Approval of the academic calendar for the 2024/2025

Approved by Rector’s directive No 1-8/13 of 10.04.2023
Amended by Rector’s directive No 1-8/19 of 03.06.2024
Amended by Rector’s directive No 1-8/26 of 19.07.2024
Amended by Rector’s directive No 1-8/2 of 09.01.2025

In force from: 09.01.2025

Based on subsection 3 (1) of the Academic Policies of Tallinn University of Technology, I hereby approve the academic calendar for 2024/2025 as follows:

20 August the first day to submit the autumn semester’s individual study plan
26 August beginning of the academic year
deadline for submission of applications for additional enrolment
26 – 31 August pre-week of the autumn semester
30 August opening ceremonies
2 September beginning of the autumn semester
9 September deadline for submission of the semester’s individual study plan or an application for academic leave at one’s own request
11 September deadline for cancellation of students’ declarations for registration to a course by the lecturer
17 September [entry into force 03.06.2024] university’s anniversary, award of doctoral degrees
27 October end of the study period (quarter)
16 December deadline for submission of applications for defence
21 December end of the period of classroom sessions of the autumn semester
24 December – 1 January Christmas holiday
6 January approval of the applications for defence by the supervisor
20 January [entry into force 03.06.2024] the first day to submit the spring semester’s individual study plan
22 January deadline for taking the autumn semester’s examinations
26 January end of the autumn semester
27 January deadline for submission of applications for additional enrolment
27 January – 2 February interim week
3 February beginning of the spring semester
10 February deadline for submission of the spring semester’s individual study plan or an application for academic leave at one’s own request
12 February deadline for cancellation of students’ declarations for registration to a course by the lecturer
30 March end of the study period (quarter)
12 May deadline for submission of applications for defence
23 May approval of the applications for defence by the supervisor
25 May end of the period of classroom sessions of the spring semester
4 June deadline for defence of graduation theses by graduates of joint Master’s study programmes
9 June deadline for defence of a graduation thesis/taking the final examination by graduates of Master’s studies
11 June deadline for taking the spring semester’s examinations
13 June deadline for defence of graduation thesis for graduates of the first level of education and deadline for taking the Bachelor’s examination
16 June end of the spring semester
28 June deadline for attestation of PhD students
16. – 22 June period of graduation ceremonies in the Colleges and the Estonian Maritime Academy
18 – 26 June [entry into force 09.01.2025] period of graduation ceremonies in the main building
30 June end of the academic year

calculation of the study load of students for the next academic year based on the study results of the previous academic year