The Regulation is established on the basis of clause 7) of § 9 of the Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology.
Chapter 1
General provisions
§ 1. Scope of application
(1) The Regulation lays down the conditions and procedure for admission of student applicants to bachelor’s, integrated, master’s and professional higher education studies at Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the university”).
(2) For the purposes of this Regulation, the terms set out below have the following meaning:
1) “Student applicant” means a person applying for admission to degree studies.
2) “International student applicant” or “international applicant” means a student applicant who does not have Estonian citizenship, a long-term Estonian residence permit or permanent right of residence.
3) “Admission requirements” means the terms and conditions of competition and thresholds established annually by a decision of the University Senate for admission to study programmes in the first and second level of higher education study, in addition to which the requirements for previous education are applied upon admission to the second level of higher education study. In justified cases, the upper limit of the number of students to be admitted (hereinafter referred to as “upper limit”) may also be established for a study programme by a decision of the Senate, having particular regard to the quality of teaching and the resources necessary for organising the study. If an upper limit is established for a study programme, the student places are filled according to the ranking list drawn up based on compliance with the admission requirements. [entry into force 18.11.2022]
4) “Threshold” means the lowest score you need to achieve upon fulfilling the admission requirements of the relevant study programme that ensures admission to the study programme. The result required for applying, i.e. the threshold for applying, is the result required for submitting an application, upon compliance with which study places are offered based on the ranking until the limit set for the study programme is reached. [entry into force 18.11.2022]
5) “Special admission condition” is a criterion upon the fulfilment of which the applicant is admitted to a study programme (excluding the architectural studies) of the university without applying the admission requirements for the corresponding study programme.
6) “Matriculation” means admission of a student applicant to the university as a student, starting from which the matriculated person has the rights and obligations arising from the Higher Education Act and other legislation.
7) “Re-matriculation” means re-enrolment of a person in a student list for continuing studies in the same study programme. Re-matriculation is regulated by the Academic Policies established by the University Senate.
8) “Additional matriculation” means matriculation through a School.
9) “Repeat matriculation” means repeating studies at the same higher education level.
10) “General requirements for application” means the requirements established for the application for admission, for other documents required for application and for education and language skills.
11) “Supplementary requirements for application” means the requirements applied to international applicants in addition to the general requirements for application, pursuant to which an international applicant shall submit paper documents to the university in the form and by the deadline prescribed by the university, pay a one-off fee for processing the documents submitted for admission and applicants from outside the European Union and the European Economic Area are also required to pay the tuition fee for the first academic year as an advance payment.
12) Admission to a joint or double degree programme established under a cooperation agreement, is considered equivalent to admission to a degree programme at Tallinn University of Technology. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
§ 2. Admission and terms and conditions of competition
(1) In order to be admitted to the university, a student applicant must meet the general requirements for application, incl. must have acquired the required education or qualifications, meet the language requirements, submit an application in the appropriate form and other documents required in the Regulation and comply with the admission requirements or special admission conditions.
(2) Admission takes place by way of a competition. The admission schedule shall be laid down by the Rector in the admission calendar.
(3) The admission of student applicants takes place in compliance with the admission requirements. The University Senate establishes admission requirements for each study programme annually by a separate decision.
(4) The ranking of student applicants is drawn up based on the scores obtained upon fulfilment of the admission requirements of the study programme.
(5) Persons who have achieved outstanding sports results and comply with the general requirements for application shall be admitted to bachelor’s, professional higher education, integrated bachelor’s and master’s as well as master’s studies on the recommendation of the Sports Club of Tallinn University of Technology in accordance with the number of places created for sportsmen in the academic year by the university Senate. A student who has been admitted under these conditions or has applied for and received a student place for sportsmen is not required to pay tuition fees. [entry into force 30.11.2023]
(6) Student places are formed according to the number of student applicants who have exceeded the threshold or based on the upper limit established for the study programme. [entry into force 18.11.2022].
(7) An international applicant who wishes to study in an Estonian-language study programme shall prove his/her Estonian language skills with at least a B2-level certificate or by successful completion of the university’s Estonian language test. An international applicant who meets the requirements of § 8 of the Regulation must, as a prerequisite for applying to an Estonian-language study programme, prove his/her proficiency in the Estonian language as specified in this section. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
(8) The content and terms and conditions of the admission tests specified in the competition requirements are published on the university’s website at no later than on the first day for submitting applications set out in the admission calendar established by the Rector.
