Rules for the Use of Assets

Approved by Rector’s directive No 11 of 28.03.2024

In force from: 28.03.2024

1. General provisions

1.1 The Rules for the Use of Assets (hereinafter referred to as “the Rules”) govern the conditions for using and granting the use of the premises, real estate, and items (hereinafter collectively referred to as “assets”) owned by Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the university”), as well as calculation and payment of the costs relating to the premises.

1.2 The Rules do not apply to:
1.2.1 granting the use of the university’s dwellings to the PhD students and staff of the university;
1.2.2 granting the use of the university’s official cars to the staff members of the university;
1.2.3 granting the use of the university’s telecommunications equipment to the staff members of the university;
1.2.4 granting the use of intellectual property and monetarily appraisable rights and obligations;
1.2.5 encumbering of real estate with a limited real right.

1.3 The university does not use or grant use of its assets for events or activities that violate public order, or for political or religious propaganda.

1.4 The user of the assets shall:
1.4.1 use the assets prudently and for the intended purposes;
1.4.2 immediately inform the relevant persons about the damage to or the risk of damage to the assets;
1.4.3 when using the assets within the university, comply with the Statutes of the University and the internal procedure rules applied at the university.

2. Definitions

2.1 ‘assets’ within the meaning of these Rules is a collective term for real estate, premises and items;

2.2 ‘real estate’ means the immovable properties owned by the university and the buildings on them;

2.3 ‘item’ means movable properties used by the university for its operations, such as equipment, inventory, furniture or the like;

2.4 ‘asset register’ means a module of the business software where the university’s immovable and movable properties, including, where possible, details on the location and the user, are recorded;

2.5 ‘document certifying asset movement’ means a formal document that is completed when the user of an item changes, an item moves from one structural unit to another and/or the location of an item changes;

2.6 ‘self-use area’ means premises allocated to structural units and directly necessary for their core activities, such as laboratories, offices, and seminar rooms, . All costs of the building groups are allocated to the self-use areas when determining the cost tariff.

2.7 ‘non-self-use areas’ means premises shared by the building occupants, premises used by the Real Estate Office, and facilities essential for building maintenance such as corridors and utility rooms. Non-self-use areas are excluded from the allocation of the costs of the building groups, so all expenses are allocated to the self-use areas;

2.8 ‘order for self-use of premises’ means a document signed by the  Real Estate Development Director and the head of a structural unit that documents changes related to the self-use of premises, including the transfer date, the total area of the premises allocated for self-use and serving as the basis for cost allocation;

2.9 ‘sub-use of premises’ means an activity within the university where one structural unit temporarily grants another unit the use of its premises either for free or for a fee;

2.10 ‘building group’ means a cluster of buildings within a specific location, to which fixed and variable costs associated with maintaining the real estate are jointly allocated;

2.11 ‘register of premises’ means the database where the designations, areas, types, possessors, and other key parameters related to premises are recorded.

2.12 ‘public auditoriums’ means universal classrooms in the building group of the Mustamäe campus financed by the general fund,  available for use by all structural units and booked through the study information system and intended for shared use. In the allocation of cost tariffs, public auditoriums are categorized as self-use areas;

2.13 ‘cost tariff’ is a collective term used for fixed and variable costs, encompassing all real estate maintenance costs for a building group per square meter of self-use areas in a calendar month;

2.14 ‘variable cost’ means the consumption costs of heating, electricity, water, and sewage, which are allocated to the self-use areas of a building group;

2.15 ‘fixed cost’ means the costs of maintenance of utility systems, cleaning, repair funds, and other real estate maintenance costs, which are allocated to the self-use areas of a building group;

2.16 ‘external parties’ means natural persons who are not employees of the university, as well as all other legal persons.

3. Self-use and sub-use of premises

3.1 A structural unit manages the premises that are directly required for its statutory or regulatory activities and allocated for its self-use.

