Collective Agreement of Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the university”), represented by Rector Tiit Land and the Academic Professionals Union of Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “AAL”) represented by Chairman of the Management Board Vladimir Viies, hereinafter referred together as “parties” or separately as “party”, have concluded the Collective Agreement of Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “Collective Agreement”) on the following terms and conditions: :


1.1 Definitions used in the Collective Agreement

1.1.1 “employer” means the university, represented by the Rector or a university employee authorised by the Rector;

1.1.2 “employee” means a person working at the university under an employment contract who is a member of AAL, except in clauses 8.1–8.5, where “employees” mean all the university staff;

1.1.3 ”academic staff member” means an employee as defined in clause 1.1.2 of the Collective Agreement whose responsibilities align with subsection 5 (1) of the Regulation on Academic Career Management.

1.1.4 “authorised representative of AAL” means the management board of AAL or a person authorised by the management board;

1.1.5 “trustee of AAL” means a person elected by the members of AAL  based on the Trade Unions Act  and the Statutes of AAL who represents the employees in the employment relationship with the employer;

1.1.6 ”immediate superior” means a person who assigns tasks to an employee directly subordinate to him/her and checks performance of the tasks and to whom the employee shall report;

1.1.7 “obligation to refrain from calling a strike” means the obligation of the parties to comply with the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement during the term of the Collective Agreement and refrain from calling a strike or a lock-out with the aim of amending the terms and conditions provided for in the Collective Agreement;

1.1.8 “basic remuneration” (basic salary) means remuneration calculated based on the hourly, daily, weekly or monthly salary rate laid down in the employment contract or by legislation;

1.1.9 “additional remuneration” means the sum which the employer pays to an employee in addition to the basic remuneration for performance of additional duties, outstanding work performance or in other cases stipulated by legislation, the Collective Agreement or the employment contract, also as a bonus based on the employer’s unilateral decision;

1.1.10 ”salary grade” means an indicator reflecting the value of a position with a corresponding fixed minimum salary rate;

1.1.11 “minimum salary rate” means the fixed amount of remuneration corresponding to a salary grade and a unit of time below which it is prohibited to agree in case of full-time employment;

1.1.12 “terms and conditions for remuneration” means the salary rates, the additional remuneration paid to the employee, the method for calculating and the procedure for payment of remuneration.

1.2 Purpose of the Collective Agreement

1.2.1 The purpose of the Collective Agreement is to regulate employment relationships between the employer and the employees, hereby enhancing the development of the university.

1.2.2 The parties hold negotiations in order to seek an agreement in the following employment-related issues: entry into and termination of employment contracts, working and rest time, annual leave, continuous education and retraining, remuneration, guarantees and indemnities, occupational health and safety.

1.2.3 In the event of a conflict between different provisions applicable to employment relationships, the provision which is more favourable to the employees applies.


2.1 The employer shall:

2.1.1 make sure the academic staff as well as the support staff are provided a teaching, research and development environment supplied with modern technical equipment, incl. upon remote working in accordance with the procedure laid down by the university:

2.1.2 at the request of the authorised representative of AAL, start bargaining for entry into, amendment or termination of a collective agreement or any other contract related to employment or social affairs;

2.1.3 provide the management board of AAL with working space equipped with a computer for use free of charge;

2.1.4 allow the authorised representative of AAL to examine without hindrance the work organisation and the working conditions of the employees;

2.1.5 involve the authorised representative(s) of AAL in the working groups and committees established to prepare the work procedure rules of the university in the areas listed in clause 1.2.2;

2.1.6 invite the authorised representative(s) of AAL to and grant them the right to speak at the meeting of the university Senate, where the areas listed in clause 1.2.2 of the Collective Agreement are discussed;

2.1.7 make sure that the membership fee of AAL is withheld from the employee’s salary based on the employee’s written application and that the membership fees are transferred to the bank account of AAL;

2.1.8 allow conferences and general meetings of AAL to be held at the university premises free of charge at least twice a year;

2.1.9 allow AAL to organise cultural and sports events at the university premises free of charge;

2.1.10 perform other obligations in relation to AAL laid down in legislation and the Collective Agreement.