(9) Studies are not opened in study programmes where fewer than 15 student applicants per main speciality in bachelor’s, integrated or professional higher education studies, or fewer than 10 student applicants per main speciality in master’s studies have confirmed their study places, unless otherwise decided by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
§ 3. Submitting an application and other documents
(1) A student applicant, excluding international applicants, shall submit an application for admission electronically via the Estonian Admissions Information System (hereinafter “SAIS”) at
(2) A student applicant, excluding international applicants, whose data have not been entered into national registers, shall submit the documents required for admission to the Admission and Student Counselling Centre of the Office of Academic Affairs.
(3) An international applicant, who applies for admission to a study programme taught in English, shall submit his/her application for admission and other documents required for admission electronically via the information system DreamApply (hereinafter referred to as “DA”) at and in order to apply for admission to a study programme taught in Estonian, he/she shall submit an application in SAIS.
(4) An international applicant, excluding persons who have graduated from Tallinn University of Technology, shall pay a one-off fee in the amount of 100 euros (VAT included) for processing the documents submitted for admission, which must be paid no later than by the deadline for submitting the application. The fee for processing the documents submitted for admission shall not be refunded.
(5) The university has the right to reject an application of a student applicant if the information in his/her application is incomplete or does not correspond to reality, the student applicant has submitted forged documents, fails to submit all the required documents within the term set by the university and/or violates the good academic practice and/or if an international applicant fails to pay the fee specified in subsection (4) of this section or in subsection 12 (10) of this Regulation.
(6) To verify and specify the information presented in the documents, the university has the right to use the study information system of Tallinn University of Technology, the Estonian Education Information System and the database International Baccalaureate Information System, to submit queries to educational institutions and other institutions and submit education certificates for academic recognition to the Academic Recognition Information Centre (Estonian ENIC/NARIC) of the Education and Youth Board.
(7) When an international applicant has confirmed his/her student place, the university has the right to require the international applicant to submit the original or notarised and/or legalised/apostilled paper copies of the documents specified in § 9 or § 11 of the Regulation or copies of documents required by the university in any other form. An international applicant from whom the university requests the submission of paper documents shall submit the documents by the deadline and in the form specified by the university. If the international applicant fails to submit the documents by the deadline or in the required form, processing of his/her application for admission shall be terminated.
(8) Documents shall be submitted in Estonian or English. An international applicant shall attach an Estonian or English translation certified by the issuer, a sworn translator or a notary to documents in a language other than Estonian or English.
(9) Copies of the submitted documents and/or notarised/officially certified copies and/or their notarised/officially certified translations will not be returned to the student applicant. Documents are stored in accordance with the procedure established by the university.
(10) The university is entitled to request a student applicant who does not reach the age of majority by the start of the academic year submit a notarised birth certificate, notarised copies of his/her guardians’ passports, and any other documents the university deems necessary in connection with the minor’s enrolment. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
§ 4. Repeat matriculation in the same higher education level [entry into force 30.11.2023]
(1) A student matriculated in the 2023/2024 academic year or later shall pay the tuition fee for the entire study programme if the student:
1) when commencing studies, has already been matriculated for a tuition-free higher education programme;
2) has previously studied tuition-free int the first or second level of higher education for a minimum of 365 calendar days and no more than ten years have elapsed since the student’s exmatriculation from the same level of higher education;
3) when commencing studies in an integrated bachelor’s and master’s study programme, has already been matriculated for a tuition-free integrated bachelor’s and master’s study programme or in the first level of higher education for a minimum of 365 calendar days and no more than ten years have elapsed since the student’s exmatriculation from the programme;
3) when commencing studies in an integrated bachelor’s and master’s study, has already been enrolled in a tuition-free integrated bachelor’s and master’s study programme or at the second level of higher education for a minimum of 365 calendar days and no more than ten years have elapsed since the student’s exmatriculation from the programme; [entry into force 01.09.2025]
4) has previously been twice matriculated for tuition-free studies in the same level of higher education and no more than ten years have elapsed since the student’s exmatriculation;
5) has been exmatriculated and matriculated for the same study programme within two years.
