Rules of Procedure of the Bodies of Student Body

1. General provisions

1.1. These rules of procedure have been established on the basis of the Student Body of Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter “Student Body”) and stipulate the following:
1.1.1. the work organisation of the bodies of Student Body;
1.1.2. the work organisation of the committees of Student Union;
1.1.3. the procedure for electing the management board of Student Body (hereinafter “management board”);
1.1.4. the procedure for electing the chairperson of Student Union (hereinafter “chairperson”);
1.1.5. the procedure for electing student representatives to the decision-making bodies;
1.1.6. the procedure for removal of the bodies or persons to be elected and the reporting principles;
1.1.7. the duties and the rules of procedure of audit committee.

2. Work schedule of Student Union

2.1. The work schedule of Student Union establishes the dates and initial agendas of the meetings of Student Union. The work schedule of Student Union is prepared for the academic year.
2.2. The chairperson prepares a draft work schedule in cooperation with the management board, which is then submitted to Student Union for approval no later than within the first month of the academic year.
2.3. The bodies of Student Body independently approve their work schedules.
2.4. The work schedule can be amended by a decision adopted by the corresponding body.

3. Meeting of the bodies of Student Body

3.1. The work format of the bodies of Student Body includes ordinary and extraordinary meetings.
3.2. An extraordinary meeting means an unscheduled meeting of the body of Student Body.
3.3. A written application for calling an extraordinary meeting should include:
3.3.1. the reason for calling the meeting;
3.3.2. the names and signatures of persons who have requested the meeting;
3.3.3. the date of application;
3.3.4. the agenda.
3.4. Calling the meeting of the body of Student Body
3.4.1. The chairperson of each body prepares the meeting agenda, organises and calls the meeting and solves any other issues related to the body’s work and the conduct of meetings. The materials of the meeting of Student Union are prepared by the chairperson.
3.4.2. The person who calls the meeting communicates the time, place, and agenda of the meeting, as well as the place to review the meeting materials to the members of Student Union and other bodies of Student Body by email no later than within five working days before the meeting.
3.4.3. The time, place, agenda of an extraordinary meeting, as well as the place to review the meeting materials are communicated to the members of the bodies of Student Body by the person who calls the meeting no later than within three working days before the meeting.
3.4.4. The invitation to the meeting is considered to have been delivered on the member of the body once it has been sent to the email address forwarded by the member.
3.4.5. From the moment of obtaining the powers of the member of the body of Student Body, all such members are obligated to provide the management board and the chairperson with a valid email address no later than within two working days and notify the management board about any changes in the corresponding email address.
3.4.6. The materials of the meeting of Student Union are available in the administration system of the documents of Student Union no later than by the date of sending the invitation to the meeting. The materials of another body’s meeting are forwarded by the chairperson of the corresponding body by means of an invitation to the meeting or their review is arranged by the same chairperson in another way.
3.4.7. In case of a fundamental breach of the procedure for calling a meeting, the meeting of the body does not have the right to adopt decisions, except if all members of the body are present at the meeting.
3.5. Carrying out the meeting of the body of Student Body
3.5.1. The meeting of Student Union is chaired by the chairperson, the chairperson of management board or a person approved by Student Union. The meetings of other bodies are chaired by the chairperson of the corresponding body or a substitute appointed by this chairperson.
3.5.2. The meeting of the body of Student Body begins with the announcement of the chairperson of meeting and ends with the decision of the chairperson of meeting in case of having completed the review of the agenda, loss of quorum or in any other event established in the legislation.
3.5.3. It is not allowed to end the meeting before completing the ongoing procedure.
3.5.4. The chairperson of meeting ensures order in the meeting room. A person who has violated the order of meeting is warned. Upon making a second warning, the person who has violated the order is obligated to leave the meeting room.
3.5.5. If the behaviour of the chairperson of the body’s meeting during chairing the meeting is controversial, or the chairperson prevents or delays the proceeding of the agenda, the corresponding body may elect a new chairperson of meeting by a 2/3 majority vote.
3.5.6. During a meeting or a discussion of an item on the agenda that has been declared to be closed, only the members of the corresponding body and the persons authorised by the relevant body may be present in the meeting room. The relevant right is indicated in a decision recorded in the minutes.
3.5.7. The ordinary meetings of the body of Student Body take place in Tallinn, unless previously otherwise decided by the corresponding body. The extraordinary meetings take place only in Tallinn. All members of Student Body should be provided with free access to the meetings of Student Union, if possible. The members of Student Union also have the right to participate in the meeting of Student Union by electronic means (for example, through Skype or any other channel agreed with the management board of Student Body and the chairperson thereof). The request for electronic participation should be sent to the secretary of Student Union no later than the day preceding the meeting.