2.1.11 recognise efforts of AAL to improve social guarantees through collaboration with the European Commission’s social partner ETUCE.

2.2 The management board of ALL shall:

2.2.1 notify the employer in writing, within 5 working days, of any change in the members of the management board of AAL and their term of office or in the trustees of AAL and their term of office;

2.2.2 inform the employer, with two weeks’ notice, of participation of its members in a planned continuing education course organised based on clause 5.2;

2.2.3 not disclose the university’s trade secret and confidential information received upon communication or exchange of information or otherwise made available to the board;

2.2.4 ensure observance of the obligation to refrain from striking pursuant to the procedure and during the period laid down by legislation and the Collective Agreement;

2.2.5 cooperate with the working environment representatives and the working environment council in arranging activities to ensure occupational health and safety;

2.2. 6 perform other obligations in relation to the  employer laid down in legislation and the Collective Agreement;

2.2.7. continue constructive collaboration with the European Commission’s social partner ETUCE to improve social guarantees for academic staff and communicate the results in the form of a seminar held each semester.

2.3 The employer and the management board of AAL shall:

2.3.1 meet at least twice a year outside the collective bargaining process to exchange information on issues related to the development of the university.


3.1 Procedure for the election of a trustee of AAL

3.1.1 The trustees of AAL shall be elected from among the members of AAL depending on the number of members of AAL in the structural unit.

3.1.2 The number of the trustees of AAL is limited to 15.

3.1.3 The elected trustee of AAL remains in the employment relationship with the employer.

3.2 Rights and obligations of a trustee of AAL

3.2.1 A trustee of AAL shall represent the employees, on behalf of the persons being represented, in the employment relationships with the employer pursuant to the procedure laid down in the Trade Unions Act. A trustee of AAL has the right to receive, on behalf of the persons being represented, from the employer the information necessary for the performance of his or her duties and for representing the interests of the employees in compliance with the Trade Unions Act and the Collective Agreement.

3.3 Guarantees for the trustees and board members of AAL

3.3.1 At the request of a trustee or a board member of AAL, the employer shall allocate a minimum of four hours a week or up to two days a month during working time to enable him or her to perform his or her duties. A trustee shall be retained the average salary and the benefits laid down in the Collective Agreement for the time of performance of his or her duties.

3.3.2 The employer can cancel an employment contract entered into with a trustee or board member of AAL during the term of authority of the trustee or board member and within one year after the expiry of authority if the employer has received written opinion of the management board of AAL and a written statement on cancellation of the employment contract from the AAL.

3.3. 3 Upon cancellation of an employment contract due to lay-off, a trustee and a board member of AAL have the preferential right of keeping their job.


4.1 The employer’s representative enters into an employment contract with an employee on behalf of the employer in compliance with the Employment Contracts Act, Work Procedure Rules of the university and other legislation.

4.2 An employment contract may be amended only by written agreement between the parties and in cases prescribed by law.

4.3 The employer shall notify the employee and the management board of AAL of permanent rearrangement of work, which may result in reduction of the employee’s remuneration or deterioration of the working and rest time regime, in writing at least two months in advance and explain the reasons for deterioration of the conditions.

4.4 An employment contract is terminated in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law, taking into account  the specificities laid down in the Collective Agreement.

4.5 If an employment contract entered into with a member of the AAL is cancelled by the employer for economic reasons (lay-off), the employer shall notify the employee and the management board of AAL thereof  in writing in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law, indicating the reason of lay-off. The period of advance notice laid down in the Employment Contracts Act starts on the date of receipt of the declaration of cancellation by the employee.

4.6 An employee and the trustee of AAL representing the employee have the right to request and the employer is obliged to submit additional information on the reasons for cancellation of the employment contract.

4.7 Upon cancellation of an employment contract due to lay-off, the specifications laid down in the Employment Contracts Act shall apply to employees. In the case of equal performance indicators, preference shall be given to employees in pre-retirement age who will reach the retirement age in the maximum of three years.