3.2 Utility rooms, corridors and other public areas shall not be allocated for the self-use of structural units.

3.3 In addition to the premises listed in clause 3.1, the Real Estate Office manages all non-self-use areas, such as the Glehn’s Castle,  the Student Building, the external rental properties, vacant premises, and the public auditoriums on the Mustamäe campus.

3.4 The Real Estate Development Director decides on allocating premises to a structural unit for self-use based on an application submitted to the Real Estate Office by the structural unit.

3.5 Premises are allocated to a structural unit for self-use for an unspecified term and as a single complex.

3.6 The Real Estate Office manages the register of premises and provides a list of vacant premises on the intranet, allowing structural units to request new premises for their self-use.

3.7 The terms for making alterations in the self-use of premises are as follows:
3.7.1 a structural unit may request additional premises, a change in their intended use, or relinquishment of the existing premises by submitting an application to the Real Estate Office;
3.7.2 a structural unit may relinquish the premises allocated to it, provided that the premises to be relinquished constitute a single complex, either on their own or in combination with other vacant premises. Premises cannot be relinquished if, due to the location of the premises, it is difficult to find a new user or assign a new function to the premises;
3.7.3 The Real Estate Development Director shall obtain the approval of the Rector’s Office for major (more than 300 m²) changes in the self-use of premises; 3.7.4 a structural unit shall notify the Real estate Office  of any planned changes to the premises in the following year by 1 September of the current year at the latest.

3.8 The decisions to allocate premises to a structural unit for self-use, as well as to alter the terms of self-use shall be documented in an order of the Real Estate Development Director.

3.9 The head of a structural unit decides on allocating the premises in the self-use of the structural unit for sub-use within the university.

3.10 The structural unit may require the sub-user to cover the costs associated with the premises when allocating the premises for sub-use.

3.11 A structural unit is obliged to inform the Real Estate Office about allocating its premises for sub-use within the university.

3.12 The Real Estate Office provides real estate maintenance services in all the building groups listed in Annex 1 to the Rules.

3.13 In order to provide real estate maintenance services, the Real Estate Office and its contractors have the right to enter the premises allocated for self-use based on the university’s Security Management Regulations.

4. Covering the costs of real estate and premises

4.1 The funds required for real estate maintenance are obtained from variable and fixed cost fees collected from structural units, external rental income and other revenue from service and sales contracts.

4.2 The Real Estate Office is responsible for the purposeful and efficient use of funds required for real estate maintenance and is required to provide structural units with information on cost distribution.

4.3 The calculation of real estate maintenance costs starts and ends on the first day of the month following the date of transfer of possession specified in the premises self-use order.

4.4 To cover the costs of the public auditoriums in the Mustamäe campus, funds are allocated from the university’s general fund.

4.5 The costs of the auditoriums in Kopli, Virumaa, Tartu and Kuressaare building groups are covered by the structural units to whose self-use the auditoriums have been allocated.

5. Principles for calculating cost tariffs

5.1 The cost tariffs of the university’s building groups consist of fixed costs and variable costs.

5.2 The fixed cost tariffs of building groups are established by a Rector’s order for a period of a financial year.

5.3 The fixed cost tariffs of building groups are calculated per square meter allocated to a structural unit for self-use in a calendar month, based on the real estate maintenance costs budgeted for the building groups.

5.4 Variable cost tariffs are not fixed for a financial year.

5.5 The variable cost tariffs of building groups are calculated monthly, per square meter allocated to a structural unit for self-use in a calendar month, based on the actual consumption  volumes of the building groups and the corresponding unit prices of electricity, heating and water supply.

5.6 The cost tariffs of building groups include the costs of non-self-use areas.

5.7 The names of the building groups in the university and the designations of the buildings in the groups are listed in Annex 2 to the Rules.

5.8 The university’s sports centre, student hostels and the building of the Estonian Maritime Academy are not included in the building groups, because their usage and maintenance costs are governed by separate agreements with external legal entities, concluded on basis different from the university’s Rules for the Use of Assets.

