Rules for the Use of the University Domain and E-mail Service

Approved by Rector’s directive No 28 of 13 June 2022
Amended by Rector’s directive No 30 of 27 August 2024
Amended by Rector’s directive No 39 of 21 October 2024

In force from: 21.10.2024

The directive is issued based on clause 12) of § 11 of the Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology.

1. General provisions

1.1 The Rules for the Use of the University Domain and E-mail Service (hereinafter referred to as “the Rules”) apply to all the service owners using the domain of Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the university”) and the users of the university’s e-mail service (hereinafter referred to as “the service”).

1.2 This document governs the terms and conditions of the use of the domain and e-mail service.

1.3 The Office of Information Technology Services is the owner and administrator of the domain and e-mail service.

1.4 The Microsoft Office 365 platform is used to provide the e-mail service. In addition to these Rules, the terms and conditions for use of Microsoft Office 365 apply to the users of the service.

2. Domains

2.1 The official domain of the university is

2.2 All university services that require a domain for the operation of the service use the university’s official domain.

2.3 In justified cases, the Office of Information Technology Services has the right to allow the use of previous official domains (in particular where it is economically irrational to change the domain).

2.4 Public services (including websites) hosted on the university’s domain, including sub-domains, must comply with both the Tallinn University of Technology style guide and the style guide for digital media. The Marketing and Communications Office shall monitor compliance with the requirements. [entry into force 21.10.2024]

2.5 Approval of the Marketing and Communications Office must be obtained for using the university’s domain, including a -sub-domain. The Marketing and Communications Office has the right to grant exceptions in justified cases (in particular, but not limited to, cases where it is technically impossible or economically unreasonable to implement the style guide). [entry into force 21.10.2024]

3. Mailbox and e-mail addresses

3.1 The university is the owner of the university’s mailboxes and e-mail addresses.

3.2 The university’s e-mail addresses end with the university’s official domain name (

3.3 The university’s e-mail addresses are public information.

3.4 The university has the right to send university related information to the e-mail addresses.

3.5 The e-mail addresses are divided into personalized and non-personalized addresses.

3.6 One or more e-mail addresses may be connected with a mailbox.

3.7 A personalized university e-mail address and a mailbox are generated automatically, when a university Uni-ID username is created. The service administrator shall inform the person of the mailbox created for him/her.

3.8 A personalized e-mail address and mailbox will be closed and the right to use them will be suspended when the university Uni-ID is closed. Upon termination of a person’s employment contract or death, an automatic reply will be added to the mailbox: „ See on automaatne teade. Konto ei ole kasutusel. This is an automatic message. The account is no longer in use.”. [entry into force 27.08.2024]

3.9 Closed mailboxes shall be stored for one year.

3.10 The use of a personalized mailbox may be extended after termination of employment at the university in compliance with the Rules for Digital Identity.

3.11 The university has the right to carry out automated content analysis to check and, if necessary, to remove e-mails and their attachments.

4. Personalized e-mail address

4.1 A personalized university e-mail address in the form “Uni-ID is generated automatically for university employees and PhD students. In addition, an official primary e-mail address consisting of the first name and last name will be created for university employees and PhD students.

4.2 The form of the official e-mail address of students is ”Uni-ID“.

4.3  The university employees, PhD students and students are free to choose a suitable e-mail address in the following cases (technically, the previous official email address will remain valid):
4.3.1 if several people have the same name;
4.3.2 the Uni-ID combination has an inappropriate meaning for the student;
4.3.3 in other justified cases.

4.4 It is prohibited for UNI-ID holders to redirect personalized emails, except to university-related domains authorized by the Information Security Division. [entry into force 27.08.2024]

4.5 Linking personalized e-mail addresses and mailboxes to external third-party services is prohibited.

5. Non-personalized e-mail address

5.1 A non-personalized e-mail address is an e-mail address of a unit, role, device, target group or function.

5.2 A non-personalized e-mail address is created and closed based on a request sent to the service administrator. A non-personalized e-mail address must be longer than 6 characters and must not consist only of letters.

5.3 Based on the request, the service administrator shall appoint a person responsible to each non-personalized e-mail address.

6. Professional and personal correspondence

6.1 The persons employed at the university must use the university e-mail addresses for professional correspondence.

6.2 A personalized e-mail address can be used for personal correspondence, but it is recommended to mark personal correspondence clearly and unambiguously as personal correspondence, e.g. by placing it in a separate folder.

6.3 Non-personalized e-mail addresses shall not be used for personal correspondence.

6.4 A user shall remove his/her personal correspondence from the mailbox before the university Uni-ID is closed. After closure of the university Uni-ID, the contents of the mailbox will transfer to the university.

7. Opening a mailbox

7.1 The university can open a mailbox and read correspondence:
7.1.1 with the consent of the mailbox user;
7.1.2 without the consent of the mailbox user, to the extent necessary, at the request of the immediate superior of the mailbox user and with the approval of the person responsible for the protection of personal data;
7.1.3 for solving an information security incident by the service administrator;

7.1.4 in cases prescribed by law.

8. Exceptional suspension of mailbox use

8.1 The service administrator has the right to suspend the service on an exceptional basis:
8.1.1 to prevent or solve a security incident;
8.1.2 to prevent reputational damage to the university or a person related to the university;
8.1.3 to prevent any other damaging consequences.

9. Implementing provisions

9.1 All services that use the university’s previous official domain will be transferred to the new official domain (except in the cases specified in clause 2.3). No addresses with the previous official domain name will be created.

9.2 The Rules for the Use of the E-mail Service (approved by Rector’s directive No 70 of 02.05.2016) are repealed.

9.3 The amendment regarding the prohibition to redirect personalized e-mail will enter into force on 15.10.2024. [entry into force 27.08.2024]