3.5.8. If it occurs at the beginning of the meeting of the body or at the moment of verifying quorum that there is no quorum required for having the meeting, the chairperson of meeting announces up to a fifteen-minute break. If quorum has not been restored by the end of break, the chairperson of meeting calls off the meeting or ends the meeting due to failure to have a quorum.
3.5.9. If the meeting of the body of Student Body does not have a quorum, the chairperson of the corresponding body or the chairperson of Student Union decides on calling the meeting with the same agenda no later than within three working days of the cancelled meeting.
3.5.10. The chairperson of meeting is responsible for monitoring the quorum. The secretary of meeting keeps the records of the persons attending and leaving the meeting. The chairperson of meeting has the right to ask to see the identity document of a person attending the meeting.
3.5.11. All members of the body and guests present in the meeting room of Student Union and the committees should register themselves by writing their names on the participation sheet before the meeting begins. When someone needs to leave in the middle of the meeting, he or she informs the chairperson or the secretary of meeting.
3.5.12.  The chairperson of the meeting of the body of Student Body announces a 15-minute break: if it is requested by at least 1/3 of the members of Student Union; if it is requested by at least 1/2 of the members of other bodies; if the meeting has lasted for two hours.
3.5.13. A break may be announced once in every 60 minutes.
3.5.14. The progress and results of meeting that has been declared closed are communicated to the public by the chairperson of the corresponding body or, in case of Student Union, by the management board of Student Body.
3.6. Making a decision without calling a meeting
3.6.1. The body of Student Body may adopt decisions without calling a meeting by organising an electronic vote on the submitted draft or other issue in the relevant email list, and this voting procedure lasts from one to three working days or until all members of the body have voted.
3.6.2. It is allowed to make decisions on all drafts or other issues without calling a meeting, except if it is prohibited by the Statutes. A draft is set up in accordance with the general procedure.
3.6.3. If the ordinary meeting of Student Union takes places in less than 15 working days, the chairperson may decide not to organise the electronic vote concerning the draft and add this draft to the agenda of the ordinary meeting.
3.6.4. Upon voting, a member of the corresponding body expresses his or her will unambiguously.
3.6.5. A decision made without calling a meeting is always be public.
3.6.6. If a decision is made without calling a meeting, the voting procedure of Student Union applies, taking into account the special features of making a decision without calling a meeting.
3.6.7. In case of a fundamental breach of the procedure for making a decision without calling a meeting, the decision is declared null and void. In this case, the initiators of the draft may request that the draft is added to the agenda of the meeting of the relevant body.
3.7. Being absent from the meeting of the body of Student Body
3.7.1. If someone is absent from a meeting of Student Union or the committees, including having a good reason for being absent, he or she informs the corresponding chairperson or committee chairperson in writing.
3.7.2. If a person arrives at least 15 minutes late without good reason or leaves early from the meeting on three occasions, such events are equated to absence. The notification of the reasons for arriving late and leaving early is subject to the same provisions as established for absence.
3.7.3. A reason is considered to be good if: the member of the body has fallen ill or participates in regular studies; there is a breakdown of transportation systems; other similar circumstances occur.
3.7.4. The absence of a member who has submitted a written voting statement is considered as being absent with a good reason.
3.7.5.  A member should immediately inform the chairperson of the corresponding body, or the chairperson in case of Student Union, about the reasons for being absent, but no later than 24 hours before the meeting. Otherwise, the notification on being absent is not taken into consideration and the absence is regarded as being absent without a good reason.
3.7.6. It is not required to submit the reasons of being absent before the meeting if the absence has occurred due to unexpected illness of the member or a person close to the member, breakdown of transportation systems or any other similar circumstances.
3.7.7. In case of clause 3.7.5 of this document, the chairperson or the audit committee has the right to request further explanations from the member who has submitted the notification on reasons for being absent and verify these reasons. The chairperson decides whether the absence is considered to be justified no later than within five working days of submitting the application. If the person who was absent disagrees with the decision, a secret ballot is organised at the meeting of Student Union on whether to consider the absence justified or not.
3.7.8. The chairperson is responsible for recording the names of the persons who were absent from the meeting of Student Union in the minutes.
3.7.9. In case of other bodies, the chairperson of the corresponding body is obligated to verify the reason of being absent and have the right to consider it justified. If the person who was absent disagrees with the decision of the chairperson of the body, a secret ballot is organised at the meeting of the corresponding body on whether to consider the absence justified or not.