5.1 An employee is entitled to receive continuing education and retraining in order to acquire and supplement the professional, occupational and vocational knowledge required in the employee’s position and improve his or her qualifications. The tuition fees shall be covered in compliance with the Adult Education Act or training agreements.

5.2 An employee is entitled to participate in a continuing education course organised and financed by AAL for up to three working days in a working year with continued payment of the basic remuneration.

5.3 Upon cancellation of an employment contract due to lay-off, the employer shall offer other work to the employee, where possible, and organise, if necessary, the employee’s retraining (at least 14 calendar days with continued payment of the basic remuneration) or change the employee’s working conditions if the changes do not cause disproportionately high costs for the employer.


6.1 Working time

6.1.1 An employee’s working time shall be laid down in compliance with the university’s Work Procedure Rules, the Collective Agreement, the employment contract, the job description and other legislation.

6.1.2 The estimated working time and classroom contact hours of academic staff are set out in an agreement signed between the parties and attached as Annex 1 to the Collective Agreement, which forms an integral part of the Collective Agreement. If no agreement has been signed, there is no obligation to refrain from calling a strike.

6.2 Reducing the standard for working time

6.2.1 With the approval of the head of the structural unit, an employee’s standard for working time is reduced by continuing payment of the salary as follows: during the employee’s illness for up to three working days in a calendar year (health days); in the case of marriage of the employee or the employee’s child for up to three working days; in the case of death of a family member for up to three working days.

6.2.2 An employee’s standard for working time shall be reduced by the working hours falling in the period from 24 December to 31 December by continuing payment of salary.

6.3 Rest time

6.3.1 An employee’s rest time shall be laid down in compliance with the university’s Work Procedure Rules, the Collective Agreement and other legislation.

6.3.2 Annual leave is granted for the time worked in compliance with legislation in force.

6.3.3 Duration of annual leave: vice-rectors – 56 calendar days; other area directors – 49 calendar days; professors, lecturers – 56 calendar days; other members of academic staff – 42 calendar days; heads of structural units – 42 calendar days; chief officers, officers, office assistants, skilled workers and labourers – 35 calendar days.


7.1 General principles of remuneration

7.1.1 The parties agree that all measures must be taken to ensure the competitiveness of the remuneration of teaching and research staff in the Estonian labour market.

7.1.2 An employee shall be remunerated in compliance with legislation, the university’s Rules for Remuneration (wage rules), the Collective Agreement and the employment contract entered into with the employee.

7.1.3 The employer and AAL shall re-negotiate the minimum salary rates of salary grades every year.

7.2 Basis for concluding a remuneration agreement

7.2.1 The terms and procedure for payment of remuneration are governed by the Remuneration Agreement laid down in Annex 2 to the Collective Agreement, which forms an integral part of the Collective Agreement and in the absence of which there is no  obligation to refrain from calling a strike.

7.2.2 The concrete numerical values of the minimum salary rates of the employees’ salary grades shall be agreed upon in the remuneration agreement.

7.2.3  The remuneration agreement for the next financial year shall be signed after the passage of the state budget by the Riigikogu, but not later than 1 December of the current year.

7.2.4 During the term of the Collective Agreement, renegotiations on the remuneration agreement shall be initiated and the minimum salary rate of a salary grade shall be adjusted in the following cases: if the Government of the Republic makes changes in the basis of remuneration (funding of studies and research); upon implementation the university’s Rules for Remuneration or amendment of the Rules for Remuneration in force.

7.3 Remuneration

7.3.1 The amount of an employee’s remuneration shall be agreed upon in the employment contract based on the standard for working time, the type of the employee’s position and the relevant salary grade and the minimum wage of the grade.

7.3.2 The supervisors of the students who have successfully defended their graduation theses shall be paid additional remuneration in accordance with the procedure established at the university.

7.3.3 If the employee undertakes additional duties at the employer’s request beyond those specified in the employment contract, additional remuneration shall be paid for the duties. The amount of additional payment shall be determined by agreement between the employer and the employee.

7.3.4 The employee’s overtime work, work on a public holiday or a day off shall be compensated in compliance with legislation.