6) when commencing studies, has already been accepted for a tuition-free student place in post-secondary vocational degree studies. [entry into force 01.09.2025]
(2) The regulation on reimbursement of tuition fees established in clauses (1) 2), 3) and 4) of this section apply to students who have been matriculated at the university and interrupted their studies before the 2024/2025 academic year from the beginning of the 2024/2025 until the end of the 2026/2027 academic year only if the student has studied in the same level of higher education for free more than fifty per cent of the nominal duration of the study programme. If a student has interrupted his/her studies before the 2024/2025 academic year and has studied for free less than fifty per cent of the nominal duration of the study programme, his/her matriculations to tuition-free studies before the 2024/2025 academic year are not taken into account upon matriculation for the same level of higher education from the 2024/2025 academic year and the he/she has the right to commence studies in the same level of higher education tuition-free two more times.
(2) The regulation on reimbursement of tuition fees established in clauses (1) 2), 3) and 4) of this section apply to students enrolled in higher education before the 2024/2025 academic year from the beginning of the 2024/2025 until the end of the 2026/2027 academic year only if the student has studied at the same level of higher education for free more than fifty per cent of the nominal duration of the study programme. [entry into force 01.09.2025]
(3) The calculation of the calendar days specified in clauses (1) 2) and 3) is suspended during an academic leave.
(4) The decision is made based on the nominal duration of the study programme in days indicated in the state register and the number of days studied free of charge by the student.
(5) The regulation on reimbursement of tuition fees laid down in subsection (1) of this section apply from the 2027/2028 academic year to students matriculated at the university before the 2024/2025 academic year.
§ 5. Delivery of notices and registration for studies
(1) SAIS and DA are the official information exchange environments, where information related to admission is collected, processed and provided to student applicants.
(2) Student applicants who have been admitted to studies based on a decision of the admission committee shall be notified thereof via SAIS and international applicants via DA, whereas the notice shall specify the deadline by which the applicant shall confirm the student place.
§ 6. Admission procedures
(1) Each year the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs approves the composition of the following committees for admission:
1) the admission committee for bachelor’s, integrated, professional higher education and master’s studies. The committee is composed of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, representatives of all the Schools and the Office of Academic Affairs. The committee is responsible for making decisions regarding admission and for submitting proposals to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs not to open studies in bachelor’s study programmes where less than 15 and in master’s study programmes where less than 10 student applicants per main speciality have confirmed their study places and the committee is also responsible for settlement of disputes in compliance with subsection 14 (2) of the Regulation;
2) the sub-committee for processing applications in SAIS. The sub-committee is composed of members from all the Schools and the Office of Academic Affairs. Each member of the sub-committee has the right to process personal data in SAIS in accordance with and to the extent of the task assigned to him or her. The committee is responsible entering the applications, verifying the eligibility of previous education, processing of the materials attached to the application, establishment of student places, entering of the results of admission tests;
3) the sub-committee that organises admission tests replacing state examinations. The chairman of the sub-committee shall appoint the members of the sub-committee. The sub-committee is responsible for preparing the content, conducting and assessing of the admission tests in mathematics and Estonian language.
(2) The dean shall establish the School’s sub-committees for conducting admission tests upon admission to the first and second level higher education studies.
Chapter 2
Requirements and procedure for admission to bachelor’s, integrated and professional higher education studies
§ 7. General requirements for application
(1) All persons with a secondary education or an equivalent qualification have the same right to apply for studies. A student applicant may submit up to two applications for admission.
(2) Application takes place in competition groups formed by study programmes.
(3) Applicants who have completed International Baccalaureate (hereinafter IB) or European Baccalaureate (hereinafter EB) studies shall be admitted on the basis of the IB/EB diploma awarded.
(4) In the case of admission under a special condition, the student applicant shall must meet at least one of the special conditions for admission set out in § 8 of the Regulation in order to ensure that the admission requirements are not applicable. A student applicant applying under a special condition receives the maximum competition score.
