1. Recognition with the dean’s letter of appreciation
1.1 A letter of appreciation is awarded to School employees and others in recognition of their long-term and effective work, outstanding achievements, successful organisation of a School-related event or major contributions to the development of the School and on the basis of a proposal of the head of a department to celebrate personal anniversaries.
1.2 A letter of appreciation shall be drawn up on a letter of appreciation form in accordance with the university’s stylebook. A letter of appreciation shall be signed by the dean.
2. Recognition of research publications
2.1 The aim of the research publications grant is to enhance the quality of the School’s research publications, encourage the employees of the School to publish in top journals in the field and to increase the visibility, accessibility and influence of research publications.
2.2 The grant is awarded for research publications that meet all the following requirements:
1) the publication must have been published in a Scopus/WoS Q1 journal (ranking among the top 25% of journals with the highest impact): 2) the corresponding author of the publication is employed in a full-time position at the School of Science.
2.3 Amount and payment of the grant
2.3.1 The amount of the grant for a published high-level research paper is EUR 1,000.
2.3.2 In order to receive the scientific publication grant, the corresponding author shall submit the relevant application through the Help Center, along with an abstract of the publication.
2.3.3 The grant is paid from the dean’s office funds twice a year, in August and January. In August, the grant is paid for applications submitted from January to June and in January for applications submitted from July to December in the previous year. The grant shall be paid to the department’s financing source 01. The head of the department shall arrange allocation of the grant funds within the department making them available to the corresponding author (or author’s research group).
3. Recognising the best popular science media coverage
3.1 The School of Science announces annually two competitions aimed at enhancing the School’s visibility in society and recognising the employees who have contributed to it.
3.1.1 Competition for the best popular science publication. The competition is held to select the three best popular science publications in the School. Authors of publications, heads of research groups and heads of departments have the right to submit publications to the competition. Persons whose primary role involves marketing activities for the School/Department are not eligible to participate in the competition. The popular science publications submitted to the competition must meet the following requirements: 1) the author of the publication must be employed in a full-time position at the School of Science; 2) connection with the School/Department must be indicated in the publication.
3.1.2 Competition for other best media coverage The competition for the best media coverage is held to select the top three other media coverages at the School of Science. The persons who have received or are associated with media coverage, heads of research groups, heads of departments have the right to submit reasoned proposals for participation in the competition. Persons whose primary role involves marketing activities for the School/Department are not eligible to participate in the competition. The media coverages submitted to the competition must meet the following requirements: 1) the media coverage must include an activity of the School popularising teaching or research that has got media coverage outside TalTech (interviews, TV appearances, etc., excluding popular science publications); 2) the person who received or is associated with media coverage must be employed in a full-time position at the School of Science; connection with the School/Department has been indicated in the media coverage or proposal.
3.2 Competition deadlines and selection of winners
3.2.1 The deadline for submitting materials for the media coverage competitions is 1 October.
3.2.2 Only the media coverages published in the year of announcement of the competition or in the year preceding it may be submitted for the competition.
3.2.3 The best media coverages will be selected and a decision regarding allocation of the fund among the winners shall be made by a committee consisting of the dean, the heads of the departments, the vice-deans and the head of marketing and communications of the School.
3.2.4 The winners will be announced at the School’s science conference.
3.3 Amount and payment of the grant
3.3.1 The fund for the best media coverages is EUR 6000.
3.3.2 The grant shall be paid from the dean’s office funds to the department’s financing source 01. The head of the department shall arrange allocation of the grant funds within the department making them available to the person (or the research group) who was awarded the grant.
4. Disputes and issues relating to recognition
Disputes and exceptional issues relating to recognition shall be resolved by the management of the School (the dean, vice-deans, heads of departments and head of the dean’s office).