Fish quality, ichthyology and ecology lab (MA1-051) rules for internal order and occupational safety

Responsible department:
Approved by: order No 1-24/258 of 30 September 2020 of the Director of the Estonian Maritime Academy
Amended by: order No 1-24/132 of 26 April 2023 of the Director of the Estonian Maritime Academy
  1. General safety requirements

1.1. Everyone must undergo occupational safety instruction before commencing work in the lab. A person who has completed occupational safety instruction confirms, by signature, that he/she has read the regulations and the requirements set out in it and undertakes to comply with them. (Form V5-1/0).
1.2. Occupational safety instruction shall be conducted in accordance with the Internal Work Procedure and Occupational Safety Rules of the Lab, the requirements of which must be adhered to by all the persons in the laboratory.
1.3. During the occupational safety instruction, the persons commencing work in the laboratory will be informed about the Internal Work Procedure and Occupational Safety Rules, the risk factors in the work environment and the use of personal protective equipment, ergonomically correct working positions and techniques, laboratory work procedures, fire and electrical safety requirements, the locations of first aid equipment and fire extinguishing equipment, the safety signs used at the workplace and the locations of the emergency exits and routes.
1.4. Occupational safety instruction is conducted by the Senior Researcher of the Centre of Maritime Education and Training.
1.5. The Senior Researcher of the Centre of Maritime Education and Training is responsible for the maintenance of the equipment of the lab.
1.6. An access card is required to enter the lab; students are allowed to enter only with the permission of the supervisor/lecturer.
1.7. Users of the lab are required to promptly inform the supervisor/lecturer and other lab users of any detected deficiencies or equipment malfunctions. Working with malfunctioning equipment is prohibited; in the event of a hazardous situation, work must be halted immediately.
1.8. Users of the lab are not permitted to operate independently any equipment without prior safety instruction and approval to commence work granted by the supervisor/lecturer. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact the supervisor/ lecturer.
1.9. If you notice another lab user engaging in improper or prohibited behaviour, you should inform him/her and, if necessary, also notify the supervisor/lecturer thereof.
1.10. It must be safe to work in the lab; it is recommended that you move around in the lab only when necessary and without haste, so as not to disturb others. Move with caution to avoid slipping or falling, as well as to prevent injuries and damage to lab equipment. Engaging in activities that interfere with studies in the lab is prohibited.
1.11. The working environment must be organised to ensure safe and ergonomic working conditions. Remove unnecessary and disturbing objects from the work area.
1.12. In the event of failure to comply with the requirements set out in the  Internal Work Procedure and Occupational Safety Rules, the laboratory user shall be immediately removed from the work being performed. In the event of repeated non-compliance, the lab user shall be removed from all works.
1.13. Any material damage to the university resulting from the intentional violation or negligence in the fulfilment of  the requirements set out in the  Internal Work Procedure and Occupational Safety Rules shall be compensated in full by the person who caused the damage.
1.14. The supervisor of the work/lecturer shall be informed immediately of any accident/injury or fire occurring during laboratory work. Appropriate measures must be taken depending on the accident.
1.15. In case of an accident involving a victim, the victim shall be removed from the danger zone, and if necessary, first aid providers or an ambulance (phone number 112) must be called, and it must be ensured that first aid is provided to the victim.
1.16. In the event of a serious accident, the inviolability of the workplace and equipment shall be ensured until the arrival of the chief working environment specialist, the representative of the Labour Inspectorate or the police, and until obtaining permission from them to resume work.
1.17. If it is not possible to ensure inviolability of the workplace and equipment, their condition at the time of the accident must be recorded.
1.18. In case of a serious and imminent risk of an accident, actions shall be taken by applying one’s knowledge and available technical means to prevent potential consequences, even if it is not possible to immediately contact the supervisor/lecturer.
1.19. In case of a serious or unavoidable risk of an accident, the persons working in the laboratory must leave the workplace quickly and safely; a person who leaves without permission must not be punished or placed at any disadvantage.
1.20. In case of fire, safety of people and their quick evacuation or rescue from the danger zone must be ensured.
1.20.1. A person who discovers fire is obliged to immediately call the emergency number 112 and provide the following information to the rescue centre: the exact address where the fire is located, details on what is burning, and the person reporting the fire; answers to the questions asked by the rescue official; the person must not end the call until permission to do so is granted.
1.21. As far as possible, begin extinguishing the fire using basic fire extinguishing equipment and close the doors and windows to prevent the spread of fire.
1.22. When the rescue team arrives at the scene, the person who discovered the fire or the representative of the possessor of the site shall inform the head of the rescue team of the following:
1.22.1. the source and extent of the fire;
1.22.2. the potential hazard to people;
1.22.3. other potential hazards arising from the fire (explosions, hazardous chemicals, electrical equipment, etc.).