7.3.5 Remuneration for substitution of an employee for more than one month shall be laid down in the employment contract or in an annex thereto.

7.4 Procedure for payment of remuneration

7.4.1 Remuneration shall be paid to an employee once a month by the last day of the accounting period (pay day) to the bank account indicated in writing by the employee. The expenses incurred for the transfer of the remuneration (transfer fee) shall be covered by the employer.

7.4.2 If the last day of the month (pay day) falls on a rest day, the transfer shall be made on the previous working day.

7.4.3 In the event of delay in the transfer of remuneration to the employee’s bank account, the employee shall be paid penalty interest for each day of delay at the rate laid down by legislation.

7.4.4 The employer undertakes to submit to the employee monthly salary slips indicating the date of the transfer order.


8.1 Working environment council

8.1.1 A working environment council shall be established for occupational health and safety matters on the initiative of the employer and it shall comprise an equal number of representatives designated by the employer and representatives elected by the employees. The council shall comprise four members and the term of their authority shall be four years from the approval of the membership. The Rector approves the members of the working environment council.

8.1.2 The employees’ representatives shall be elected to the working environment council by open vote at the general meeting of the employees. Employees can participate at the general meeting in person or through a person authorised by a letter of authorisation, in particular through working environment representatives elected in the structural unit. An election is deemed to have been held if at least 50 per cent of all the employees participated in the elections.

8.1.3 Two employer’s representatives in the working environment council shall be appointed by the Rector.

8.1.4 The working environment council shall elect the chairman and the deputy chairman from among its members. The working environment council shall adopt decisions by consensus.

8.2 Working environment representative

8.2.1 A working environment representative is a representative elected by the employees who represents the interests of the employees in the matters of occupational health and safety and whose term of authority shall be four years.

8.2.2 The obligations of a working environment representative are laid down in the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the university’s Occupational Health and Safety Management Regulations.

8.3 Procedure for the election of a working environment representative

8.3.1 One working environment representative shall be elected from each structural unit of the university. The term of authority of a working environment representative is four years.

8.3.2 A working environment representative shall be elected by open vote at the general meeting of the structural unit. The general meeting of the structural unit shall be called by the head of the structural unit.

8.4 Guarantees for a working environment representative

8.4.1 A working environment representative has the guarantees laid down in the Employment Contracts Act, the Collective Agreement and the employment contract.

8.4.2 An employer must not cancel an employment contract entered into with a working environment representative on the ground laid down in clause 92 (1) 4) of the Employment Contracts Act (the employee represents other employees on the basis provided by law). If an employer cancels an employment contract with the employees’ representative during his or her term of office or within a year as of the expiry of his or her term of office, it shall be deemed that the employment contract has been cancelled on the ground specified in clause 92 (1) 4) of the Employment Contracts Act, unless the employer proves that it cancelled the employment contract on a basis permitted in the Employment Contracts Act.

8.4.3 The employer shall allocate at least two hours per week of working time for the working environment representative to perform his or her duties. During this period, the employee shall continue to receive his or her remuneration.

8.4.4 An employer shall arrange, at its expense, the training and refresher training of the  working environment representative necessary for the performance of his or her duties.

8.5 Occupational health

8.5.1 The employer shall refer the employees to a medical examination at an occupational health doctor, taking into account that each employee must undergo an occupational health check at least once every three years.

8.5.2 The employer shall pay to an employee, for the second until the eighth calendar day of sickness or injury, benefit of 70 per cent of the employee’s average salary in compliance with the terms laid down in § 122 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.


9.1 The party that initiates bargaining shall prepare a draft collective agreement and present it in writing to the other party together with a notice of the desire to commence bargaining.

9.2 The parties shall appoint their representatives (up to five representatives by each party)  to conduct bargaining for a collective agreement.

9.3 Each bargaining party undertakes to provide the other party with the information required for the bargaining process. The bargaining party referring to a document shall make the document available to the other party.

9.4 The representatives, professionals, experts of the parties who participate in bargaining and other parties related to the preparation of a draft collective agreement shall keep secret all the university’s confidential information they have received.

