Rules on Recognition and Insignia

Established by Regulation No 5 of 20 November 2023 of the Senate of Tallinn University of Technology
Amended by Regulation No 6 of 19 November 2024 of the
Senate of Tallinn University of Technology (the title Supervisor of the Year
specified in § 151 of the Regulation will be awarded starting from 2026)

In force from: 19.11.2024

The Regulation is established on the basis of clauses 9) and 10) of §  9 of the Statutes of the university.

§ 1. General provisions

The Rules on Recognition and Insignia set out the following at Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the university”):
1) types of recognition and methods for acknowledging services;
2) recording a name in the book of honour;
3) academic practices and events;
4) commemoration of a person;
5) the university logo;
6) the university flag;
7) the slogan “Mente et manu”;
8) the Rector’s medal of office;
9) the Dean’s medal of office;
10) the student cap.

§ 2. Types of recognition and methods of acknowledging services

The types of recognition and methods for acknowledging services at the university are as follows:
1) awarding an honorary doctorate;
2) awarding honorary membership, amicus universitatis;
3) awarding the service medal “Mente et manu“;
31) awarding the recognition: ‘Honor Universitatis’; [entry into force 19.11.2024]
4) awarding a gold decoration;
5) awarding an honorary address;
6) recognition by the structural unit;
7) awarding a letter of appreciation;
8) announcing the Junior Researcher of the Year;
9) announcing the Researcher of the Year;
10) announcing the Research Article of the Year;
11) announcing the Development of the Year;
12) announcing the Lecturer of the Year;
121) announcing the Supervisor of the Year [entry into force 19.11.2024]
13) announcing the Programme Director of the Year;
14) announcing the Support Staff Member of the Year;
15) announcing the Green Action of the Year;
16) awarding the Recognised Lecturer label;
161) announcing the Monograph of the Year, Monograph Chapter of the Year or the University Textbook of the Year; [entry into force 19.11.2024]
17) announcing the Student, Cultural, and Sports Events of the Year.
18) expressing appreciation by a directive;
19) announcing the Student Organization of the Year;
20) announcing the Student of the Year.

§ 3. Awarding an honorary doctorate

(1) The honorary doctorate of the university (doctor honoris causa) is bestowed upon a deserving and internationally recognized scientist, cultural, or social figure who has contributed to strengthening the authority of the university and the Republic of Estonia, as well as fostering ties around the world.

(2) A decision on bestowing an honorary doctorate is made by the Senate on the proposal of the Rector or school council by open vote. The proposal must be accompanied by the personal data of the candidate, an overview of the candidate’s life and activity, the reason for bestowing an honorary doctorate and the related department of the university.

(3) The Rector appoints a conferrer who shall organise promotion of the honorary doctor and notifies the honorary doctor in writing of the decision of the Senate and the date of promotion.

(4) The promotion of an honorary doctor takes place at the academic ceremony of the university’s anniversary. At the promotion, the conferrer introduces the honorary doctor and attaches the doctor honoris causa ribbon to the honorary doctor. An honorary doctorate diploma is handed over by the Rector.

(5) An honorary doctor may give an academic lecture on the day preceding the promotion.

(6) The diploma of an honorary doctor is prepared in accordance with the university’s stylebook. The diploma shall indicate the name of the honorary doctor and the services for which he/she was bestowed the honorary doctorate. The diploma is signed by the Rector and the conferrer. The diploma is handed over between festive covers designed in accordance with the university’s stylebook.

(7) The size of the doctor honoris causa ribbon is 1900×130 mm and the colours are red Pantone 221 CV, silver and white. The ends of the ribbon are decorated by the university’s logo and silvery fringes. The ribbon bears the text “Tallinn University of Technology” written in capital letters and “doctor honoris causa”. The reverse side of the ribbon is white.

(8) An honorary doctor is a member of the university staff. Academic communication with an honorary doctor is arranged and the accompanying costs shall be covered by the related department. In exceptional cases, the organiser of the reception of the honorary doctor shall be appointed and the source of funding shall be determined by the Rector.