4. Agenda of the meeting of the body of Student Body

4.1. Principles of processing a draft
4.1.1. All bodies are obligated to process the submitted draft or other matter if the corresponding body is competent to process this, and there are no deficiencies in the initiation of a draft or other matter. A chairperson of each body, or the chairperson in case of Student Union, informs the initiator of a draft or other matter about the decision to process this or any deficiencies thereof, which prevent processing the draft or other matter within three working days of the submission of the draft or other matter.
4.1.2. If the chairperson finds that the draft submitted to Student Union needs an opinion of committee, it sends it to the committee with its opinion. After the committee has processed the draft and formed an opinion in this regard, the draft is added to the agenda of the meeting of Student Union.
4.1.3. The following persons and bodies have the right to initiate a draft: the chairperson; the member of Student Union; the committee; the management board; the Student Body; the students in the form of student initiative.
4.1.4. The body of Student Body or the student council reviews the draft initiated by students on the basis of general procedure. The management board of Student Body, the chairperson or the student council forward the draft initiated by the students to the corresponding committee to be discussed.
4.1.5. At least 1/3 members of Student Union, the university’s council, the Rector or at least 200 students with a joint application have the right to initiate the amendment of the Statutes of Student Body.
4.1.6. The right of initiating the amendment of the development plan of Student Body is possessed by at least 1/3 of the members of Student Union, the management board or the audit committee.
4.1.7. The proposal to amend the Statutes and the development plan should be submitted to Student Union through the management board. Student Union should discuss the proposal at the next meeting of Student Union.
4.2. Agenda of the Student Union meeting
4.2.1. In order to make a decision, a draft is initiated that includes the name and signature of the initiator, as well as the date. The draft is accompanied by a letter of explanation, providing the reason for initiating the draft, important changes and their expected impact. Student Union establishes the format of the explanatory note of a draft.
4.2.2. A draft should be submitted to the chairperson no later than five working days before the ordinary meeting. In case of an extraordinary meeting of Student Union, the draft should be submitted no later than within one working day before calling the extraordinary meeting.
4.2.3. Every member of Student Union has the right to initiate an item that is not part of the meeting agenda. To this end, a written proposal is submitted to the chairperson by the beginning of meeting, at the latest, accompanied by the draft decision on additional item on the agenda and a letter of explanation, which has to be dated and include the name and signature of the initiator.
4.2.4. A decision to add an item that is not part of the meeting agenda in the agenda is adopted by open voting at the beginning of meeting. In case of a negative decision the initiator has the right to request adding the item in the agenda at the next meeting.
4.2.5. No changes can be introduced in the agenda after approval of the agenda.
4.3. Agenda of the meetings of other bodies
4.3.1. The initiation of a draft is not mandatory to add any topics or issues to the agenda of the meetings of other bodies.
4.3.2. An initiator of a topic or other matter ensures that the other members of the body are informed within reasonable period of time before the beginning of meeting.
4.3.3. Other bodies have the right to adopt a procedure on adding topics and other matters in the agenda of meeting. The above-mentioned procedure may be established for up to one year.
4.4. Discussing the items on the agenda
4.4.1. The discussion of an item on the agenda begins with the report of the initiator of the item on the agenda or his or her co-speaker. The maximum length of presentation is determined by the chairperson of meeting. If it is justified, the chairperson of meeting extends the time for the report by up to ten minutes.
4.4.2. Discussion is opened after the speaker has finished his or her speech. A request to speak will be indicated by raising one’s hand.
4.4.3. The chairperson of meeting has the right to interrupt the speech if it is irrelevant, in conflict with good morals or exceeds the time limit set by the chairperson of meeting.
4.4.4. All members of the body have the right to make amendment proposals in respect of clauses requiring decisions in the agenda.
4.4.5. The management board member, the chairperson of student council, the audit committee member and a guest may also participate in the Student Union meeting with the right to speak. Only a person invited by a decision of the corresponding body may participate with the right to speak in the meetings of other bodies.
4.4.6.  The chairperson of the meeting of Student Union gives the floor to those who have requested so in the order of requesting. The chairperson of the meeting has the right to give floor for discussing the item on the agenda and for constructive comments for up to two minutes after the speaker has finished. The number of speeches is not limited at the meetings of other bodies and these bodies have the right to independently determine the procedure for discussing the items on the agenda.
4.4.7. The chairperson of meeting declares the discussion to be completed if according to his or her discretion the opportunity given for discussion has been exhaustive and shall put the draft or any other issue to a vote.
4.4.8. The chairperson of meeting does not give a permission to speak to anyone once the discussion of the item on the agenda has ended. It is not allowed to take floor during voting.
4.5. Voting at the meeting
4.5.1. The voting at the meeting of the bodies of Student Body is open, unless provided otherwise in the Statutes.
4.5.2. One can vote in favour or against a decision, or choose to remain impartial. Every member of the body has one vote.
4.5.3. In case of vote by name, the decision of every member of the body is recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
4.5.4. A member of the body of Student Body may not vote and he or she is excluded from the quorum if the body processes an option to make a transaction with him or her or a person with an equivalent economic interest or file a claim against the abovementioned person(s) or in case of any other obvious conflict of interests.
4.5.5. The chairperson of meeting repeats the proposal that is put to the vote immediately before voting, recasts it with the person who submitted the draft, if relevant, verifies that the members of body have common understanding of the matter put to the vote, and then puts the matter to the vote.
4.5.6. In case of several competing proposals or drafts, the proposals or drafts are put to a vote in the order they were submitted. If the initiator of a draft agrees to an amendment proposal, the corresponding amendment is made in the draft without voting.
4.5.7. The counting of votes is arranged by the chairperson of meeting.
4.5.8. In order to carry out a secret ballot, the body of Student Body elects at least a three- member vote counting committee. The members of committee appoint the chairperson of committee from among themselves.
4.5.9. The vote counting committee provides the ballot papers against signature. A member of the body marks his or her choice on the ballot paper in a way that his or her will in respect of the voted matter is clearly understandable. The ballot papers are put into a ballot box. The members of vote counting committee count the votes, complete the corresponding minutes and sign it. The chairperson of vote counting committee immediately notifies the members of body about the voting results. The minutes of a secret ballot are approved at open vote.
4.5.10. The chairperson of meeting announces the adopted decision after the voting results have become known. The voting results are recorded in the minutes. At the request of a member of the body of Student Body, his or her dissenting opinion is added to the minutes of the meeting.
4.5.11. All members of the body of Student Body have the right to request a repeat vote in case of fundamental breach of the voting procedure. The right to request a repeat vote terminates at the moment the meeting ends.
4.5.12. The minutes of a secret ballot and the ballot papers are destroyed in a secured manner after two months. The signature page concerning the receipt of ballot papers is scanned and archived with the minutes of meeting.
4.6. Written and electronic voting statement
4.6.1. A voting statement is a written or electronic declaration of intention prepared by a member of Student Union by which he or she expresses his or her opinion regarding the pending draft of Student Union without directly participating in the voting process.
4.6.2. The voting statement should be submitted to the chairperson no later than one day before the meeting of Student Union, when the corresponding agenda item is under discussion.
4.6.3. A digitally signed electronic voting statement is sent to the chairperson via email no later than by the date of meeting at 16.00.
4.6.4. A voting statement is valid insofar the underlying draft is not amended to a significant extent. A conditional voting statement is invalid.