9.5 Minutes shall be taken of the bargaining, which shall be signed by both parties.

9.6 Bargaining shall be deemed to be concluded when a collective agreement is entered into, or one party notifies the other party in writing of breaking off bargaining. A collective agreement shall be deemed to have been concluded once the parties have signed it.

9.7 In order to amend or supplement the collective agreement, the parties shall submit to each other written proposals for amending or supplementing the collective agreement at least two weeks before the start of the bargaining.


10.1 The Collective Agreement shall be valid from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025.

10.2 The Collective Agreement is binding on the employer, AAL and the employees. The parties are required to refrain from calling a strike during the term of the Collective Agreement.

10.3 The Collective Agreement shall remain valid in the event of change in the name, subordination, structure or composition of the parties, as well as in the event of termination of the employment contract signed between the employer’s representative and an authorised representative of AAL.

10.4 Upon termination of the Collective Agreement, the parties are obliged to comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, except the obligation to refrain from calling a strike, until a new collective agreement is signed.

10.5 The Collective Agreement shall be available for all the employees on the employer’s website and through trustees and the authorised representative of AAL.

10.6 The employer is required to introduce the Collective Agreement to all new employees of the university when they commence employment and all current employees upon amendment, supplementation or entry into a new collective agreement and shall direct employees to seminars organized by AAL.

10.7 AAL shall register the Collective Agreement pursuant to the procedure provided by legislation.


11.1 Settlement of disputes  by agreement of the parties

11.1.1 Disputes arising in the structural units of the university upon implementation of the Collective Agreement shall be resolved by negotiations between the head of the structural unit and the trustee of AAL representing the structural unit. Minutes shall be taken of the negotiations, which shall be signed by the representatives of both parties. In case the trustee of AAL and the head of the structural unit fail to reach an agreement by negotiations, further negotiations will be held between the management board of AAL and the employer’s representatives.

11.1.3 If the representatives of the management board of AAL and the employer fail to reach an agreement on implementation or interpretation of the Collective Agreement at the university, they have the right, depending on the content of the dispute, settle the dispute according to the procedure for the resolution of collective labour disputes or appeal to a court.

11.2 Resolution of collective labour disputes

11.2.1 A collective labour dispute is a disagreement between the university and AAL which arises upon entry into or performance of a collective agreement or the establishment of new working conditions.

11.2.2 Disputes arising upon entry into a collective agreement shall be resolved pursuant to the procedure laid down in the Collective Labour Dispute Resolution Act.


12.1 The authorised representatives of the parties who shall monitor the performance of the Collective Agreement are the chairman of AAL and two representatives appointed by the chairman on behalf of AAL and the Rector and the representatives appointed by the Rector on behalf of the university.

12.2The parties shall provide each other unhindered access to the information required for performance of the Collective Agreement.

12.3 The trustee of AAL has the right to monitor performance of the Collective Agreement in a structural unit of the university based on the mandate granted by the employees of the structural unit.

The Collective Agreement and the Annexes thereto have been drawn up in three identical copies having equal legal effect, from which the university receives one, AAL the second copy and the third copy is submitted to the Ministry of Social Affairs for entry into the register.


Tiit Land                                                                                             Vladimir Viies

Rector of the university                                                              Chairman of AAL

13 December 2023                                                                        13 December 2023

Annex 1
Estimated workload and classroom contact hours of academic staff

Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the university”), represented by Rector Tiit Land, and the Academic Professionals Union of Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “AAL”), represented by Chairman of the Management Board Vladimir Viies, agree on the basis of the calculation of the teaching workload of the university’s academic staff as follows:

1. The main responsibilities of academic staff, including the types of classroom teaching and supervision are laid down in the Regulation on Academic Career Management. The Regulation sets out the principle that the head of the structural unit and immediate superior of the academic staff member shall, by agreement with the staff member, set out the staff member’s responsibilities and distribution of workload between different types of academic activity in the job description based on the employee’s workload, nature of the academic position and structural unit. Greater workload and performance in one type of academic activities can compensate for smaller workload and performance in other types. In case of changes in the principles in the Academic Career Management related to this Annex, negotiations for the amendment of the Annex may be initiated by a party.