§ 4. Awarding honorary membership amicus universitatis

(1) The honorary membership,  amicus universitatis (hereinafter referred to as “honorary membership”), is bestowed upon a retired employee in recognition of the employee’s significant contributions to the attainment of the objectives specified in the Statutes of the university.

(2) Honorary membership is not awarded to professors emeriti and associate professors.

(3) A decision on awarding honorary membership is made by the university Senate on the proposal of the Rector by open vote.

(4) The Rector awards the honorary member an honorary address at an academic ceremony. The honorary address of an honorary member shall be prepared in accordance with the university’s stylebook.

(5) The Rector may prescribe remuneration for an honorary member.

(6) An honorary doctor is a member of the university staff. An honorary member is invited to festive events of the university as a guest of honour, he/he receives the university’s brochure and the journal Mente et Manu.

§ 5. Awarding the service medal “Mente et manu“

(1) The service medal, “Mente et manu” (hereinafter referred to as “the medal”), is awarded to a university employee or an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the university, higher education or science.

(2) [repealed – entry into force 19.11.2024]

(3) [repealed – entry into force 19.11.2024]

(4) The medal has been issued since 2001. The medals are numbered and engraved with the name of the medal’s recipient. The medal is awarded once.

(5) The medal is handed over to the laureate at an academic event or at the meeting of the university Senate in a box adorned with the university logo and including, in addition to the medal, a rosette badge for everyday use.

(6) The medal is worn on the lefthand side of the chest with formal attire and is fastened with a pin on the medal ribbon. If other national decorations are worn, the medal shall be worn next to or below them.

(7) The decision to award a medal is made by the Rector. Candidates for the service medal can be appointed by members of the university staff with the approval of the dean or area director.

§ . Awarding the recognition ‘Honor Universitatis’ [entry into force 19.11.2024]

(1) The recognition is awarded to long-term employees of the university who have been employed at the university for 50 years.

(2) The recognition is awarded based on the employee’s official length of service, as recorded in the HR database.

(3) The Rector hands the recognition over at the opening ceremony of the academic year.

(4) The award is a commemorative item featuring the university’s insignia and a personalized dedication.

§ 6. Awarding a gold decoration

(1) A gold decoration is awarded to employees who have been employed at the university for 25 years.

(2) The Rector hands a gold decoration over at the opening meeting of the academic year.

(3) Gold decorations have been issued since 1972.

§ 7. Awarding an honorary address

An honorary address is a token of recognition to a university employee or an individual for his or her birthday or for another anniversary. A decision to award an honorary address is made by the Rector and it shall be designed in accordance with the university’s stylebook. An honorary address shall be signed by the Rector and shall be handed over between festive covers designed in accordance with the university’s stylebook.

§ 8. Recognition by the structural unit

The head of a structural unit can recognize individuals who have contributed to the structural unit and establish the relevant criteria for such recognition. The awards shall be designed in accordance with the university’s stylebook.

§ 9. Awarding a letter of appreciation

(1) A letter of appreciation is awarded to university employees and others in recognition of their long-term and effective work, outstanding achievements, successful organisation of a university-related event or major contributions to the development of the university.

(2) A decision to award a letter of appreciation is made by the Rector on the proposal of the head of the structural unit, which shall be approved by the dean or area director. The proposal shall include the name of the person recognized, the reason for awarding and the time and place of delivery of the letter of appreciation.

(3) A letter of appreciation shall be drawn up on a letter of appreciation form in accordance with the university’s stylebook. A letter of appreciation shall be signed by the Rector and shall be handed over between festive covers designed in accordance with the university’s stylebook.

§ 10. Competitions for the titles of Junior Researcher, Researcher, Research Article, Development, Lecturer, Programme Director, Support Staff Member and Green Action of the Year

(1) The Rector announces the competitions for the Junior Researcher, Researcher, Research Article, Development, Lecturer, Supervisor, Programme Director, Support Staff Member and Green Action of the Year in December each year. [entry into force 19.11.2024]

The Rector announces the competitions for the titles of the Junior Researcher, Researcher, Research Article, Development, Lecturer, Programme Director, Support Staff Member and Green Action of the Year in December each year.