5. Minutes of the meeting of the body of Student Body

5.1. Obligation to take minutes of the meeting of body
5.1.1. Minutes are taken of the meetings of the body of Student Body (except for the audit committee). The minutes are prepared by a person appointed by the chairperson of the corresponding body or a person designated by the decision of management board in case of Student Union.
5.1.2. The chairperson is responsible for taking minutes of the meeting of Student Union. The meetings of Student Union are recorded. The recording is deleted after two months and it is not subject to archiving.
5.1.3.  The chairperson of meeting is responsible for preserving the materials. With their decision, the bodies of Student Body appoint a person, who registers the minutes with any accompanying materials and retains them until archiving.
5.1.4. The chairperson of audit committee informs the members of Student Union about the committee decision by means of the general email list.
5.2. The following is recorded in the minutes:
5.2.1. the number of meeting (the number/year of meeting);
5.2.2. the time of meeting;
5.2.3. the place of meeting;
5.2.4. the start time of the meeting;
5.2.5. the end time of the meeting;
5.2.6. the names of attendees (the members of the body of Student Body and guests separately);
5.2.7. the meeting agenda;
5.2.8. the topics to be discussed;
5.2.9. the presenters;
5.2.10. the persons asking questions and brief content of the questions;
5.2.11. the speakers and brief content of the speeches;
5.2.12. the adopted decisions (only title will be indicated);
5.2.13. the dissenting opinions;
5.2.14. the names of the persons arriving and leaving during the meeting and the corresponding times;
5.2.15. the names of persons being absent from the meeting;
5.2.16. other relevant information.
5.2.17. The list of participants with the signature of all participants is destroyed after two months.
5.2.18. Any written materials of the meeting are scanned and attached to the minutes.
5.3. Disclosure of decisions by the body of Student Body
5.3.1. The decisions of the body of Student Body should be available as a digital copy and on paper in the location of Student Union and published on the official website of Student Union no later than five working days of the meeting.
5.3.2. The original copies are preserved in the location of Student Union until they are archived. Information about the most important decisions of Student Union is published in the information channels of Student Union.