(5) The result required to meet the threshold is calculated based on the state examinations and/or admission tests, tests, interviews organised at the university and/or grades on the secondary education certificate.
(6) Persons applying to study programmes taught in English shall, in addition, have passed the state examination in the English language at B2 level, a valid internationally recognised English-language test approved by the university or an English-language test at Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University or the University of Tartu at least at B2 level. English language proficiency at B1 or B2 level may be required for applying to a study programme taught in Estonian. The list of the language tests to be taken into account and the required results shall be approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. [entry into force 30.11.2023]
(7) Evidence of the English language proficiency specified in subsection (6) of this section shall not be required from a student applicant who:
1) has completed IB or EB diploma studies;
2) has acquired secondary or higher education in English in the European Union, the European Economic Area, Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or in the Swiss Confederation and whose English language skills comply with at least B2 level. The Office of Academic Affairs has the right to request the relevant certification on paper or to verify the English language skills by an online interview. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
(8) The results of mathematics and Estonian language examinations taken at Tallinn University of Technology shall be considered equal to the results of state examinations. Applicants who have acquired their secondary education or an equivalent qualification in a foreign country compete for studies in study programmes taught in Estonian on the basis of the results of admission tests in mathematics and Estonian or the state examinations of the Republic of Estonia required for application. The Estonian language test may be taken only by student applicants who have not taken a state examination in essay, the Estonian language or Estonian as a second language or who have passed the exam with the results below the required minimum. The mathematics test may be taken only by student applicants who scored at least 70 points on the narrow mathematics state exam in the year of application, or whose score on the broad mathematics state exam meets or exceeds the university’s minimum application threshold for that year. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
(9) A state examination in Estonian as a second language may be replaced by a B2 or C1 level test, whereas the result of the test shall be at least 60% and the skills must meet the level requirements.
(10) In case of graduates of the IB and EB programmes, the examinations of the IB/EB diploma studies in courses complying with the terms and conditions of the competition approved by the University Senate and the requirements for admission to bachelor’s, engineering, professional higher education and master’s studies shall be considered on the same basis as state examinations. The score for examinations taken in an IB/EB programme shall be converted into state examination score.
(11) International applicants must have an average grade of at least 60 % of the maximum possible grade for secondary education. If the secondary education result is below the specified threshold, the requirement can be considered fulfilled if the applicant’s average grade from his/her previous higher education is at least 60% of the maximum possible grade. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
§ 8. Admission under a special condition
(1) A student applicant with the required level of education is admitted to Tallinn University of Technology if the applicant:
1) has achieved one of the ten highest scores in the final round (or in the preliminary round of 2020 if no final round was held) of an Estonian national subject olympiad for the 11th and 12 grades or is ranked among the top twenty in the general ranking of upper secondary school pupils;
2) has participated in the final round (or has been invited to the final round in 2020) of an Estonian national math, physics, chemistry or informatics olympiad for the 11th and 12th grades;
3) has, as an upper secondary school pupil, participated in and received a result at an international competition;
4) [repealed – entry into force 30.11.2023]
5) [repealed – entry into force 30.11.2023]
6) [repealed – entry into force 30.11.2023]
7) [repealed – entry into force 30.11.2023]
8) has won 1st – 3rd prize in the National Contest of Young Scientists;
9) has completed an elective course as an upper secondary school student.[entry into force 30.11.2023]
(2) The olympiads and competitions, which the university takes into account upon admission under a special condition, shall be determined by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.
§ 9. Submitting an application and other documents
(1) A student applicant, excluding international applicants, applying for a study programme taught in English via an information system is required to submit the following documents:
1) an online application through the SAIS information system;
2) a request for information certifying secondary education from the state register. If the information requested is not available, the original and a copy of the education certificate;
3) a passport or and ID card (if an application is submitted on the spot); [entry into force 30.11.2023]
4) a diploma or a certificate proving compliance with the special condition;
5) in case of persons who have acquired secondary education in a foreign country, assessment from the Estonian ENIC/NARIC Centre;
(2) An international applicant applying for a study programme taught in English via an information system is required to submit the following documents:
1) an online application through the DA information system;
2) an ID document (a passport or an ID card); [entry into force 30.11.2023]
2’) a residence permit card, if any; [entry into force 30.11.2023]
3) a copy of the document certifying the change of name, if the international applicant has changed his/her name;
4) copies of graduation certificates of secondary education or an equivalent qualification or, in the absence thereof, a certificate on the intermediate results of studies completed so far until the graduation certificate is issued.