6. Procedure for covering costs

6.1 The Real Estate Office issues a structural unit a consolidated report detailing the fixed and variable costs associated with the premises in the calendar month.

6.2 The consolidated report for the previous month is submitted by the 25th of the following month. If the abovementioned date falls on a day off or national holiday,  the report shall be submitted no later than the first working day thereafter.

6.3 A structural unit has  the right to propose corrections within 5 working days from the date of submission of the consolidated report and request additional explanations regarding the data.

6.4 If the structural unit does not propose corrections within 5 working days after receiving the consolidated report, the Finance Office will transfer the costs for the premises based on the consolidated report from the financing sources agreed upon with the units.

6.5 The Real Estate Development Director has the right to postpone the transfers of the costs for the premises to allow for clarification of data in the consolidated report.

7. Resolving complaints concerning the services of the Real Estate Office

7.1 Structural units may submit complaints about the Real Estate Office’s services using a designated form available in the Help Center.

7.2 The parties have 14 days from the date the complaint is submitted through the Help Center to address and resolve the issue.

7.3 An agreement to resolve the complaint, approved by both the Real Estate Development Director and the head of the structural unit, is documented in the Help Center for all service-related complaints.

7.4 If a contractual penalty or fine for delay are imposed on the service provider during the resolution of the complaint, any funds collected will be allocated to cover the university’s overheads.

8. Granting use of the university’s real estate and premises to external parties and the usage fee

8.1 As a rule, the university should receive income from granting use of its real estate and premises.

8.2 The university’s real estate and premises shall be granted for use based on the university’s current price list, or at the prevailing market price if there are no price lists.

8.3 The structural unit is required to notify the Real Estate Office in writing before entering into any agreements for granting the use of premises to external parties.

8.4 The grant of use of an immovable property en bloc is decided by the Rector, the Director for Administration or the Real Estate Development Director within the scope of their respective authority.

8.5 The grant of use of real estate and premises is decided by the Real Estate Development Director or the Director for Administration within the scope of their respective authority and organised by the Real Estate Office either by auction or by discretionary decision, except in the case provided for in clause 8.9.

8.6 The term for granting the university’s real estate and premises for temporary use shall not exceed 10 years for premises and 50 years for immovable property en bloc.

8.7 The Real Estate Office manages the use of the Glehn’s Castle, the Student Building, Mektory, public auditoriums, and other public rooms on a case-by-case basis.

8.8 The decision to grant the use of premises shall be made by the head of the structural unit to which the premises have been allocated for self-use, if the premises are granted for use:
8.8.1 based on the established price list or at the market price and;
8.8.2 the term for granting its use is up to 1 year, and;
8.8.3 the value of the transaction does not exceed 10,000 euros excluding VAT.

8.9 Real estate and premises may be granted to students for use for study purposes and to student organizations for the fulfilment of their objectives at below-market rates or free of charge, based on a decision of the head of the structural unit to which the premises or real estate have been allocated for self-use.

8.10 Real estate and premises may be granted for use for activities supporting the fulfilment of the university’s other statutory responsibilities, based on the decision of the Real Estate Development Director or the Director for Administration, within the scope of their respective authority.

8.11 The university’s real estate and premises are insured.

8.12 When granting use to external parties, the requirement for an additional insurance contract shall be specified in the agreement.

9. Granting use of university’s real estate or premises through an auction

9.1 The decision to organise an auction is made by the Real Estate Development Director, and the auction is conducted by the Real Estate Office.

9.2 During the preparation of an auction, the Real Estate Development Director sets out:
9.2.1 the terms and conditions for grant for use;
9.2.2 the terms and conditions of the auction;
9.2.3 the starting price, if necessary;
9.2.4 the amount of the participation fee, if applicable.

9.3 Persons involved in the decision-making, organization, or conducting of the auction for the grant of use of assets are prohibited from participating in it. Participants in the auction must provide a written statement confirming that they are not the aforementioned related person, nor his/her close relative or relative by marriage.