6. Committees of Student Union

6.1. Approval and amendment of the list of committees
6.1.1. Student Union approves the list of standing committees on a regular basis after the first meeting of every new composition of Student Union. The meetings of standing committees are not called before the first ordinary meeting of the new composition.
6.1.2. A decision on establishing an ad hoc committee can be made at any time. An ad hoc committee has been established for substantive and profound preliminary discussion concerning the decisions/regulations, political positions or changes before the meeting of Student Union.
6.1.3. To amend the list of the committees, the corresponding draft is initiated.
6.2. Approval and amendment of the composition of committees
6.2.1. The composition of committees is approved by the management board at the proposal of the chairperson.
6.2.2. The chairperson is obligated to determine the preferences of the Student Union members in respect of the composition of committees. All members communicate their preferences to the chairperson within five working days after the first ordinary meeting of Student Union. The chairperson calls the meetings of committees before the second ordinary meeting of Student Union.
6.3. The committee prepares and reviews drafts to discuss them at the meeting of Student Union, monitors the activities of management board and staff within its competence, and performs other duties arising from the legislation.
6.4. Management of committee
6.4.1. The chairperson and vice-chairperson of committee is elected on a regular basis at the first meeting of committee.
6.4.2. The chairperson and vice-chairperson of committee are elected by means of a secret ballot. The votes are publicly counted by the person appointed by the chairperson of meeting.
6.4.3. A candidate who receives a majority of votes in favour of the composition of committee is elected. If no candidates are elected as the chairperson or vice-chairperson of committee due to a tied vote, an additional election round is organised between the candidates who have received an equal amount of votes. In the event of a tied vote in the second ballot, a decision is adopted by drawing lots.
6.4.4. The powers of the chairperson and vice-chairperson of committee commence from the announcement of election results.
6.4.5. The chairperson of committee represents the committee, and he or she also manages and arranges the work of committee.
6.4.6. The duties of the chairperson of committee are the following: calling the meetings of committee and chairing those meetings; ensuring the consistency and accuracy of the documentation of committee; inviting the management board members and other persons to attend the meetings of committee; ensuring cooperation between the staff of committee, management board, and Student Union; appointing at least one candidate from its committee to the vote counting committee at the meeting of Student Union; delivering a speech on behalf of committee at the meeting of Student Union.
6.4.7. The vice-chairperson of committee performs the duties assigned by the chairperson of committee and substitutes the chairperson in his or her absence.
6.4.8. The powers of chairperson or vice-chairperson expires: upon being elected as the management board member; upon his or her resignation from Student Union or the committee; upon his or her removal from Student Union or the committee; upon being elected as the chairperson.
6.4.9. At least 1/3 of the committee members may initiate the removal of the committee chairperson or vice-chairperson.
6.4.10. The chairperson or vice-chairperson of committee is considered to be removed on the basis of a decision made by majority of votes in favour.
6.5. Work organisation of committee
6.5.1. The ordinary meeting of the standing committee of Student Union takes place at least once a month, except before the ordinary meeting of the new composition of Student Union, in the summer period from 15 June to 15 August, and in the winter period from 22 December to 12 January.
6.5.2. The chairperson of committee forwards the invitation to the meeting of committee to the general email list of Student Union no later than within five working days before the meeting of committee.
6.5.3. An invitation to a meeting includes the agenda of meeting, and in case of the email list and website, also references to the texts and documents of the items on the agenda.
6.5.4. An extraordinary meeting of committee is called by the chairperson or chairperson of committee at his or her own initiative, or if this is required by at least 1/3 of the composition of committee.
6.5.5. A meeting of committee is public, except in case it is not declared close with a 2/3 majority of votes in favour.
6.5.7. The committee has the right: to request information and resources required for work from Student Union; to invite the management board members and the student council members, as well as experts to the meeting of committee; to exercise other rights arising from the duties of committee.
6.5.8. The committee has a quorum if at least half of the committee members are present. The committee adopts decisions with the majority of votes in favour of composition. If any of the members of committee participating in the meeting does not request voting, the decision is considered to be adopted by consensus.
6.5.9. The meeting of committee is recorded in the minutes. The following is entered in the minutes: the start and end time of the meeting; the place of the meeting; the names of the participants at the meeting; the names of persons who were absent from the meeting; the meeting agenda and the adopted decisions; the voting results.
6.5.10. At the request of speaker, his or her opinions are recorded in the minutes.
6.5.11. The minutes are available in Student Union no later than five working days after the meeting of committee.
6.5.12. The secretary and the chairperson of meeting sign the minutes. The signed minutes are preserved in the archives of the committee. The chairperson of committee is responsible for arranging the minutes.
6.5.13. The committee’s position is disclosed at the Student Union meeting.

