The olympiads, competitions and elective courses that the university takes into account upon admission to the university under special conditions

Established by order No 192 of 30 November 2023 of the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs
Amended by order No 21 of 16 January 2024 of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Amended by order No 41 of 6 February 2024 of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

In force from: 06.02.2024

The olympiads, competitions and elective courses that the university takes into account upon admission to the university under special conditions

Based on subsection 8 (2) of the Admission Requirements established by Regulation No 1 of 15 February 2022 of the Senate of Tallinn University of Technology, I hereby approve the following the Estonian national subject olympiads, competitions and elective courses that TalTech takes into account upon admission under special conditions:

1. Estonian national subject olympiads
1.1 History Olympiad
1.2 Biology Olympiad
1.3 Geography Olympiad
1.4 Physics Olympiad
1.5 Informatics Olympiad
1.6 Chemistry Olympiad
1.7 Linguistics Olympiad
1.8 Earth Science Olympiad
1.9 Economics Olympiad
1.10 Mathematics Olympiad
1.11 TalTech School Mathematics Olympiad
1.12 Social Studies Olympiad
1.13 Open Astronomy Competition
1.14 Open Physics Competition
1.15 Open Chemistry Competition
1.16 Open Mathematics Competition
1.17 TalTech Economics Competition for High School Students
1.18  Physics competition “Kajakas”
1.19 TalTech Technology Olympiad

2. International competitions
2.1 Baltic Geography Olympiad (Baltic IGeo)
2.2 Baltic Chemistry Competition (BChC)
2.3 Baltic Olympiad in Informatics (BOI)
2.4 European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics (EGOI)
2.5 European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO)
2.6 European Physics Olympiad (EuPhO)
2.7 European Geography Olympiad
2.8 European Union Contest for Young Scientists
2.9 European Student Startup Competition
2.10 Mathematics competition Baltic Way
2.11 Nordic-Baltic Physics Olympiad (NBPhO)
2.12 International History Olympiad (IHO)
2.13 International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA)
2.14 International Biology Olympiad (IBO)
2.15 International Philosophy Olympiad (IPO)
2.16 International Physics Olympiad (IPhO)
2.17 International Geography Olympiad (iGeO)
2.18 International  Olympiad in Informatics (IOI)
2.19 International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO)
2.20 International Environmental Project Olympiad (INEPO)
2.21 International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL)
2.22 International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO)
2.23 International Economics Olympiad (IEO)
2.24 International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)
2.25 International online physics competition “Physics Cup”

3. Estonian competitions
3.1 has, as an upper secondary school pupil, won the 1st – 3rd place in the TV show “Rakett 69”
3.2 has, in the last two years before the admission, won the 1st – 3rd place in the junior or senior age group in the “Kübernaaskel” (“CyberSpike”) competition
3.3 has won the 1st – 5th place in the final round of the engineering competition “Enignaator” in 2023, or has, in the last two years preceding the admission, won the 1st place in the final round of one of the fields of the competition; [entry into force 06.02.2024]
3.4 has, in the year of admission, won the 1st – 15th place in TalTech’s competition “Labürindijooks” (“Labyrinth rally”); [entry into force 16.01.2024]
3.5 has, in the last three years preceding the admission, won the 1st place in the engineering competition “Vesinikuvõistlus”. Admission under this special condition takes place only in the study programmes of the School of Engineering and the School of Science. [entry into force 06.02.2024]

4. Up to 15 best graduates of the 3-year elective course Digital Product Development / Digital Product Design ( are admitted to the bachelor’s study programmes of the School of Information Technologies under special conditions.

5. I hereby repeal order No 1-9/78 of 21.06.2022 “Olympiads and competitions that the university takes into account upon admission under special conditions”.