1. General provisions
1.1 Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the university”) is an international university, which operates in an international environment and is an attractive destination for international students, lecturers and researchers. In parallel to internationalisation, the university shall ensure the availability of education in Estonian and the development of professional terminology in Estonian.
1.2 The language policy sets out the rules for the use of language at the university, the language proficiency requirements for students and staff, and the measures necessary for the implementation of the actions.
2. Degree studies
2.1 As a rule, the study programmes of the first level of higher education are taught in Estonian. All study programmes taught in Estonian shall include courses that improve professional written and oral communication skills in Estonian and English.
2.2 At the second level of higher education, the university fosters the development of internationally attractive study programmes taught in English. In each areas the university is responsible of, there shall be an opportunity to study in Estonian also in master’s studies.
2.3 As a rule, doctoral programmes are taught in English.
3. Students
3.1 In study programmes taught in Estonian:
3.1.1 applicants are expected to have English and Estonian language proficiency at level B2. Undergraduate students who do not have B2 level proficiency are required to achieve B2 level proficiency during the study period;
3.1.2 the graduates’ oral and written communication skills in Estonian and English shall meet the labour market expectations.
3.2 In study programmes taught in English:
3.2.1 one of the admission requirements for all applicants is English language proficiency at least at level B2;
3.2.2 international students have the opportunity to acquire Estonian language proficiency at least at level A1, which enables them to cope in the surrounding cultural environment and communicate in routine tasks.
4. Employees
4.1 As a rule, employees[1] shall have English language proficiency at least at level B2, lecturers teaching courses in English at least at level C1.
4.2 International lecturers and researchers have the opportunity to acquire Estonian language proficiency at least at level A1, which enables them to cope in the surrounding cultural environment and communicate in routine tasks.
5. Language of administration
5.1 The main language of administration at the university is Estonian. The services provided by the university are also available in English.
5.2 The most important legislation of the university, including information concerning the rights of students and employees, is available in Estonian and English.
6. Implementation of language policy
6.1 In order to achieve the objectives, the university:
6.1.1 provides courses to international students, lecturers and researchers that improve their Estonian language skills and introduce Estonian culture in order to enable them to better integrate into Estonian society;
6.1.2 creates opportunities for all students to improve their academic and professional language skills in Estonian and English, incl. for students, whose English language proficiency does not meet the B2 level requirements, the university offers free general language courses in the amount of up to 6 ECTS credits. General language courses improve general language and communication skills; for the students specified in clause 3.1.1, whose Estonian language proficiency does not meet the B2 level requirements, the university offers free general language courses in the amount of 6 – 30 ECTS credits; helps improve professional English language skills through speciality subjects.
6.1.3 ensures that the graduates of the first level study programmes taught in Estonian have English and Estonian language proficiency at level B2. One of the prerequisites for graduates of study programmes taught in Estonian for defending their graduation thesis or for being allowed to take the final exam is provision of proof of their English and Estonian language proficiency at level B2;
6.1.4 provides opportunities for employees to achieve the language proficiency specified in clause 4.1. or improve their professional written and oral communication skills in English;
6.1.5 provides opportunities for students and employees to develop general proficiency in other foreign languages under the conditions established by the university;
6.1.6 contributes more to training and provides opportunities for employees to communicate in English, incl. language clubs, international trainees, etc.;
6.1.7 contributes more to international student and staff mobility, incl. mobility of non-academic staff.
6.2 Implementation of the language policy shall be coordinated by the respective structural unit, which, inter alia:
6.2.1 assesses the language proficiency of the employees, students and applicants and issues the corresponding certificates;
6.2.2 coordinates students’ and employees’ language studies and ensures the quality of language teaching. If possible, the languages are taught by native speakers;
6.2.3 cooperates with the schools upon teaching professional language;
6.2.4 provides language services to members of the university and outside the university.
7. Application
7.1 The requirements set out in clause 3.1.1. shall be applied to students enrolled in the academic year 2017/2018 or later.
7.2 The transition period for meeting the requirements laid down in clause 4.1 is four years, during which opportunities shall be provided for the staff to achieve the required level specified in clause 4.1 or to develop oral and written communication skills in English.
[1] excluding skilled workers and auxiliary staff (staff categories F and G).