5) an international applicant shall attach an Estonian or English translation certified by the issuer, a sworn translator or a notary to documents in a language other than Estonian or English, unless otherwise agreed;
6) a diploma or a certificate proving compliance with the special condition;
7) a certificate of proficiency in English.
Chapter 3
Admission to master’s studies
§ 10. General requirements for application
(1) Persons who have received a bachelor’s degree upon graduating from an accredited study programme or who have acquired higher education or an equal qualification on the basis of an accredited professional higher education study programme have the right to apply for master’s studies.
(2) If a student applicant has acquired prior education in a field that does not comply with the requirements for admission to the study programme, the applicant shall submit a standard format application to the programme director for the assessment of the eligibility of prior acquired competencies by 10 June at the latest. The programme director has the right to determine the courses, the completion of which allows to apply for the study programme. These courses must be completed before applying.
(3) Application for master’s studies takes place in competition groups formed by study programmes. An applicant may apply for up to two student places.
(4) The international applicants applying to study programmes taught in English shall, in addition, have passed a valid internationally recognised English-language test approved by the university or an English-language test at Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University or the University of Tartu at least at B2 level. The list of the language tests and the required results shall be approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.
(5) Evidence of the English language proficiency specified in subsection (4) of this section shall not be required from an applicant who has acquired education in English in the European Union, the European Economic Area, Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand or in the Swiss Confederation and whose English language skills comply with at least B2 level. The Office of Academic Affairs has the right to request the relevant certification on paper or to verify the English language skills by an online interview. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
(6) International applicants, except those who have acquired the required or subsequent higher education in a member state of the European Union or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) or the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), must pass the standardised GRE (the Graduate Record Examinations, hereinafter referred to as “GRE”) test or the proficiency test specified in the university’s competition conditions with the score required in the terms and conditions of the competition. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
(7) International applicants must have an average grade of at least 60 % of the maximum possible grade for the required education. If the result for the required higher education is below the specified threshold, the requirement can be considered fulfilled upon the programme director’s proposal if the applicant’s average grade from the applicant’s previous master’s studies is at least 60% of the maximum possible grade. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
§ 11. Submitting an application and other documents
(1) A student applicant, excluding international applicants, applying for a study programme taught in English via an information system is required to submit the following documents:
1) an online application through the SAIS information system;
2) a request for information certifying the required higher education from the state register. If the information requested is not available, the original and a copy of the education certificate;
3) an original and a copy of a diploma supplement if the grade point average is required;
4) a passport or and ID card (if an application is submitted on the spot); [entry into force 30.11.2023]
5) a decision of the programme director on the eligibility of prior learning or the courses that need to be passed before admission, as well as a certificate on passing these courses if the requirements for eligibility of education necessary for application have not been met;
6) in case of persons who have acquired higher education in a foreign country, assessment from the Estonian ENIC/NARIC Centre;
(2) An international applicant applying for a study programme taught in English via an information system is required to submit the following documents:
1) an online application through the DA information system;
2) an ID document (a passport or an ID card); [entry into force 30.11.2023]
2’) a residence permit card, if any; [entry into force 30.11.2023]
3) a copy of the document certifying the change of name, if the international applicant has changed his or her name;
4) copies of graduation certificates of higher education or an equivalent qualification or, in the absence thereof, a certificate on the intermediate results of studies completed so far until the graduation certificate is issued;
5) an international applicant shall attach an Estonian or English translation certified by the issuer, a sworn translator or a notary to documents in a language other than Estonian or English, unless otherwise agreed.
6) a certificate of proficiency in English;
7) a GRE certificate or the score of the knowledge test indicated in the university’s terms and conditions of the competition. [entry into force 18.11.2022]
Chapter 4
§ 12. Matriculation of a student
(1) A student applicant is matriculated only if he/she fulfils the general requirements for application and the admission requirements and confirms the student place by the prescribed deadline. In addition to fulfilling the general requirements for application and the admission requirements, an international applicant shall fulfil also the supplementary requirements for application pursuant to subsections 3 (4) and (7) of the Regulation and subsection (10) of this section.