(2) The competitions are held to find out the most successful members of the university staff of the year the competitions are announced (in case of a research article and development also of the preceding year) who are awarded the following titles:
1) Junior Researcher of the Year;
2) Researcher of the Year;
3) Author of Research Article of the Year;
4) Author of Development of the Year;
5) Lecturer of the Year;
6) Programme Director of the Year;
61) Supervisor of the Year [entry into force 19.11.2024]
7) Support Staff Member of the Year;
8) Green Activist of the Year.

(3) The aim of the competitions for the title Junior Researcher, Researcher, Development, Supervisor and Lecturer of the Year is to recognise excellence in teaching, the ability to transfer knowledge and effectively teach the subject, creativity, successful supervision, ongoing professional development, research and involvement in related social activities and to enhance the motivation to work, foster a sense of achievement and to promote public awareness of how the university’s expertise is applied in economic activities. [entry into force 19.11.2024]

(4) The aim of the competition for the title of the Programme Director of the Year is to recognize programme directors, who are committed to developing study programmes that align with the expectations and needs of both the university and society.

(5) The aim of the competition for the Support Staff Member of the Year title is to recognize consistently high performing support staff, who provide support to their colleagues and are dedicated to their work.

(6) The aim of the competition for the title of the Green Action of the Year is to recognize green transformation achieved through a specific green action or initiative that contributes to minimizing campus greenhouse gas emissions or to fostering the development of the economy and society at large.

(7) The Senate’s Committee for Research (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee for Research” selects the Junior Researcher, Researcher, Research Article and Doctoral Thesis Supervisor of the Year, the Dean organises the selection of the Lecturer of the Year and the sectoral expert committees and the Student Union select the persons to be awarded other titles set out in this section. [entry into force 19.11.2024]

(8) To conduct the competitions listed in this section, the Rector:
1) determines the number of nominees and the schedule;
2) appoints the persons or units responsible for conducting the competitions;
3) approves the results of the competitions;
4) may grant an award or scholarship to the recipient of a title.

(9) The Junior Researcher, Researcher, Authors of the Research Articles and Developments, Lecturer, Supervisor, Programme Director, Support Staff Member and Green Activist of the Year receive a certificate of honour at the anniversary ceremony of the Republic of Estonia. A certificate of honour is prepared in accordance with the university’s stylebook. [entry into force 19.11.2024]

§ 11. Announcing the Junior Researcher of the Year

(1) For the purposes of the Rules, “junior researcher” means an academic staff member of the university, who has been awarded a doctoral degree or equal foreign qualifications, and no more than 10 years have elapsed since he/she obtained his/her doctoral degree (the date of the diploma). If an employee is on parental leave, child care leave, pregnancy and maternity leave or serving in the Defence Forces after obtaining his doctorate, the time limit shall be extended by the corresponding time period.

(2) The candidate for the title of the Junior Researcher of the Year may be nominated by the junior researcher himself/herself, the supervisor of his/her doctoral thesis, the head of his/her structural unit or at least two members of the university staff.

(3) The candidate’s CV must be available in the public portal of the Estonian Research Information System (hereinafter referred to as “ETIS”).

(4) The Committee for Research shall select the Junior Researcher of the Year based on the following criteria:
1) active participation in research, including management of research and development (hereinafter referred to as “R&D”) projects or participation in R&D projects as the principal executor and outstanding research results and publication of the results;
2) delivering presentations at professional scientific forums;
3) supervision of PhD students;
4) involvement of pupils/students in R&D;
5) honours and research awards;
6) participation in the organisation of research activities.

(5) The Committee for Research has the right to take into account additional factors arising from the additional materials submitted for the competition.

§ 12. Announcing the Researcher of the Year

(1) The candidate for the title Researcher of the Year may be nominated by the researcher himself/herself, the head of his/her structural unit or at least two members of the university staff.

(2) A candidate shall be an outstanding researcher in his or her field, whose research results have been widely recognised.

(3) The candidate’s CV must be available in ETIS.

(4) The Committee for Research selects the Researcher of the Year based on the candidate’s R&D results, in particular in the last year, but also retrospectively during up to 3 years, based on the following criteria:
1) management of R&D projects;
2) publication in high-level scientific journals and collections;
3) delivering presentations at professional scientific forums;
4) inventive activity;
5) introduction of research results;
6) supervision of doctoral theses;
7) involvement of pupils/students in R&D;
8) honours and research awards;
9) popularisation of research results;
10) participation in the organisation of research activities.