9.4 A record of the auction shall be drawn up. The participants in the auction have the right to review the record and submit comments thereon to the organiser until the end of the working day following the auction.

9.5 The participation fee shall not be refunded to the participants in the auction, unless the auction was cancelled due to reasons beyond the control of the participants.

9.6 The participants in the auction have the right to submit a written complaint to the organizer about the conduct of the auction within three working days after the announcement of the results of the auction. The Real Estate Development Director makes a decision whether to uphold or reject the complaint within three working days of its receipt.

9.7 The Real Estate Development Director shall approve or refuse to approve the auction results within ten working days of the date of the auction.

9.8 Auction results shall not be approved if:
9.8.1 an infringement of the procedure provided by law and other legislation took place at the auction and the infringement is substantial;
9.8.2 the winner of the auction is a person specified in clause 9.3 of the Rules;
9.8.3 the auction took place without setting a starting price and the usage fee offered by the participants was below the market price.

9.9 If the auction results are approved, the Real Estate Development Director signs a contract with the auction winner on behalf of the university no later than two weeks after the auction results are approved.

10. Granting use of the university’s real estate and premises to external parties through a discretionary decision

10.1 The use of university’s real estate and premises is granted through a discretionary decision if:
10.1.1 it is necessary to achieve the university’s objectives, including to fulfil the existing or future contracts related to teaching, research, or development;
10.1.2 an auction or tender with preliminary negotiations was previously conducted to rent the university’s real estate, but it failed;
10.1.3 it is assumed that only one party is interested in renting the real estate or premises, making it impractical to conduct an auction.

10.2 The grant of use of the university’s real estate and premises through a discretionary decision is decided by the Real Estate Development Director or the Director for Administration within the scope of their respective authority and organised by the Real Estate Office.

10.3 Negotiations with as many individuals as necessary may be conducted in order to grant use of real estate or premises through a discretionary decision.

11. Agreements for granting use of real estate or premises to an external party

11.1 Use of the university’s real estate or premises can be granted under a lease contract, rental contract, contract of loan for use or other contract.

11.2 A contract for granting use of the university’s real estate or premises shall be concluded in accordance with the Procedure for Entry into and Implementation of Contracts.

11.3 Parties to contracts for granting use of the university’s real estate or premises must adhere to the procedures for avoiding a conflict of interests and preventing corruption.

11.4 When granting use of the university’s real estate or premises, an instrument of transfer and receipt shall be annexed to the contract, which shall set out the following in sufficient detail:
11.4.1 upon transfer of premises, the exact location of the premises, the size and condition of the premises,  a description of the furnishings if the premises are furnished, and other essential information;
11.4.2 upon transfer of real estate, the main characteristics and condition of the real estate or premises.

12. Self-use, sub-use of an item and the usage fee

12.1 The unit to whom the item has been allocated for self-use is recorded in the asset register.

12.2 Sub-use of an item shall be decided by the head of the structural unit to whom the item has been allocated for self-use.

12.3 When an item is temporarily or permanently transferred to another structural unit, a document certifying asset movement shall be prepared in accordance with the Accounting Policies and Procedures.

12.4 The structural unit may charge a fee for the sub-use of an item according to its price list.

12.5 The costs of the sub-use of the item are paid on the basis of the university’s internal invoice.

12.6 The head of the structural unit is responsible for ensuring that the insurance requirements for the item are met during both self-use and sub-use.

12.7 The head of the structural unit is responsible for ensuring that an additional insurance contract is concluded when the item is used outside the insured locations of the university.

13. Granting use of an item to external parties, the usage fee and period of use

13.1 As a rule, the university should receive income from granting its items for use.

13.2 The grant of use of an item to an external party is decided by the head of a structural unit, a dean or area director within the scope of their respective authority based on the established price list or at the market price.

13.3 An item may be granted to students for use for study purposes and to student organizations for the fulfilment of their objectives at below-market rates or free of charge, based on a decision of the head of the structural unit to which the item has been allocated for self-use.