2. The Annex lays down the estimated standard working time of full-time academic staff and their teaching and supervision workload in a calendar year by academic post. The standard classroom teaching and supervision workloads provide a framework in the range of which the employer is entitled to expect the employee to be engaged in teaching. The standard workload can be exceeded by agreement with the employee.

3. The teaching workload of an academic staff member shall be calculated based on the classroom teaching hours entered in the study information system.

4. The hourly workload for supervision of graduation thesis at different levels is the following:
4.1 at bachelor’s level 30 hours;
4.2 at master’s level 50 hours;
4.3 at doctoral level 100 hours.

5. The annual workload for supervision is calculated based on the recommended number of supervised students per a supervisor at different levels of study. A lecturer’s annual workload is calculated based on the total hourly load, not the number of graduation thesis supervised at different levels of study.
5.1 At the bachelor’s and master’s level, the workload for supervision shall be accounted as the lecturer’s workload in case the student successfully completes his or her degree. At the doctoral level, the workload for supervision shall be accounted in case the PhD student successfully passes his or her annual attestation.
5.2 At the bachelor’s level one supervisor is accounted per a graduation thesis. At the master’s and doctoral level, each thesis has a principal supervisor, who has the right to share the supervision workload with the co-supervisor, taking into account that at least 50% of the supervision load shall be accounted as the workload of the principal supervisor.

6. The estimated annual standard workload of academic staff posts and classroom teaching and supervision workload by post type is laid down in Table 1. The standard workloads set out in table 1 apply to the posts specified in the previous Regulation on Academic Career Management that have substantial equivalents in the current Regulation.

7. If an academic employee’s classroom teaching load in an academic year is at least 25% lower than the standard classroom teaching load, the immediate superior of the employee has the right to make a proposal for making changes in the employee’s duties or workload.

8. The estimated annual working time of a post shall be calculated on the basis of the national annual working time standard, adjusted by the length of the annual leave and reduction of the standard working time in the period from 24 December to 31 December as laid down in clause 6.4 of the Work Procedure Rules.

Table 1. Standard annual classroom contact hours and supervision load of academic staff

Post or a rank of the post Standard classroom contact hours in academic hours/real hours Standard supervision workload in real hours
Professor 256 / 192 400
Leading Researcher 400
Senior Lecturer  (incl. Associate Professor) 448 / 336 260
Lecturer 512 / 384 260
Senior Researcher 128 / 96 270
Researcher 128 / 96 90
Early Stage Researcher 128 / 96 90

9. Annex 1 to the Collective Agreement shall enter into force on 1 January 2024.

Tiit Land                                                                                                        Vladimir Viies

Rector of the university                                                                               Chairman of AAL

13 December 2023                                                                                        13 December 2023

Annex 2
Remuneration Agreement

Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the university”), represented by Rector Tiit Land and the Academic Professionals Union of Tallinn University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “AAL”)) represented by Chairman of the Management Board Vladimir Viies, hereinafter referred together as “parties”, have entered into the following remuneration agreement.

1.1 The minimum salary rates at the university are as follows:

Salary grade Official title Minimum salary rate from 01.01.2025
3 Office assistant, skilled worker and auxiliary worker 936
4 Officer, office assistant, skilled worker and auxiliary worker 1 040
5 Officer, office assistant 1 203
6 Doktorant-nooremteadur, peaspetsialist, spetsialist 1 531
7 Lecturer, chief officer 2 051
8 Researcher, lecturer (PhD), chief officer 2 513
9 Professor, senior researcher, senior lecturer, head of the administrative and support structure 2 689
10 Professor, head of department 3 000
11 Professor, leading researcher, dean 3 244

1.2 The principles for remuneration and the impact of the minimum salary rate on the remuneration are described in the Rules for Remuneration.

1.3 Annex 2 to the Collective Agreement shall enter into force on 1 January 2025.


Tiit Land                                                                                             Vladimir Viies

Rector of the university                                                               Chairman of AAL