7. Elections of the management board of Student Body

7.1. General provisions for electing the management board of Student Body
7.1.1. Any member of Student Body may run as a candidate for the management board member who corresponds to the conditions indicated in the Statutes and has been nominated as required.
7.1.2. The elections of the management board members are carried out by an electoral committee consisting of three to five members. The composition of electoral committee is approved at the first meeting of the new composition of Student Union.
7.1.3. If the election committee has not received the required number of applications for electing the management board member, the list of candidates is opened while discussing the agenda item concerning the elections of management board members.
7.1.4. The management board members are elected according to the decision of Student Union no later than three months before the powers of the corresponding management board member expire. If the elections of a management board member with expiring powers fail, Student Union makes a decision on extending the powers of the corresponding management board member or appointing a substitute for him or her.
7.1.5. The powers of the position of the management board member last for two years. The term of office of each management board member is determined by the decision of Student Union.
7.1.6. Student Union with its decision establishes the form and list of documents required for running as a candidate for the management board member no later than one month before the regular elections of management board.
7.1.7. A student who runs as a candidate for the management board member does not chair such a meeting of Student Union, where it is decided whether he or she is elected as the management board member or not. In this case, Student Union elects a new chairperson of meeting.
7.2. Elections of the management board of Student Body
7.2.1. The elections of the management board member are subject to clauses 9.1–9.7.14 of these rules of procedure, taking into account the differences established in the chapter concerning the elections of management board.
7.2.3. The ordinary elections of the management board member take place annually in accordance with the decision of Student Union.
7.2.4. The materials of the candidates for the management board member are disclosed no later than five working days before the elections.
7.2.5. The management board members are elected in accordance with the positions of management board members.
7.2.6. A member of Student Union can only vote for one candidate while electing each management board member.
7.3. Extraordinary elections of the management board member of Student Body
7.3.1. The extraordinary elections of a management board member are announced by the election committee formed by Student Union for this purpose.
7.3.2. To carry out extraordinary elections, the election committee is established at the meeting of removing a management board member of Student Body. If a management board member resigns, the election committee is formed at the first ordinary meeting after resignation.
7.3.3.    The election committee organises the elections of a new management board member according to these rules of procedure.

8. Electing the chairperson of Student Body

8.1. The chairperson is elected among the members of Student Union.
8.2. The elections of chairperson take place at the first meeting of the composition of Student Union.
8.3.  A candidate who earns the majority of votes in favour from the composition of Student Union becomes the chairperson;
8.4. The elections of chairperson are subject to clauses 9.3–9.7.14 of these rules of procedure, taking into account the differences established in the chapter concerning the elections of chairperson.
8.5.  Upon expiry of the term of office before the prescribed time or failure of elections, new elections are organised no later than at the next meeting of Student Union.

9. Electing the representatives of Student Body to decision-making bodies

9.1.  For the purposes of these rules of procedure, a representative of Student Union is a person who, as a result of being elected by Student Union, represents the Student Body in the body of the university or other organisation.
9.2. The representatives of Student Body are elected for up to two academic years in accordance with the relevant decision of Student Union. All students of Tallinn University of Technology may run as candidates for the elections.
9.3. Calling of elections
9.3.1. The elections are announced by a decision of the management board.
9.3.2. The notice of elections is given in advance at least ten working days before the candidates are set up.
9.4. Running as a candidate
9.4.1. In order to run as a candidate, the student should submit a written application in accordance with the provisions of the decision on calling of the elections of management board.
9.4.2. An application should include the following information: the given name and surname of candidate, student code, name of faculty; the level of higher education at which the candidate is studying; the contact details of candidate (address, telephone number, email address).
9.4.3. The management board has the right to establish the requirements for submitting supporting documents for up to two working days before announcing the elections.
9.5. Registration of applications
9.5.1 In case of any deficiencies discovered during the registration of application, it is possible to modify the election materials and adapt them to the requirements until the term of submitting the election materials.
9.5.2. A student who has submitted his or her election materials may request a confirmation letter on the receipt of documents. The confirmation letter includes the time of receiving the documents and the name of person who accepts the documents. The person who accepted the documents signs the confirmation letter.
9.5.3. The management board has the right to declare the application compliant. The concerned person may file a complaint against the corresponding decision made by the management board no later than at the meeting of Student Union, where the representatives of Student Body are elected to the body in respect of which the person who filed the complaint ran as a candidate for.
9.5.4. Student Union makes a decision on the complaint at a secret ballot.
9.5.5. If the chairperson has not received the required number of applications for electing the representative of Student Body, the list of candidates is opened while discussing the agenda item concerning the corresponding elections.
9.6. Introduction of candidates
9.6.1. The names of candidates are published on the website of Student Union no later than five working days before the elections.
6.6.2. At the beginning of the agenda item concerning the elections of the representative of Student Body, the duties of the representative to be elected and the expected knowledge and skills thereof are introduced. The candidates are granted the right to speak in the requesting order.
9.6.2. The candidates have the right to introduce themselves at the item on the agenda at the meeting of Student Union. The length of self-introduction and the number of questions to be asked are decided by the chairperson of meeting.
9.7. Procedure for electing the representatives of Student Body
9.7.1. The elections take place by a secret ballot at the meeting of Student Union. The secret ballot takes place by means of ballot papers.
9.7.2. In order to organise a secret ballot, a three-to-five member vote counting committee is elected among the members of Student Union at open vote. The committee members appoint the chairperson of committee among themselves and provide the members of Student Union with ballot papers against signature.
9.7.3. The names of all candidates are indicated on a single ballot paper in the alphabetical order.
9.7.4. A member of Student Union indicates the preferred candidates on the ballot paper. The number of preferred candidates may not exceed the standard number of places in the executive or supervisory body or the representative or decision-making body.
9.7.5. Every voter places the filled ballot paper in the ballot box.
9.7.6. The members of vote counting committee count the votes and complete the minutes of vote counting committee prepared by a person appointed by the chairperson of the management board of Student Body.
9.7.7. A ballot paper is considered invalid if the preference marked by the voter is illegible or ambiguous.
9.7.8. In case of a dispute, the validity of a ballot paper is decided by the vote counting committee by voting.
9.7.9. The voting results are announced by the chairperson of vote counting committee.
9.7.10. The minutes of vote counting committee are approved by Student Union at open vote.
9.7.11. A candidate who is supported by simple majority will be elected.
9.7.12. If there are two or more candidates and one candidate is no longer supported by a simple majority, the re-elections take place between the two candidates who have received the highest percentage of votes.
9.7.13. If a candidate is not supported by simple majority at the repeat vote, the elections are organised again at the next ordinary or extraordinary meeting to fill the position.
9.7.14. If a candidate is not supported by simple majority at the re-elections (including next repeat vote), another re-elections are organised no later than within 10 working days. At the next re-elections, a candidate who is supported by simple majority will be elected.
9.8. Challenging the election results
9.8.1. After the announcement of election results, any concerned person has the right to challenge the election results within three working days by filing a complaint to the management board.
9.8.2. The management board is obligated to resolve the complaint within five working days of the receipt thereof.
9.8.3. The complaint is satisfied if the facts presented therein are verified and these significantly influenced the voting results. Upon satisfying the challenge, the person who has announced the elections announces the re-elections.
9.8.4. Upon refusal to satisfy the challenge, the person(s) that have been elected are appointed as the member(s) of the corresponding representative or decision-making body.
9.8.5. If the representative of Student Body has lost their powers according to the Statutes, the management board organises the elections of a new representative of Student Body at the next ordinary meeting of Student Union.