13.4 Based on the decision of an area director or dean, an item may be granted for use at below-market rates or free of charge for activities supporting the fulfilment of the university’s other statutory responsibilities.

13.5 The grant of use of an item to an external party shall be documented in an order which shall set out at least the following information:
13.5.1 the details of the company and/or natural person to whom the item is allocated for use;
13.5.2 a description of the item (e.g. the device manufacturer, model name);
13.5.3 the period of use of the item;
13.5.4 the usage fee for the item.

13.6 Upon transfer of an item, an instrument of transfer and receipt shall be prepared, which includes the item’s name, condition, and the date of transfer.

13.7 The term of use of an item is up to 5 years.

13.8 If an item is granted to an external party for use outside university premises, the external party must arrange additional insurance to cover the item’s value in the event of damage or destruction.

14. Agreements for granting use of an item to an external party

14.1 Use of the university’s items can be granted under a lease contract, rental contract, contract of loan for use or other contract.

14.2 A contract for granting use of a university’s item shall be concluded in accordance with the Procedure for Entry into and Implementation of Contracts.

14.3 Parties to contracts for granting use of a university’s item must adhere to the procedures for avoiding a conflict of interests and preventing corruption.

14.4 When granting use of a university’s item, an instrument of transfer and receipt shall be annexed to the contract, which shall set out the following in sufficient detail: the item’s name, condition and other essential information.

Annex 1
to the Rules for the Use of Assets

Categories and types of the services organised by the Real Estate Office

The Real Estate Office of Tallinn University of Technology manages the university’s real estate in accordance with the standard EVS 807:2016/A2/2022  ‘Management and Maintenance of Facilities’ applicable in the Republic of Estonia.