(5) The Committee for Research has the right to take into account additional factors arising from the additional materials submitted for the competition.

§ 13. Announcing the Research Article of the Year

(1) The school councils may submit research articles of the school members for the competition for the title of the Research Article of the Year. A research article must have been published in the year of announcement of the competition or in the year preceding it and at least one of the authors of the article must be an employee or a student of the university.

(2) The research articles submitted for the competition shall be divided into three fields of research:
1) engineering and technology;
2) natural, exact and health sciences;
3) social sciences and humanities.

(3) Each school can submit the maximum of two research articles for the competition in each field specified in subsection (2).

(4) A research article shall be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1) novelty of the research article in terms of the theoretical or applied approach;
2) the level of the scientific journal, where the article was published;
3) the level of the conference, where the presentation was made;
4) relevance the results published in the article to a research topic, project or contract to be performed by the university.

(5) The committee has the right to request additional materials from the authors when evaluating a research article.

(6) The Committee for Research shall consider the proposals of the committees and shall select two Articles of the Year in the field of engineering and technology and one Article of the Year in other fields.

§ 14. Announcing the Development of the Year

(1) The competition for the title of the Development of the Year is open to members of the university staff and research groups consisting of members of the university staff. Each person or research group has the right to submit one development to the competition.

(2) A development must:
1) have been completed successfully in the year of announcement of the competition or in the year preceding it;
2) be innovative and its results must be aimed at enhancing economic competitiveness and planned to be implemented or already implemented in production or services.

(3) Developments are evaluated based on the following criteria:
1) the development results in application of novel knowledge (a product, technology, service, etc.) developed at the university or emergence of new business activities, the development or improvement of the existing ones;
2) a contract between a university and another person has been concluded for the development or use of a product, technology or service;
3) the development or its results have been published in a peer-reviewed scientific publication.

(4) When evaluating developments, it is not necessary to consider all the criteria listed in subsection (3), and if needed, applicants may be asked for additional information.

§ 15. Announcing the Lecturer of the Year

(1) The competition for the title of the Lecturer of the Year is held to find out the best lecturers in each school.

(2) The best lecturers are selected from among the lecturers who were among 30% of the highest rated lecturers in the school in the preceding academic year based on the student feedback survey conducted in the study information system.

(3) For the purposes of the Rules, “a lecturer” is an academic staff member who is actively engaged in teaching.

(4) The Lecturer of the Year title is not awarded to the same person in two consecutive years.

§ 15¹. Announcing the Supervisor of the Year [entry into force 19.11.2024]

(1) The Supervisor of the Year competition is held to select outstanding thesis supervisors and recognise them for successful thesis supervision. The Supervisor of the Year competition recognises the top three thesis supervisors at I and II level of studies, and the best doctoral thesis supervisor.

(2) The top three thesis supervisors at I and II level of studies are selected from among the thesis supervisors who were pointed out in the  graduate satisfaction survey of the academic year preceding the selection. Candidates for the title Doctoral Thesis Supervisor of the Year can be nominated by the supervisor’s current doctoral student(s), or by a doctoral graduate who successfully defended his/her PhD thesis under the candidate’s supervision in the year prior to the competition.

(3) A doctoral thesis supervisor shall be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1) compliance with the threshold laid down in the Regulations for Doctoral Studies (the scientific level of the supervisor and the efficiency of his/her previous supervision)

2) the nominee’s willingness to develop his/her supervision skills;

3) the supervised PhD student’s reasoned assessment of the supervisor submitted with the nomination, including the supervisor’s availability and support, the establishment of a trustworthy and open communication culture between the supervisor and the PhD student, the provision of regular feedback on the PhD student’s progress, ensuring access to necessary infrastructure, materials, and suitable research environment, introducing various career opportunities to the PhD student, the supervisor’s international research network, and other factors relevant to the doctoral student’s development.

(4) Additional factors arising from the supplementary materials submitted for the competition may also be considered in the evaluation of the Supervisor of the Year.