10. Removal or expiry of powers of the members of the body of Student Body and the representatives of Student Body

10.1. General provisions on removing an elected person
10.1.1. To remove persons elected by Student Union, at least 1/3 of members of Student Union submit a justified written application to the chairperson. In case of a request to remove the management board or a management board member, an application is submitted to the audit committee. In case of a request to remove the chairperson of Student Union, an application is submitted to the management board.
10.1.2. The body who has received the application informs Student Union about the removal proposal no later than the next working day of submitting the application.
10.1.3. Any changes in the composition of Student Union are approved by the Rector.
10.2. Procedure for removal of an elected person
10.2.1. The proceeding for removing the persons and bodies to be elected by Student Union takes place as follows: the chairperson of meeting reads out the application on removal that is prepared by the members of Student Union; the floor is given to the representative of the members of Student Union who have initiated the application on removal; the speech(es) of the person(s) to be removed; the round of questions and answers; the speeches; the closing remarks of the person(s) to be removed; the voting process.
10.2.2. The chairperson of meeting and the representative of members who have initiated the removal have the time to introduce the text of the removal application and the member of the body to be removed has the right to present his or her opinions within the time limit determined by the chairperson of meeting.
10.2.3. Every member of Student Union may ask one question. A question is asked within up to one minute and the answering time is up to three minutes. All members have the right to comment once for up to two minutes. All body members to be removed have up to five minutes for closing remarks.
10.3. Appointing a substitute for a removed or resigned management board member of Student Body
10.3.1. Student Union designates a substitute for him or her at the meeting on removal of management board member, at the latest. The proposal for designating a substitute is made by the management board. Both a management board member with valid powers and a member of Student Union may act as the substitute.
10.3.2. The powers of a substitute member remain in force until the elections of a new management board member.
10.4. Expiry of the powers of the member of the body of Student Body
10.4.1. The member of the body of Student Body, who wants to resign from his or her position at his or her own will, submits a signed written application to the management board.
10.4.2. The powers of the member of the body of Student Body terminate at the moment of approving the application.
10.4.3. The management board approves the application submitted by the member of the body of Student Body no later than within three working days.
10.5. Expiry of powers of the chairperson or member of Student Union or a representative of Student Body in other cases
10.5.1. In case provided in clause 3.8 or 5.9.2 of the Statutes, the powers of a member or a representative expire on the day following the last absence or exmatriculation. If the representative is simultaneously the member of the management board of Student Body, his or her powers are not terminated with exmatriculation.
10.5.2. A member or a representative is obligated to inform the management board in writing about his or her exmatriculation no later than within three working days.