(2) International applicants shall have a legal basis for staying in Estonia at the time of matriculation.
(3) Upon matriculation, the student’s study programme version, form of study and in the case of self-paid study, the obligation to pay the tuition fees are designated.
(4) Upon matriculation, a student is assigned a semester limit (SEL) in the study information system based on the nominal duration of studies.
(5) Student applicants are matriculated by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.
(6) The university has the right to terminate the admission procedure by the decision of the admission committee or to annul a matriculation decision by the decision of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs if it becomes apparent that:
1) the student applicant’s level of education or qualification does not allow access to the desired level of higher education;
2) the student applicant has materially violated the generally accepted standards of conduct or academic practice, incl. has damaged the university’s reputation by disseminating false information or making unfounded accusations in public media. Academic practice means the way of conduct that supports the values of the university and the rules laid down by legislation. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
(7) The university shall not be liable for any proprietary or non-proprietary damage resulting from a decision on termination of the admission procedure or annulment of a matriculation made in compliance with subsection (6) of this section. [entry into force 18.02.2025]
(8) Persons from outside of the European Union and European Economic Area commencing studies in a self-paid study programme shall pay the tuition fee for the first academic year prior to matriculation. Should the international applicant fail to commence studies or waive a student place, the abovementioned fee shall not be refunded, unless commencement of studies is prevented by circumstances beyond the control of the applicant and a refund form filled in by the international applicant has been submitted to the university no later than within one calendar year from the submission of his / her application for admission. The refund form will be sent to the international applicant at the personal e-mail address indicated in DA. [entry into force 08.10.2024]
§ 13. Additional matriculation through a School
(1) Additional matriculation to the university can be applied through a School if the applicant:
1) has completed courses in the study programme in the amount of at least 30 ECTS credit points;
2) has acquired the prior education required to apply for the study programme;
3) meets additional terms and conditions established by the dean.
(2) For additional matriculation, the applicant shall submit an application to the dean’s office by the deadline for additional matriculation indicated in the academic calendar and an APEL application filled out in the study information system.
(3) Additional matriculation for free studies can be applied if free studies are provided in the study programme and the applicant has not already exercised the right to free study while studying in another study programme at the same study level based on § 4 of the Regulation.
Chapter 5
§ 14. Disputing decisions related to admissions
(1) The result of an admission test may be disputed by filing a written appeal to the chairman of the School’s admission committee in the field not later than within three working days from publication of the results of the admission test. An appeal shall be reviewed by a committee established by the chairman of the admission committee of the School and comprising of at least the chairman of the admission committee and a member of the admission committee. The applicant who filed an appeal shall be notified of the decision of the committee within three working days as of the date of filing of the appeal. [entry into force 30.11.2023]
(2) Other decisions and acts related to admission may be disputed by filing an appeal to the admission committee within three working days from notification of the decision or performance of the act. An applicant shall be notified of the decision within three working days as of filing of the appeal. [entry into force 30.11.2023]
Chapter 6
Implementation of the Regulation
§ 15. Repeal of the Regulation
(1) The provisions of Regulation No 13 of 21 November 2017 of the University Senate “Admission Requirements” in § 1 regarding I and II level studies, subsections 2 (2), (3), (5) – (6’), (8) and (9), the provisions in subsections 3 (1) and (3) regarding I and II level studies , § 4, subsection 5 (1), the provisions in subsections 5 (2) – (4) regarding I and II level studies and subsection 5 (5), subsections 6 (1), (3) and provisions in subsection 6 (4) regarding I and II level studies, § 7 – § 12, subsections 16 (1), (3), (4) and (5), subsection 17 (1) and provisions in subsection 17 (2) regarding admission to I and II level studies are repealed.
§ 16. Entry into force of the Regulation
(1) Clause 1 (2) 8) and § 13 shall enter into force on 1.08.2022.
(2) The Regulation, excluding clause 1 (2) 8) and § 13, shall enter into force with retroactive effect from 1 January 2022.