(5) The Supervisor of the Year must be a university employee at the time of supervising the PhD student.

(6) The Supervisor of the Year title cannot be awarded to the same person in two consecutive years.

§ 16. Announcing the Programme Director of the Year

(1) The competition for the title of the Programme Director of the Year is held to find out three programme directors recognised for effective development of a study programme.

(2)  Programme directors are evaluated based on the following criteria:
1) the programme director shall develop the study programme consistently and effectively in adherence with the university’s general quality system;
2) the programme director shall develop the study programme in close cooperation with the representatives of various interest groups (employers, students, lecturers, alumni, etc.).

(3) The  Programme Director of the Year title is not awarded to the same person in two consecutive years.

§ 17. Announcing the Support Staff Member of the Year

(1) The competition for the title of the Support Staff Member of the Year is held to find out the five best support staff members in the schools and administrative and support units.

(2) Support staff members are evaluated based on the following criteria:
1) being a role model for colleagues by demonstrating an inspiring and supportive attitude;
2) consistent commitment to one’s work.
3) contribution to the work of one’s unit or other units and achieving outstanding performance;
4) contribution to the development of the university;
5) positive feedback from employees of one’s own unit and other units;
6) adherence to the values of the university.

(3) For the purposes of the Rules, “a support staff member” is a staff member employed in a non-academic position.

(4) The Support Staff Member of the Year title is not awarded to the same person in two consecutive years.

§ 18. Announcing the Green Action of the Year

(1) The competition for the title of the Green Action of the Year is open to members of the staff, research groups and structural support units of the university. Each individual, research group, and support structure unit is entitled to submit one green action for the competition.

(2) A green action must:
1) have been completed successfully in the year of announcement of the competition or in the year preceding it;
2) be innovative and contribute to the green transition in the development of technologies, education and research and thereby foster the development of economy and society;
3) contribute to an environmentally friendly university by minimizing campus greenhouse gas emissions.

(3) Green actions are evaluated based on the following criteria:
1) the green action shall align with the university’s Green Strategy;
2) the green action shall align with the university’s goal of achieving climate neutrality on its campuses by 2035.

(4) When evaluating green actions, it is not necessary to consider all the criteria listed in subsection (3), and if needed, applicants may be asked for additional information.

§ 19. Recognised Lecturer label

(1) The Recognised Lecturer label (hereinafter referred to as “the label”) is an electronic image displayed alongside a person’s name in an employee search, in the study information system, in the e-learning environment and other places, where the lecturers’ data are displayed. The holder of the label has the right to use the label on documents relating to him/her, in electronic environments and on other media containing his/her data.

(2) The label is awarded to recipients of the title of the Lecturer of the Year and, at the discretion of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, to individuals who have earned national or international acclaim for teaching excellence or have received any other awards related to high-quality teaching.

(3) The label can be awarded to an academic staff member, regardless of his/her title, or to a person conducting studies under an authorisation agreement.

(4) The label is awarded for an indefinite period.

(5) The label shall be accompanied by an increase in the base amount of the basic salary of the employee from the month following its award, the amount of which shall be determined annually during the budgetary process.

(6) The design of the label shall be approved by the Rector.

§ 19¹. Announcing the Monograph of the Year, Monograph Chapter of the Year or the University Textbook of the Year; [entry into force 19.11.2024]

(1) The Monograph of the Year, Monograph Chapter of the Year or the University Textbook of the Year award is granted to the author of an exceptionally outstanding monograph, monograph chapter or university textbook that was first published in the calendar year of announcement of the nomination or the preceding calendar year, and that makes a significant contribution to the field.

(2) The monograph, monograph chapter or textbook to be recognised is selected by the School Council.

(3) Each School can submit one monograph, monograph chapter  or university textbook for nomination.

(4) The author of the monograph, monograph chapter or or university Textbook of the Year must be a university employee.

(5) The monograph, monograph chapter or or University Textbook of the Year must meet the following criteria:

1) must be first published in the calendar year of announcement of the nomination or the preceding calendar year,

2) the bibliographic record ofthe monograph, monograph chapter or university textbook submitted for recognition must have been published in the Estonian Research Information System ETIS;

3) must have been published in an ETIS category 2.1, 2.4 or 3.1 (excluding conference proceedings).