2. Safety requirements while working in the laboratory

2.1. Laboratory users are required to carry out all tasks with the utmost caution.
2.2. Keep the workplace clean while working and avoid stacking excess dishes or tools on the workbenches.
2.3. In the laboratory, avoid spilling chemical reagents onto the workbench as far as possible.
2.4. It is prohibited to pour concentrated acids and alkalis, as well as flammable liquids, into sinks or other places not intended for this purpose, or throw solids (such as sand, filter papers, matches, pieces of metal, etc.) into them.
2.5. It is prohibited to store food, eat or use laboratory wares as food containers in the lab MA1-051.
2.6. Laboratory equipment must only be used to perform the tasks specified in the instructions and the user manuals of the equipment must be followed.
2.7. Tools and laboratory equipment must be properly positioned and installed, appropriate distances between stationary and moving parts must be maintained and sufficient energy supply must be ensured, substances and materials must be fed, used and removed in a manner that ensures the safety of both the user and others.
2.8. Chemical analyses must be conducted by following strictly the specifications (concentrations, quantities, equipment, and conditions) provided in the work instructions.
2.9. Laboratory users must know the chemical substances used, including their physical and chemical properties as well as their physiological effects, and must review the chemical safety data sheets prior to commencing work. Safety data sheets are stored on-site at the workplace (in the laboratory).
2.10. Laboratory users must handle the abovementioned substances in a manner that ensures full safety.
2.11. Use only clean and undamaged laboratory ware for tests and wash them thoroughly after each use.
2.12. Do not pick up or clean up broken glass with bare hands.
2.13. A laboratory user is required to supply all samples and bottles containing substances stored in refrigerators or cabinets with labels with the name of the substance, the date, and the user’s name. The abovementioned substances and samples must only be stored in a place designated for each specific substance/sample.
2.14. It is prohibited to attempt to identify chemical reagents by taste.
2.15. When sniffing, waft any dispersed fumes or gases cautiously by hand.
2.16. Working in the laboratory under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or any toxic or psychotropic substance is prohibited.
2.17. You must never put your face over the container while pouring or heating solutions/liquids. You must never point the open end of a test tube towards yourself or other laboratory users to prevent the solution/liquid from splashing onto anyone.
2.18. When diluting concentrated acids, particularly sulphuric acid, the acid must be added to water slowly in a fine stream while stirring the solution gently with a glass rod in order to prevent rapid heating of the solution.
2.19. When handling flammable liquids (ether, toluene, alcohol, etc.), avoid any contact between the liquid vapours and open flames or hot surfaces.
2.20. Never heat a flammable liquid in a glass container with an open flame or on a stove or in an oven.

3. Safety requirements after completing work in the laboratory

3.1. When you have completed your work, switch off the equipment, turn off the water supply taps, and also the gas and compressed air taps, where necessary.
3.2. The laboratory must be kept clean  –  wash and dry your equipment, clean your workstation after finishing your work.
3.3. After using a device,  the user must disassemble it into parts that came into contact with the processed product. The parts must be cleaned, washed and disinfected.