Structure and Responsibilities of the Real Estate Office

Approved by directive No 60 of 6 April 2021 of the Administrative Manager (entry into force 01.04.2021)
Amended by order No 167 of 18 October 2023 of the Director for Administration

In force from: 18.10.2023

1. General provisions

1.1 The order lays down the structure and responsibilities of the Real Estate Office (hereinafter referred to as “the Office”).

1.2 The Office has been established based on an operates in compliance with the Statutes of the Administrative and Support Units.

1.3 The Rector has assigned the Office to the area of responsibility of the Director for Administration (hereinafter referred to as “area director”). [entry into force 18.10.2023]

1.4 The name of the Office in English is Real Estate Office.

2. Main objective of the Office

The main objective of the Real Estate Office is the development and management of the real estate owned or used by the university, the provision of logistics services, and the maintenance of the university’s other public assets with an aim to meet the needs of the university’s main activities.

3. Structure and responsibilities of the Office

3.1 To fulfil its main objective, the Office shall:
3.1.1 adhere to legislation regulating real estate maintenance and construction;
3.1.2 prepare technical specifications for public procurements in its field;
3.1.3 establish pricing for the services provided by the Office;
3.1.4 perform other functions arising from legislation or tasks assigned by the area director.

3.2 The Office includes:
3.2.1 the Facilities Management Division
3.2.2 the Maintenance Division
3.2.3 the Security Division
3.2.4 the Construction Services Division

3.3 The Facilities Management Division is responsible for:
3.3.1 organizing the maintenance and management of the buildings, facilities, and public property, as well as for conducting inventories;
3.3.2 organizing cleaning and maintenance of the buildings and premises;
3.3.3 landscape maintenance on the premises;
3.3.4 planning and procuring equipment and furniture with standard functions;
3.3.5 identifying the need for and procuring signposts, signs, and information stands;
3.3.6 arranging the rental or lease of premises;
3.3.7 procuring catering services;
3.3.8 regular monitoring of the condition of buildings, facilities and premises (including by building and unit);
3.3.9 organizing the allocation of rooms to structural units for own use, calculating own usage tariffs, and managing internal invoicing;
3.3.10 coordinating the extracurricular use of public auditoriums and other public spaces;
3.3.11 organizing the management of the Glehn’s Castle and the Observatory:
3.3.12 organizing household waste sorting and waste handling;
3.3.13 performing minor carpentry, metalworking and painting tasks;
3.3.14 organizing parking and traffic on the university’s territory;
3.3.15 managing the university’s vehicles (organizing acquisition, insurance, maintenance, and repairs of the vehicles), coordinating transport logistics, passenger transport, and taxi services;
3.3.16 declaring goods arriving from outside the European Union, arranging the shipment of goods outside the European Union, preparing reports on packaging materials (within the meaning of §9 of the Packaging Act);
3.3.17 applying for a permit for exemption from excise duty from the Estonian Tax and Customs Board, purchasing spirits and gases and organizing distribution thereof to the structural units;
3.3.18 organizing the repair, maintenance and teamwork of the research vessel Salme and ensuring the vessel is fully equipped.

3.4 The Maintenance Division is responsible for:
3.4.1 ensuring electricity supply (purchasing electricity, maintaining electrical installations, overseeing lighting systems and coordinating the construction of electrical installations);
3.4.2 ensuring optimal indoor climate (purchasing electricity, maintaining utility systems, arranging renovation of utility systems);
3.4.3 ensuring water supply (purchasing water and sewage services, maintaining and repairing water systems and organizing renovation, minor sanitary works);
3.4.4 ensuring servicing of lifting equipment and compressed-air systems (maintenance and renovation of utility systems);
3.4.5 managing real estate data (collecting and processing of building energy data, optimizing utility systems).

3.5 The Security Division is responsible for:
3.5.1 ensuring the proper functioning and development of the university’s fire safety installations, surveillance, security and access control systems;
3.5.2 planning and organising the repair and maintenance of security, surveillance and access control systems;
3.5.3 organizing and developing manned guarding and technical surveillance;
3.5.4 organizing the insurance of university property, incl. claim settlement;
3.5.5 organizing compliance with the Fire Safety Regulations;
3.5.6 arranging repair and maintenance of fire safety installations.

3.6 The Construction Services Division is responsible for:
3.6.1 planning the prospective needs for buildings;
3.6.2 organising the budgeting, designing and construction of planned buildings;
3.6.3 organizing the processing of detailed plans for the university’s registered immovables, from initiation to adoption;
3.6.4 planning and organizing replacement spaces (incl. moving) for the period of construction and repair work;
3.6.5 organizing general construction and repair works for existing buildings, including warranty works;
3.6.6 mapping annual capital investment needs, and preparing and executing the capital budget;
3.6.7 interior designing and coordinating related activities;
3.6.8 establishing spatial standards.