Approval of the Fee Rates for Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning

Approved by order No 48 of 15 February 2024 of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

In force from: 01.07.2024

Approval of the Fee Rates for Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning

Based on subsection 3 (8) of Regulation No 9 of 12 December 2023 of the Senate of Tallinn University of Technology “Rules for Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning”,

1. I hereby approve the fee rates for accreditation of prior and experiential learning (hereinafter referred to as “APEL”) towards the completion of a study programme based on ECTS credit points as follows:
1.1 upon applying for accreditation of degree studies in the amount of up to 30 ECTS credit points (inclusive), the fee is 15 euros for 1 ECTS credit point.
1.2 upon applying for accreditation of degree studies in the amount of 31 ECTS credit points or more, the fee is 450 euros, irrespective of the number of ECTS credit points;
1.3 upon applying for accreditation of continuing education in the amount of up to 30 ECTS credit points (inclusive), the fee is 15 euros for 1 ECTS credit point;
1.4 upon applying for accreditation of continuing education in the amount of 31 ECTS credit points or more, the fee is 450 euros, irrespective of the number of ECTS credit points;
1.5 upon applying for accreditation of experiential learning, the fee is 30 euros for 1 ECTS credit point;

1.6 upon applying for accreditation of a combination of prior learning (prior degree studies, continuing education courses professional experience, independent studies), the fee is 30 euros for 1 ECTS credit point. Accreditation of studies completed in different educational institutions towards completion of one matching course is also deemed to be accreditation of a combination of prior learning.

2. An invoice is prepared and submitted to the student for payment in compliance with clause 1 and based on the number of the ECTS credit points of the course in a study programme of Tallinn University of Technology, for the completion of which the applicant wants to use APEL, unless a matching course is not selected in the elective courses module or the course is transferred to the optional study module when applying for accreditation of degree studies. In this case, the invoice is issued based on the number of ECTS credit points of the originally completed degree study course.

3. The fees specified in clause 1 are not charged from students studying for free, incl. students who have been granted a tuition fee waiver scholarship if:
3.1 it has been so agreed in a partnership agreement for joint studies signed between the higher education institutions (studying as a visiting student);
3.2 before taking the courses, the student has agreed with the School in writing to study courses at another higher education institution (either as an exchange student at a foreign higher education institution or by completing courses within the EuroTeQ framework) .

4. No fee for the assessment of an APEL application is charged from a student who pays a semester fee if the student takes courses at a higher education institution abroad as an exchange student under an agreement signed between the universities and the student has previously agreed with the programme director on taking the courses or if the student takes courses agreed upon with the programme director within the EuroTeQ framework.

5. No APEL fee is charged upon applying for accreditation of courses taken previously at Tallinn University of Technology, except for courses completed more than 12 years ago. In this case, the fee rates for applying for accreditation of degree studies specified in clauses 1.1 and 1.2 shall apply.

6. No fee for assessing an APEL application is charged from Master’s studies applicants upon determining whether they meet the education requirement specified in the admission criteria.

7. I hereby repeal order No 136 of 30 October 2019 “Approval of the Fee Rates for Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning”.

8. The order shall enter into force on 1 July 2024.