Guide for writing a syllabus and a study programme

Approved by order No 102 of 30 June 2016 of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Amended by order No 109 of 13 October 2017 of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

1. General provisions

1.1 This guide for writing a syllabus and a study programme sets out the structure of the course and study programme registers and the composition of the data to be entered in the registers.

1.2 The course register is an information technology database managed by the Office of Academic Affairs, which forms part of the study information system ÕIS and contains information on all the courses taught at Tallinn University of Technology.

1.3 The study programme register is an information technology database managed by the Office of Academic Affairs, which forms part of the study information system ÕIS and contains information on all the study programmes taught at Tallinn University of Technology.

2. Course register

2.1 A syllabus shall be entered in the course register by the person who prepared it. A syllabus is an outline of a course, containing information on the topics to be covered and outcomes to be achieved in the course.

2.2 Each course is assigned a code as follows:
2.2.1 A course code consists of seven characters, the three first ones are letters and the four last ones are numbers. The first two letters of the code indicate the code name of the department, the third letter of the code is determined by the person preparing the course description. [entry into force 13.10.2017]
2.2.2 The first three digits of the numerical part of the course code usually refer to the serial number of the course in the structural unit. The last number of the code is the serial number of the part of the course. If a course is not divided into parts, the last number shall be “0”. [entry into force 13.10.2017]
2.2.3 In the case of PhD courses, as an exception, number “9” is used as the first digit of the numerical part of the code and the next two digits of the code indicate the serial number of the PhD course.
2.2.4 In the case of university-wide courses, the letter part of the code is UTT.
2.2.5 In case of a department’s course, the first letter shall correspond to the department’s code, the remaining letters are XX.
2.2.6 [repealed 13.10.2017]

2.3 When adding a course, the following information shall be entered in the course register:
2.3.1 the part of the study programme register to where the course belongs:
2.3.2 course title in Estonian and in English;
2.3.3 course workload in ECTS credits;
2.3.4 course type (if necessary);
2.3.5 declarability of the course, i.e. whether a student can declare the course;
2.3.6 assessment form (examination, pass/fail assessment, graded assessment);
2.3.7 semester when the course is taught:
2.3.8 languages of instruction;
2.3.9 course aims (in Estonian and in English);
2.3.10 learning outcomes (in Estonian and in English);
2.3.11 brief description of the course (in Estonian and in English);
2.3.12 [repealed 13.10.2017]
2.3.13 evaluation criteria in PDF file format (in Estonian and in English);
2.3.14 study literature (if necessary);
2.3.15 the prerequisite courses that must be completed before taking the course;
2.3.16 weekly workload in daytime study (lectures, practices, exercises);
2.3.17 semester workload in case of session-based study;
2.3.18 audience restrictions (if necessary);
2.3.19 explanation of declaring the course (rule);
2.3.20 [repealed 13.10.2017]

2.4 A syllabus shall be approved by the head of the structural unit. Only approved courses can be selected for a study programme.

3. Study programme register

3.1 A study programme shall be entered in the study information system ÕIS by the programme director or a person appointed by the programme director.

3.2 A study programme code consists of six characters, the first four ones are letters and the two last ones are numbers: the first one – school; the second – type of study (A – academic studies, D – professional higher education studies); the third – study programme code; the fourth – level of academic studies (R – professional higher education studies, B – bachelor’s studies; M – master’s studies; I – engineering studies; D – doctoral studies). The number in the code indicates the last two digits of the year of registration of the study programme.

3.3 A new version of the study programme created upon modification of a study programme, which is valid from a certain year of admission, is called a study programme version. A version is marked by adding a slash and the last two digits of the year of approval thereof to the code (e.g. KAKB14/16). In the case of a new study programme, the year of registration of the study programme and the year of the version are the same.

3.4 The study programme group, broad area of study, study field, study programme title in Estonian and in English, study level, nominal study period, workload in ECTS credits and language of instruction shall be indicated for each study programme.

3.5 The access conditions, objectives and learning outcomes shall be described and the graduation requirements shall be indicated for each study programme.

3.6 In case of a study programme version, the study programme structure by modules shall be indicated in compliance of the Curriculum Statute. “Module” means the unit of structuring the content of the study programme, where subjects are grouped into a purposeful set of subjects.

3.7 The objectives and learning outcomes of the modules shall be described in Estonian and in English, the minimum workload of the elective subjects shall be determined and courses shall be selected for the modules from the course register.  The main speciality to where the module belongs shall also be indicated.

3.8 The compulsory and elective courses shall be indicated in a module. In the case of integrated study programmes and professional higher education study programmes with a duration of more than three years, the courses belonging to the basic study modules, which the students must complete in accordance with the Academic Policies by the end of the fifth semester of attendance in study, shall be marked with “ * “.

3.9 The codes of the courses in bachelor’s, master’s and integrated study programmes can start with a number from 0 to 8, only the codes of courses in doctoral studies can start with a 9.

3.10 A standard study plan shall be prepared for each study programme version. In a standard study plan, the courses of the study programme are broken down by semesters. A standard study plan is a recommended option for graduation within nominal study duration on the basis of which a class schedule is prepared. Separate standard study plans are drawn up for daytime and session-based studies.

3.11 In order to modify a standard study plan, which will take effect the next academic year, the programme director shall submit a corresponding application to the Office of Academic Affairs before 1 March.