11. Reporting of the representatives elected by the management board of Student Body, the audit committee and Student Union

11.1. The representatives of Student Body elected by Student Union and the bodies of Student Body are obligated to submit reports to Student Union.
11.2. Reporting obligation of the management board of Student Body
11.2.1. The management board gives an overview of its activities at every second ordinary meeting of Student Union by submitting a written report in this regard.
11.2.2. The report reflects the activities performed by the management board members to achieve the objectives established for the reporting period.
11.2.3. The reporting period begins on the last day of the previous reporting period or assuming office, and ends on the publication date of report.
11.2.4. Based on the action plan, a management board member submits the semi-annual implementation report at the ordinary meeting in January and the annual implementation report at the ordinary meeting in June. The management report of management board should be available in the location of Student Union.
11.3. Reporting obligation of the Student Body representative
11.3.1. At least 1/3 of the Student Union members have the right to jointly invite a representative of Student Body to a meeting of Student Union to report on his or her activities. The corresponding application is submitted to the chairperson, who notifies the chosen representative and ensures that he or she attends the meeting.
11.3.2. A representative who is obligated to provide a report has the right to give an overview of his or her activities within up to ten minutes. Next, every member of Student Union has the right to ask up to two questions. The time limit for answering questions is up to three minutes.
11.4. Reporting obligation of audit committee
11.4.1. During the academic year, the audit committee prepares an interim report, which is submitted at the ordinary meeting of Student Union in December, and a final report, which is submitted at the ordinary meeting of Student Union in June.
11.4.2. The decision of Student Union establishes the need to prepare an additional report, if required.
11.4.3. A report includes feedback to the previous report.

12. Elections, duties, and rules of procedure of audit committee

12.1. The elections of the audit committee members is subject to clauses 9.1–9.7.14 of these rules of procedure.
12.2. The audit committee is engaged in the following activities:
12.2.1. verifying the compliance of the activities of Student Union, the staff, and the management board with the Statutes, the development plan, the decisions of Student Union and other documents regulating the work of Student Union;
12.2.2. verifying the management reports to be submitted by the management board members at the ordinary meetings of Student Union;
12.2.3. verifying the financial report to be submitted by the CEO of Student Union at the meeting of Student Union in every two months;
12.2.4. verifying the work schedules and action plans prepared by the management board members and the chairperson, and providing an evaluation to Student Union before the approval of work schedules and action plans;
12.2.5. verifying the compliance with the action plans of management board at the end of each semester, and providing an evaluation to Student Union after the submission of reports on the action plans of management board members;
12.2.6. verifying the accounting accuracy of Student Union;
12.2.7. verifying the purposeful and legal use of the property and funds of Student Union;
12.2.8. verifying the lawfulness of the acts and documentation of Student Union;
12.2.9. verifying the archival of the acts and documentation of Student Union;
12.2.10. verifying the received complaints about the activities of management board members;
12.2.11. verifying the project contests of Student Union;
12.2.12. verifying the work of the annual grant committee of Student Union and the distribution of annual grants;
12.2.13. verifying the legal activities of student councils;
12.2.14. verifying all other transactions and operations, which is not in the competence of any other authority under any other legislation.
12.3. The audit committee keeps records of the following:
12.3.1. the participation of the members of Student Union in the meetings of Student Union;
12.3.2. the participation of the members of the Student Union in the representative and decision- making bodies.
12.4. Rights of audit committee
12.4.1. The audit committee has the right to initiate discussion to remove the representatives from the representative and decision-making bodies.
12.4.2. The audit committee has the right to require explanations and documents from all persons on the positions that are subject to audit.
12.5. Bases of the work organisation of audit committee
12.5.1. The work of audit committee is managed by the chairperson elected among its members. In the absence of the chairperson of audit committee, the work of audit committee is managed by a substitute appointed by the chairperson of audit committee.
12.5.2. The chairperson of audit committee is elected at the first meeting of audit committee.
12.5.3. Upon adopting a decision, a dissenting member of audit committee may submit his or her written dissenting opinion to the discussion of the decision or other matter, or require that the dissenting opinion is recorded in the minutes.
12.5.4. The audit committee member is obligated to keep confidential any work-related and business secrets of Student Body and not to disclose any learned information to third parties. The obligation of confidentiality does not have a fixed term.
12.5.5. To better organise its work, the audit committee may cooperate with the Department of Internal Audit of Tallinn University of Technology.

13. Implementing provisions

13.1. These rules of procedure enter into force on the date following the adoption thereof.
13.2. Upon enforcement of these rules of procedure, the former rules of procedure approved by Decision No. 41 of Student Union of 12 December 2017 are repealed.