Management and maintenance of facilities MAINTENANCE OF INDOOR AND OUTDOOR AREAS Indoor cleaning services
Management and maintenance of facilities MAINTENANCE OF INDOOR AND OUTDOOR AREAS Special indoor cleaning services
Management and maintenance of facilities MAINTENANCE OF INDOOR AND OUTDOOR AREAS Maintenance of outdoor areas
Management and maintenance of facilities MAINTENANCE OF INDOOR AND OUTDOOR AREAS Special outdoor maintenance services
Management and maintenance of facilities WASTE MANAGEMENT Organisation of separate waste collection and removal
Management and maintenance of facilities WASTE MANAGEMENT Organisation of disposal of hazardous waste
Management and maintenance of facilities WASTE MANAGEMENT Organisation of disposal of bulky waste
Management and maintenance of facilities MINOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES Installation and repair of furniture and fittings
Management and maintenance of facilities MINOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES Window repair and maintenance
Management and maintenance of facilities ORGANISATION OF SIGNAGE Organisation of signage in indoor and outdoor areas
Management and maintenance of facilities PROCUREMENT OF FURNITURE AND FITTINGS Procurement of furniture and fittings
Management and maintenance of facilities PROCUREMENT OF FURNITURE AND FITTINGS Organisation of furniture reuse
Management and maintenance of facilities ORGANISATION OF THE CATERING SERVICE Organisation of the dining service
Management and maintenance of facilities ORGANISATION OF THE CATERING SERVICE Organisation of the catering service
Management and maintenance of facilities ORGANISATION OF THE CATERING SERVICE Organisation of the snack and coffee vending machine services
Management and maintenance of facilities LEASING OF PREMISES Long-term leasing of premises to the university’s structural units and external parties
Management and maintenance of facilities LEASING OF PREMISES Short-term leasing of premises to the university’s structural units and external parties for events
Security and access rights SECURITY SERVICE Organisation of security services
Security and access rights SECURITY SERVICE Organisation of manned guarding service for events
Security and access rights SECURITY SERVICE Organisation of maintenance and emergency repair of security systems
Security and access rights INSURANCE SERVICE Property and liability insurance
Security and access rights INSURANCE SERVICE Management of claims handling
Security and access rights FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENT Fire safety instruction, training and evacuation drills
Security and access rights FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENT Organisation of maintenance and emergency repair of fire alarm systems
Security and access rights FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENT Organisation of maintenance and emergency repair of fire extinguishing systems
Security and access rights FIRE SAFETY MANAGEMENT Purchase, inspection and maintenance of fire extinguishers
Security and access rights ACCESS RIGHTS Access management
Indoor climate and utility systems ENSURING ELECTRICITY SUPPLY Organisation of maintenance and emergency repair of electrical installations
Indoor climate and utility systems ENSURING ELECTRICITY SUPPLY Ordering electrical work
Indoor climate and utility systems ENSURING OPTIMAL INDOOR CLIMATE Ensuring heat supply
Indoor climate and utility systems ENSURING OPTIMAL INDOOR CLIMATE Organisation of the maintenance and emergency repair of heating systems
Indoor climate and utility systems ENSURING OPTIMAL INDOOR CLIMATE Organisation of maintenance and emergency repair of ventilation systems
Indoor climate and utility systems ENSURING OPTIMAL INDOOR CLIMATE Organisation of maintenance and emergency repair of cooling systems
Indoor climate and utility systems ENSURING WATER SUPPLY Sanitary maintenance services
Indoor climate and utility systems MAINTENANCE OF LIFTING AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS Organisation of maintenance and emergency repair of lifting and pneumatic systems
Indoor climate and utility systems REAL ESTATE DATA MANAGEMENT Building energy data management
Transport and logistics ORGANISATION OF THE TRANSPORT SERVICE Management and procurement of the university’s vehicles
Transport and logistics ORGANISATION OF THE TRANSPORT SERVICE Organisation of the provision of the passenger transport service
Transport and logistics ORGANISATION OF THE TRANSPORT SERVICE Organisation of the taxi service
Transport and logistics MOVING AND TRANSPORTATION OF MATERIALS Organisation of the moving service
Transport and logistics TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Parking lot management
Transport and logistics TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Management of traffic solutions and temporary traffic management of university properties
Transport and logistics CUSTOMS PROCEDURES AND PACKAGING REPORTING Organisation of customs clearance procedures and packaging reporting
Transport and logistics EXCISE-EXEMPT SPIRITS AND GAS Acquisition and distribution of excise-free spirits
Transport and logistics EXCISE-FREE SPIRITS AND GAS Procurement of gases, supplies and cylinders
Transport and logistics MANNAGEMENT OF THE RESEARCH VESSEL SALME Technical maintenance of the research vessel Salme
Construction and repair MINOR REPAIRS OF  PREMISES Minor finishing and painting work
Construction and repair DESIGN MANGEMENT Organisation of design works of existing and new buildings and facilities
Construction and repair CONSTRUCTION AND ORGANISATION OF REPAIR WORKS Construction and organisation of repair works of existing and new buildings and facilities
Construction and repair DESIGN MANGEMENT Building information modeling and management (BIM)
Construction and repair CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION Organisation of construction supervision
Construction and repair AUDITS AND EXPERT ASSESSMENTS OF BUILDINGS Organisation of technical audits and expert assessments

Annex 2
to the Rules for the Use of Assets

Building groups of Tallinn University of Technology and designations of the buildings in the building groups

The designations, names and addresses of all the buildings owned by Tallinn University of Technology are listed in the Rector’s directive “Designations of the buildings of Tallinn University of Technology”.

Name of the building group Designations of the buildings in the building group
Mustamäe campus U01, U02, U03, U04, U05,U06 ,STU, NRG, U02B, U03B, U04B, U05B, U06A, GEO, CON, LIB, SOC, SCI, ICT, TEST, ICO, TIM, MEK, CYB, GLN
Kopli building group MA1, MA2
Virumaa building group VK1,PKK
Särghaua building group SH1, SH2, SH3, SH4, SH5, SH6, SH7, SH8, SH9, SH10, SH11
Tartu building group TCB, TCA, TCC
Tallinn Observatory OBS
Kuressaare building group KK1, KK2, KK3.