(6) The Rector awards a certificate of honour to the author of the monograph, monograph chapter or University Textbook of the Year at the anniversary ceremony of the Republic of Estonia. A certificate of honour is prepared in accordance with the university’s stylebook.

(7) The Rector can award a prize to the person being recognised.

§ 20. Announcing the Student, Cultural, and Sports Event of the Year

(1) The titles of the Student, Cultural and Sports Event of the Year are awarded to individuals who have demonstrated the most outstanding achievements in promoting the university’s student life and cultural and sports activities in the preceding year.

(2) The nominees are selected and a proposal is made as follows:
1) the Student Act of the Year – by the Student Union of the university;
2) the Cultural Event of the Year – by the non-profit association TTÜ Kultuurikeskus;
3) the Sports Event of the Year – by the non-profit association TTÜ Spordiklubi.

(3) The honorary titles are awarded and the laureates are announced by the Rector. The laureates are awarded a wall plaque at the anniversary ceremony of the Republic of Estonia.

(4) The silvery wall plaque with a silvery frame is in A4  format and bears a text prepared in accordance with the university’s stylebook.

(5) The Rector awards a prize or scholarship to the laureates.

§ 21. Announcing the Student Organisation and the Student of the Year

(1) The titles of  the Student of the Year or the Student Organization of the Year are awarded to individuals or organizations that stood out the most in the previous year and have provided added value to students and the university and actively promoted student life.

(2) The nominees are selected and the proposal to recognise the student organisation and the student of the year is made by the Student Union of the university.

(3) The titles are awarded and the laureates are announced by the Rector. The laureates are awarded a wall plaque described in subsection 20 (4) of the Rules at the anniversary ceremony of the Republic of Estonia

(4) The same laureates cannot be nominated in two consecutive years.

(5) The Student Union may grant an award or scholarship to the Student of the Year.

§ 22. Recording a name in the book of honour

(1) The following is recorded in the university’s book of honour:
1) honorary doctors upon promotion;
2) honorary members upon handing over the honorary address;
3) doctors upon promotion;
4) cum laude graduates at the graduation ceremony;
5) persons who have been awarded the “Mente et manu” honorary medal upon handing over of the medal;
6) the Rector upon giving the oath of office at the inauguration ceremony;
7) the deans upon inauguration;
8) the Junior Researcher of the Year, Researcher of the Year, Author of Research Article of the Year, Author of Development of the Year, Lecturer of the Year, Supervisor of the Year, Programme Director of the Year, Support Staff Member of the Year and Green Activist of the Year at the award ceremony; [entry into force 20.11.2024]
81) the author of the  Monograph of the Year, Monograph Chapter or University Textbook of the Year; [entry into force  20.11.2024]
9) laureates of the Student, Cultural, and Sports Event of the Year;
10) the Alumnus/Alumna of the Year,  the Student Organization of the Year and the Student of the Year upon announcement;
11) other important persons and events in the history of the university indicated by the Rector.

(2) Persons recorded in the book of honour supply their name with a signature.

§ 23. Academic practices and events

(1) The traditional academic practices and events are the following:
1) the academic ceremony held on the university’s anniversary on 17 September or on the preceding or following working day;
2) the festive meeting on the Independence Day of the Republic of Estonia;
3) the Rector’s inauguration ceremony;
4) the opening and graduation ceremonies;
5) the opening meeting of the academic year;
6) displaying the Rector’s portrait in the Senate’s Hall, a year after the Rector has left the post at the latest;
7) festive honorary or memorial events (ceremonies, meetings, conferences, seminars, lectures, exhibitions, publication presentations, opening of a bust or plaque of honour etc.);

(2) Other academic events at the university may be organized at the discretion of the Rector or a school.

(3) The promotion of doctors takes place at the academic ceremony of the university’s anniversary.

(4) Formal attire is required at festive academic events.

§ 24. Commemoration of a person

(1) In order to commemorate a person:
1) a bust can be placed in the university’s atrium in the Alley of Academicians;
2) an auditorium or laboratory can be named in that person’s honour.

