.;
9.3 description of the internship position: description of the structure/team, in which the internship was completed, description of the intern’s role;
9.4 overview of the organisation of work and work environment, including description of the resources, tools and methods used or other relevant information;
9.5 overview of the course of the internship: description of the tasks, solutions and outcomes;
9.6 assessment of assignment performance and new knowledge and skills acquired;
9.7 assessment of applicability of the knowledge/skills acquired in the course of studies in practice;
9.8 assessment of the suitability of the selected host organisation for fulfilling the objectives of the internship course and assessment of cooperation with the supervisor;
9.9 summary of the internship progress and results.
10. Internship contract 10.1 If necessary or at the request of the host organisation, a trilateral contract for performance of internship may be entered into between the intern, the host organisation and the university’s representative.
10.2 The form of a contract entered into between an intern and the host organisation shall be decided by the host organisation.
10.3 A decision concerning remuneration to be paid to an intern shall be made by the host organisation.