(2) By placing a bust in the Alley of Academicians, the life’s work and memory of a university employee who has been a member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences is recorded. The opening ceremony for a bust’s display is organised as part of the events of the university’s anniversary or when celebrating the person’s birth anniversary.

(3) An auditorium or laboratory (hereinafter referred to as “auditorium”) may be given the name of a recognised lecturer or researcher. As part of the naming process, a memorial plaque is placed next to the auditorium’s door with the person’s portrait and first and last name, year of birth and death, and an outline of his/her activities.

(4) The opening ceremony of a named auditorium is arranged during the person’s birth anniversary celebrations or as part of other significant university events.

(5) A decision on placing a bust or naming an auditorium in honour of a person  is made by the University Senate on a proposal of a school council.

§ 25. The university logo

(1) The university’s logo (previously and hereinafter referred to as “logo”) is the textual image of the university’s short name TalTech. The university’s logo consists of the syllables “TAL” and “TECH” left aligned on top of each other.

(2) The colours of the logo shall be determined in the university’s stylebook based on the Pantone Matching System colour chart.

(3) The text font of the logo is Proxima Nova.

(4) The university and its structural units have the right to use the logo.

(5) The more precise use of the university’s logo and the related insignia shall be laid down by the Rector in the stylebook, in consultation with the members of the university and after hearing the opinion of the Senate, and in other documents, if necessary.

§ 26. Use of the university’s name variants and objects of symbolic value

(1) The members of the university may use all the previous names and acronyms of the university when expressing on their own behalf.

(2) Works of art, monuments, and landmarks on the university’s campus with symbolic value are an important part of the university’s history and the university shall ensure their dignified preservation.

§ 27. The university flag

(1) The university flag, made of woollen fabric, is trimmed with silver-grey silk fringes and measures 125×180 cm. The left side of the flag (in relation to the person carrying the flag) is white, surrounded by a silver-grey and cherry-red contour, with the university’s logo in the centre and the text “Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 1918” on three lines. The right side of the flag is red, surrounded by a silver grey and white contour, with the silver-grey symbol of the statue “Students” on the left side and underneath the university’s slogan “Mente et manu” on one line.

(2) The flag with the design specified in subsection (1) has been used since the year 2000.

(3) The flag is used at the academic events and other anniversaries of the university. At festive events, the university flag is carried in together with the national flag of Estonia. When the university flag is used together with the national flag of Estonia and flags of other countries or organisations, the Estonian Flag Act shall be adhered to.

(4) At the venue of the event, the flag is placed in the flagstaff holder on the floor. The flag can be carried in ceremoniously at the beginning of an event. In order to carry a flag in ceremoniously, a flag guard shall be formed, consisting of the flag-bearer and two accompanying persons. If one of the accompanying persons is a female, she shall be on the right side of the flag-bearer. The flag bearer and the accompanying persons shall wear formal attire, a national costume or a uniform.

(5) The Rector shall arrange storage and usage of the flag and storage of a flag which has become unusable.

§ 28. The slogan “Mente et manu”

(1) The university’s slogan is “Mente et manu” (with mind and hand).

(2) The slogan is used on university decorations and promotional materials.

§ 29. The Rector’s medal of office

(1) The Rector’s medal of office is a regalis symbolizing the Rector’s position. The Rector’s medal of office belongs to the university.

(2) The Rector’s medal of office was designed in 1989 by the metal artist Ene Valter.

(3) The Rector’s medal of office is made of silver plated alpaca and consists of two medals, a transition link and a chain linking these elements as follows:
1) in the nacreous circle in the centre of the multilayer chest medal there is the lesser coat of arms of Tallinn, which refers to the location of the university and is filled with red enamel. The stylized gear wheels forming the next two layers of the medal have been covered with white enamel and the top one of them bears the Latin text  “Rector Universitas Rerum Technicarum Tallinensis”;
2) the composition of the small back medal is compatible with the big chest medal. Nacre and white enamel have been used;
3) in the centre of the transition link connecting the chest medal with the chain there is a simplified symbol of the caduceus of Hermes, the Greek god of wisdom and the defender of schools. The motif of arrows of lightning have been used in the design of the chain links and transition link.

(4) The President of the Republic, the Minister of Education and Research, the previous Rector or the oldest member of the University Senate confers the Rector′s medal of office to the Rector at the inauguration ceremony.

(5) Only the Rector who has been elected to office has the right to wear the Rector’s medal of office.

(6) The Rector wears the medal of office:
1) at the university’s festive academic events;
2) at other events in the university at the discretion of the Rector;
3) at festive meetings with the Rectors of other universities;
4) at national festive events when officially representing the university.

§ 30. The Dean’s medal of office

(1) The Dean’s medal of office is a regalis symbolizing the Dean’s position. The Dean’s medal of office belongs to the university.

(2) The Dean’s medal of office was designed by the metal artist Ene Valter. The medal of office is made of silver and consists of the medal and the chain. In the middle of the circle on the medal there is the university logo, in the middle of which there is a cherry-red enamelled streak. Around the circle there is the Latin text “Decanus Facultatis Universitatis Rerum Technicarum Tallinensis“. The outer edge of the medal is designed as a stylized gear wheel. In the centre of the transition link linking the chest medal with the chain there is the name of the school: School of Information Technologies, School of Engineering, School of Science or School of Business and Governance.

(3) The medals of office have been designed in 2017 and have been conferred to the deans at the inauguration ceremony of the festive meeting held to celebrate the 99th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia on 22 February 2017.

(4) When a new Dean is appointed to office, the Rector confers the medal of office to the Dean at a festive academic event of the university. Upon resignation, the Dean shall return the medal of office to the Rector.

(5) A Dean wears the medal of office at festive events of the university and the school. A Dean can wear the medal of office at university events only in case the Rector wears a medal of office.

(6) Only a Dean who has been appointed to office has the right to wear the Dean’s medal of office. The right to wear a Dean′s medal of office cannot be delegated.

(7) The names and years of employment of the Deans who have worn the medal of office are engraved on the reverse side of the medal.

(8) The medal of office of the Director of the Estonian Maritime Academy is deemed to be equivalent to a Dean′s medal of office. The medal of office of the Director of the Estonian Maritime Academy belongs to the university. The Director of the Estonian Maritime Academy can wear the medal of office at university events only in case the Rector wears a medal of office. The description of and the procedure for use of the medal of office of the Director of the Estonian Maritime Academy shall be approved by the Council of the Estonian Maritime Academy.

§ 31. The student cap

(1) The student cap is a steel-grey leather peaked cap with a white welt and cherry-red edge and a cherry-red gear wheel ornament. On the right side edge it says in capital letters “Tallinna Tehnikaülikool” and on the left side edge it says “Mente et manu”.

(2) Steel-grey symbolises the steely toughness and stamina of our students in acquiring knowledge. White is the colour of peace, progress and high moral. Cherry-red expresses the joy of living, thirst for action and glowing.

(3) The role of the student cap is to:
1) enhance the student′s responsibility for the good name and reputation of his/her alma mater;
2) emphasize the collectiveness and solidarity of the students;
3) increase the authority of the Student Body.

(4) Every student, member of the Rector′s Office, member of the academic staff, honorary doctor, honorary member and alumnus/alumna of the university has the right to wear a student cap.

(5) A student cap can be worn daily. The student cap shall be worn with proper attire and the conduct of the person wearing the cap shall comply with good academic practice. The student cap is worn indoors at festive and academic events to emphasize festivity of the event and as a symbol of unity of the university.

(6) The student cap shall be taken off and held on the wrist  upon presentation of the national anthem, when the national flag, the flag of the university or the Student Body is carried in, at mourning ceremonies and at other similar events.

(7) The production and issue of the student caps shall be arranged by the Student Union, who shall approve the procedure for issuing student caps.

§ 32. Entry into force of the Regulation

(1) The Rules for Acknowledgement and Insignia (established by Regulation No 11 of 20.06.2017 of the Council of Tallinn University of Technology, amended by Regulation No 1 of 22.10.2019, Regulation No 9 of 22.10.2019, Regulation No 11 of 17.12.2019, Regulation No 8 of 15.12.2020, Regulation No 8 of 16.11.2021, Regulation No 2 of  22.03.2022) are repealed.

(2) The Regulation will enter into force upon signature.